11- The Magical Art of Invisibility

pac bo cave

Making Oneself Invisible

At the beginning of 1980, I met a shaman. He performed exorcism by way of whipping a rattan cane into thin air, and the possessed would be heard screaming and begging for mercy from another room, and eventually, the ‘devil’ would depart. Two of the shaman’s disciples had successfully used the magical spell of invisibility to escape when they were chased by enemies.
That day, the shaman had given me the yantra and its mantra which can make one becomes invisible.
A man named Thanh was a former deputy administrative officer until the fall of the South Vietnamese Government. He was sent to re-education camp where he was kept prisoner for 5 years. When he was released, he had heard about me and came to seek the Initiation into Secret Buddhism from me. Right after he had experienced the mystical experience from the Initiation ritual, he told me the following supernatural story:
During his stay at the re-education camp, he had met and befriended a young man who shared the same fateful situation. Gradually, they became close friends and the young man confided in him that he had practiced magic at ‘the Seven Mountains” since the age of 10 and that he belonged to a mystical sect called “The Thirty-Six Caverns”.
Thanh told me that that every time they had to fell trees and build houses, there were those timbers that were too heavy for Thanh to carry- The young man would recite a mantra and Thanh could then pick those heavy logs up and carry them easily. After experiencing this miracle, Thanh had asked the young man to initiate him. Whenever Thanh sat in meditation and recited the mantra of the 36 caverns, he always heard bells ringing above his head.
One day, during a labor-free period, the young man asked Thanh to join him in leaving the camp and going to the local market for a meal. Thanh was surprised at the suggestion because the camp’s gate was always heavily guarded. The young man told Thanh that all Thanh had to do was to follow him quietly. And as such they both safely walked out through the camp gate without being seen.
When they got to the market they had a meal, followed by coffee and cigarettes. Then, the young man took out some papers and pay the bill with it. The restaurant owner accepted that money without any complaints.
Then, from the market they returned to the camp the same way they had left without anyone stopping them. In that same manner, they had successfully gone to the market and back to the camp twice.
On one occasion, Thanh asked his young friend why he did not use his magic skills to escape, he replied that he had to repay his bad karma.
Sometimes later, I heard that Thanh had escaped from Vietnam and had settled as a boat refugee in Australia, having been sponsored by his brother.

The magic skill of Invisibility is real. However, it is not easy to do. It must be authorized by the Superior Divine Beings, including those occasions when it is performed in order to confirm the existence and powers of the Divinities. Like any other magic skills, there will be great retribution for abusing them.

Until next time …
Old_Guru 28-08-08

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