3 failed attempts at getting the Celestial Scroll

3 failed attempts at getting the Celestial Scroll

3 LẦN GIAN NAN XIN THỈNH LÁ THIÊN THƯ by Ngọc Ẩn on 11 July 2017, 09:42 – translated by ngocxuan, edited by Horangi.

My respect to the Patriarch and Master,

I was blessed to be initiated in 2013, at the time I was reciting “I take refuge in Kwan Yin Bodhisattva” and received the Budha’s force prompting me to perform yoga and mudra movements. But despite having been granted such clear spiritual experiences I have not recited the Dharanis or read any vutruhuyenbi.com’s article, being perhaps too busy making a living and not having enough faith.

My journey took a turn at the end of 2016 when I came across a discussion in this forum about the vision of Obama questioning the next President. This caught my attention as, at the time, the general belief was that Hillary Clinton would win the presidential election, while disciples of Old_Guru Secret Teaching correctly foresaw Donald Trump’s victory. This revelation sparked a deepening of my faith. I began reciting the Dharanis daily and delving into religious debate topics on vutruhuyenbi.com.

During one of my recitations of the Five Dharanis, I experienced a vision that left me in awe. I saw a magnificent pure white winged horse, its muscular body soaring gracefully from rooftop to rooftop before vanishing from sight. This celestial horse was unlike anything I had ever encountered in books or movies, its beauty beyond description. Additionally, whenever I recite the Dharanis with joined palms, I feel a holy force guiding me, alleviating all tiredness and leaving me in a state of profound relaxation.

Reflecting on the time I spent completing 10,000 Dharanis, I couldn’t help but feel regret for the three years I had neglected my spiritual life and teachings. This realization compelled me to seek the Celestial Scroll, longing to be instructed in Heaven’s laws and thereby escape life’s miseries and find salvation.

First attempt:
Upon completing the required 10,000 Dharani recitations, I approached the altar to pray for the Celestial Scroll, but my efforts were met with disappointment. As I prayed, a divine force manipulated my skeletal joints, relieving all aches and pains, and prompted me to bow down repeatedly. With each prostration, I felt like a small infant lying on her back, half-submerged in the dark expanse of infinite space. After over an hour of prostrating, I was utterly exhausted and sought permission to stop.

Fortunately, my senior religious brother, HM, informed me that he had received authorization from our Teacher to intercede on my behalf. According to him, the Deities instructed me to continue reciting Dharanis, to study vutruhuyenbi.com, to pass the Sutra test, and to prepare the appropriate offering.

Second attempt:
After months of diligent effort to meet the requirements, I approached the altar once more to pray for the Celestial Scroll. However, to my dismay, the outcome mirrored my previous attempt. Just as I was about to give up, a sudden realization struck me: I had overlooked completing the multiple-choice tests. In my haste, I had only finished the first part of the test.

Shortly after this revelation, HM called me and relayed a message from the Deities: the Scroll would not be granted this time due to incomplete requirements. This unexpected turn of events was remarkable.

Returning to my studies, I immersed myself in reading the sutras to ensure a good score on the tests. Surprisingly, I found myself feeling grateful for the setback, as it motivated me to delve deeper into my studies. As a result, my mind became clearer, and I overcame my fear of ghosts after understanding the principle that “ghosts and evil spirits are, in fact, controlled by Heaven.

Third attempt:
After achieving a satisfactory score on my test, I wasted no time in seeking the Celestial Scroll. I was driven by the fear that any delay might cost me a place on the Grandmaster’s Boat of Wisdom and Insight.

Guided by a divine force, I performed mudra signs and prostrated before the Celestial Scroll. Then, my body turned toward the Quintessence of Old_Guru Secret Teaching and The Nomination of the Gods, both authored by Grandmaster, and I bowed three times. The force also directed me to perform yoga movements to alleviate pain in my neck, shoulders, and back. However, despite two hours of kneeling, I was not propelled forward to receive the Scroll.

That night, consumed by sadness, worry, and fear of my heavy karma, I stayed awake, dreading the prospect of being forsaken by the Deities. Yet, to my immense relief, HM delivered the news the following day: the Masters had granted me the Celestial Scroll, and all I had to do was offer thanks at the altar. I was overcome with joy and gratitude for this unexpected blessing, which brought me closer to divine enlightenment.

I express my deep gratitude to the Masters for their compassion toward this old and weak disciple, sparing me from further painful kneeling sessions as decreed by the Deities.

Confirmation from the Deities:
That night, I experienced a vivid and detailed dream: the earth was being ravaged, and my husband and I raced to find safety. Below us, tsunamis wreaked havoc, while above, volcanoes spewed ash and lava over fleeing people.
The dream I had was startling and profound. In it, a voice urged me to run into a temple, despite knowing it was guarded by soldiers of Hades who would detain trespassers. Faced with imminent danger, my husband and I decided to take the risk. As we entered the temple, we encountered many devils, who touched us. However, while I remained unaffected, my husband fell unconscious.

Then, a voice spoke, reassuring me that the devil spirits had not harmed me because I possessed the Celestial Scroll and was under divine protection. However, my husband lacked the Scroll, which is why he succumbed to unconsciousness.

Upon awakening, I was filled with elation, as I interpreted this dream as a message from the Deities confirming that I had indeed received the precious Celestial Scroll.

I am profoundly thankful to you, Grandmaster and Master, for your compassionate guidance, which has led me closer to the Holy Teachings and brought salvation into my life.

Your disciple Ngoc An

Updated 4/22/24


My respects to the Patriarch and Master,

Dear Master, I must share a vision that unfolded before my eyes when you informed me of religious sister Ngoc An’s reception of the Celestial Scroll. It was like I am witnessing a comedic scene.

In this vision, I beheld two Spirits clad in ancient Mandarin attire—one adorned in red and the other in blue, reminiscent of the comical characters often portrayed as Nam Tao (South Star) and Bac Dau (North Star) Deities in the play “The Kitchen God.” These Spirits were stationed as guards at the Heavenly Court, both nodding off in a doze.

Suddenly, a rolled parchment resembling an ancient imperial decree soared from Earth to the heavens. Just as it was about to land squarely on the face of the Spirit in blue, a resounding voice reverberated across the sky: “Here comes the Imperial Decree!” The proclamation jolted the Spirits awake, prompting them to hastily kneel and receive the decree.

Engaged in conversation, the South Star Spirit relayed to the North Star:
“The Patriarch and Master of Heavenly Secret Teachings has commanded the bestowal of the Celestial Scroll upon this individual” (I knew they referred to Ngoc An).

Curious, the North Star inquired:
“Shall I inscribe this person’s name on the ‘To be saved’ or ‘To be Led’ list?”

Responding decisively, the South Pole star declared:
“The ‘To be saved’ list, indeed. Another soul has been ushered into salvation.”

With that, a golden board titled “List of people receiving salvation” materialized, bearing a lengthy roster of names. In contrast, the “List of people being led” was notably sparse.

End of vision.

Respectfully reported,

Updated 4/22/24

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