Monthly Archives: July 2024

Misguided Doomsday Prophecies

Misguided Doomsday Prophecies Thiên Cơ Bất Khả Lậu… Lậu Bất Khả Tri!; by hoatam on Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:46 pm Over the past 2000 years, numerous prophecies have emerged regarding the end of the world. We can categorize these prophecies into two groups: vague and ambiguous ones that lack a specific date for the event, such as those from figures like Trang Trinh, Lưu Bá Ông, and the monk nicknamed ‘Su vai ban khoai,’ as well as the prophetic […]

Buddha Kungfu

Buddha Kungfu ĐẠO VÀ CHÍNH TRỊ by Hữu-Huyễn on Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:18 pm; edited by xiaobaiyun Excerpt from article ‘Magic-Kungfu” (Spirits’ Fist Kungfu, Buddha Kungfu, and Sworn Fist Kungfu) “… Following their initial introduction in the eighties of the last century (1980’s), Magical Kungfu seemed to have inexplicably disappeared from the martial world. Nobody knew where to find the disciples of magical kungfu, and whether any were still painstakingly practicing it. While browsing the internet recently, I stumbled […]

The Four Great Vows

The Four Great Vows Tứ hoằng thệ nguyện by Vosac on Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:35 pm, translated by ngocxuan. According to the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, practitioners entering Bodhisattva practice recite the Four Great Vows during nightly prayer sessions. These vows express the aspirant’s commitment to certain ideals: “Sentient beings are numberless; I vow to save them.” “Desires are inexhaustible; I vow to put an end to them.” “The Dharmas are boundless; I vow to master them.” “The Buddha Way […]

Nirvana Gates: Qualifications for entry

Nirvana Gates: Qualifications for entry Pháp tu để được về Niết Bàn (thiên đàng); by Chie on Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:26 pm; edited by XBY Question: Among the Eighty-Four Thousand Dharma Doors, which door is considered the most beneficial to practice? Answer: Religious practitioners across various faiths aspire to attain the equivalent of Nibbana, often depicted as the Pure Lands of the Buddhas, such as the blissful realm associated with Amitabha Buddha in the West, also known as paradise. […]

Atheists Trumps Fanatics

Atheists Trumps Fanatics Thà là người vô thần… by Dianichi on Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:04 pm Sure, here’s a simpler version for easier understanding: “In examining various religious beliefs, it becomes evident that each claims to possess absolute truth within its teachings, despite divergent doctrines. For instance, Theravada Buddhists direct their devotion solely to Sakyamuni Buddha, while regarding other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, such as Amitabha and Kwan Yin in Mahayana tradition, as inferior or even malevolent due to their […]

Dragon Flower Prophecies

Dragon Flower Prophecies Những tiên tri liên quan đến hội Long hoa; by NamSơn on Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:20 pm. Prophecies relating to the Vietnamese “Dragon Flower Festival” 1.Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) prophesied that Maitreya Buddha would emerge in Asia around 1950, heralding the end of the Aryan Kali Yuga, or Dark Age, and the dawn of a new era of enlightenment. “We are at the close of the cycle of five thousand years of the present Aryan Kali Yuga, […]