Monthly Archives: October 2023


II. ADHISTANA: Adhistana is translated in ancient Chinese as a spiritual force, a supernatural force, or the ‘giving-upholding’ force. It is the ability, the will, and the mind energy emanating from a great personality, either human or God. As long as we remain on the plane of transcendental knowledge (jnana) the world does not seem to be very real as its maya (illusory) like existence in which it presents itself to jnana is too vapory. However, when we come to […]

Chapter I: I – Notions of Secret Buddhism (Part 1/6)

This sect is called Secret Buddhism or Secret Doctrine for the following reasons: I. The Founder of Secret Buddhism. The secret founder of this religious sect is not Sakyamuni Buddha, as many people have wrongly believed. It is the Creator or the Supreme Universal Ruler known as the Great Sun Buddha or Mahavairocana Buddha (Sanskrit). Who is He? The various Buddhist sects of the Great Vehicle system and the Secret sect have explained that the Buddha has three Bodies: The […]


SPECIAL CHAPTER The Celestial Scroll for the transmission of the Secret Doctrine (secret seal)   This is the sacred Yantra representing the five Buddhas at the five corners of the universe. Vairocana Buddha or supreme ruler is in the center, Aksobhya Buddha is in the East, Ratna Sambhava Buddha is in the South, Amitabha Buddha is in the West, and Amogha Siddhi Buddha is in the North. Five armies of heaven, composed of Deities, saint and Gods, surround the five […]


From: Quintessence of Esoteric Buddhism (Scholar Triệu Phước-Religious name Đức Quý) 2nd edition in English 1000 prints – 2006 (first edition in Vietnamese: 1985 – Congress Library). PREFACE This ‘Quintessence Secret Buddhism’ is the combination of the first and second volumes of the previous ‘Essence of Secret Buddhism’, which was published in the United States in the past two years (1983). It is supplemented with new documents about mystic formulas, Yantras, and Mudras, allowing further studies in Secret Buddhism. Readers […]

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Good luck Yantra

Good luck Yantra All of these yantras have magic powers and can only be used by those who have been initiated and received true teachings from the Patriarchs.  Anyone using it arbitrarily will not be good for that person. The Magic Pennant, a Yantra for luck, health, physical, and spiritual life.   Yantra for life protection   The Yantra for longevity   Yantra 1 and 2 represent two magic Yantras from the Theravata  Buddhism. They are important sacred Yantras used […]