Monthly Archives: July 2024

Story 2 – Deity Nguyen Trung Truc – factual story

Story 2 – Deity Nguyen Trung Truc – factual story Câu chuyện số 2 – Thần Nguyễn Trung Trực by Old-Guru – on 12 Nov 2008, 02:52 – Translated from Vietnamese by NgocXuan Edited by Horangi Dada is of Cambodian-Vietnamese descent. However, a series of events led him to identify more closely as Vietnamese-Cambodian. His journey intertwines with the veneration of a Vietnamese deity, Nguyễn Trung Trực, a national hero. The reasons for Dada’s relocation from Sóc Trăng to Cambodia […]

Story 1 – Mystical tales and its principles Old-Guru

Story 1 – Mystical tales and its principles Old-Guru Câu chuyện số 1 – Chim Đa Đa coi bói – by ThầyGià – 12 November 2008, 05:06 – edited by Horangi (1) The story about monk Dada (Alias): Dada is a Vietnamese with Cambodian ancestry, the son of very poor parents. At the tender age of 7, he began his monastic training at a Khmer temple in Soc Trang.Around the age of 13 or 14, during one occasion, he and […]

A section from my autobiography- treading the religious path

A section from my autobiography- treading the religious path: About 25 or 26 years ago, I and five other disciples traveled in our van to Washington D.C following an invitation from Mr. Phu, an attorney. At the time we did not know that he was once President Thiệu’s legal advisor. When we got there we visited one meditation center of Vo Vi Friendship Association in the U.S. and met about ten members (who used to go to the center for […]

The supernatural events at Long Binh Dien-Mytho

The supernatural events at Long Binh Dien-Mytho LONG BÌNH ĐIỀN (Thần bí và Đạo – Cư sĩ Triệu Phước) translated by Dian., edited by Xiaobaiyun updated 3/18/24 by Horangi “My greetings to all, I would like to excerpt a segment from the series of articles by mysticism scholar Duc Quy, published in the Black and White magazine in 1982.” The supernatural events in Long Bình Dien – MyTho Province, Vietnam We reached My Tho by 8:00 am and proceeded to […]

Linh Quang Pure Land Pagoda and Venerable Monk Thích Phổ Ứng.

Article by cư sĩ Triệu Phước on Trắng Đen newspaper in 1992. Translated from Vietnamese to English by Dianichi Linh Quang Pure Land Pagoda and Venerable Monk Thích Phổ Ứng. One ordinary morning during the week, we arrived at Linh Quang Pure Land Pagoda, situated along Nguyen Khoai Street in the Khanh Hoi area. This street, spanning about 300 steps, leads to the pagoda. About halfway down the road, there’s a wooden gate adorned with a sign that reads “Linh […]

The Celestial Government

The Celestial Government Thiên Đình – Guồng máy siêu hình by Triệu Nghiêm on 07 Tháng 9 2021, 18:52; translate by Akira Religion, a concept existing since ancient times, has deep roots in human history. According to Wikipedia, evidence suggests that as far back as 40,000 years ago, our ancestors held religious beliefs and participated in ceremonies. These beliefs in sacred spirits gradually shaped the evolving world. Different religions attribute various names and forms to the Creator. But how can […]

Challenges to Global Spiritual Decline

Challenges to Global Spiritual Decline Vì sao đạo đức xã hội xuống cấp? by Hữu-Huyễn on 09/02/2021, 17:24; translate by Horangi In both the global arena and specifically in Vietnam, individuals from all walks of life—be they ordinary laborers, the affluent, intellectuals, government officials, or religious practitioners—place utmost importance on wealth, power, fame, and material comforts. Scientific and cultural advancements are prioritized above all, fostering a prevailing belief that attaining material success warrants any means necessary. Consequently, those who uphold […]

Interpreting “Bùa” and “Chú” in Mystical Practices

Interpreting “Bùa” and “Chú” in Mystical Practices Translation from: Bùa, chú Mật tông by Akira When encountering spells, amulets, and incantations, some people react with dismissal, fear, or denial, while others hope to gain some sort of benefit, often driven by superstition. In Master Trieu Phuoc’s book “Essence of Esoteric Buddhism,” there are various types of amulets, seals, and magical practices mentioned, but there’s no explanation given for them. They’re considered not to offer any clear benefit. But what exactly […]

Divine Dwellings: Churches and Pagodas?

Divine Dwellings: Churches and Pagodas? Đền đài có phật không?, translated by Akira. In churches and pagodas, commonly seen as divine abodes, one encounters solely statues and relics, devoid of the direct presence of divine beings. This absence stems from the fact that God, Buddha, and other deities transcend earthly confines, choosing to dwell within the vast expanse of the cosmos rather than limiting themselves to such small, humble structures. Despite this profound truth, humans, often fixated on the superficial, […]

Authenticity Versus Deception in mysticism

Authenticity Versus Deception in mysticism Thiệt – Giả – Cơ huyền by batnha on 05/16/2024, 13:57; translate by Akira Authenticty Vs Deception – A test from Celestial Beings for mystic practitioners. In life, opposites abound, making it challenging to distinguish between truth and falsehood. Genuine monks exist alongside imposters, and natural beauty coexists with artificial beauty. The complexities of life—its goods and bads, truths and lies, rights and wrongs—become entangled, causing confusion. Even discerning the visible can be difficult, let […]