The Third Eye
(CON MẮT THỨ BA by Thiết Đầu on Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:24 pm)
Edited by Xiaobaiyun
The Vietnamese woman who can see with the third eye –-There is much paper and ink spent from the scientific community on the’3rd eye phenomenon,’ which is the ability to see without using the physical eyes. In Vietnam there was such a person, who could see through her forehead, her nose and her temples, a fact recognized after dozens of experiments by scientists.
The story of A, the woman who can see without her eyes does not belong to the field of human anatomy, but rather to the supernatural. The way Ms. A sees things is not through any physical spot situated on her head, as in the conclusion reached by the above scientific study. Such conclusion is still vague, it is simply a confirmation from scientists that Ms. A has a special and extraordinary skill unlike regular people, but, other than that, science cannot explain anything further.
Calling it the third eye is just a means of communication to facilitate understanding. In reality there is no such thing as the third eye, physically speaking. According to mystic principles, it is a gift from and manifestation of the Deities. When that is the case, a person may be wrapped from head to toe and then put in a sealed container, and will still be able to see clearly – even a blind person can be made to see by the power of the Deities.
This ‘seeing’ does not require any physical sense organ at all. It may be called seeing by consciousness, by the soul, or by the mind’s eye (the word “mind “ is not synonymous with the brain; the scientist should not make this mistake and try to cover up the person’s brain to test where the extra sight organ is located!), and not from any sight organ on the body. Anyone who has a body, a soul and is chosen by the Deities is able to hear, see or perform miracles.
The case of Ms. A mentioned in the above article is a display of power from the Deities. It is a special one indeed. However, it is not anything brand new or peculiar in mysticism.
The Intelligence agencies of many nations in the world (America, Russia, China, Europe, Eastern Europe) have had full evidences about people with special powers (psychics) and because of that they have spent much effort and money to use mystical (paranormal) powers, such as the power to see through a thick metal cabinet, read documents in a sealed envelope, pass through walls, read peoples’ thoughts from afar for spying purposes, to gain insight into military operations, or politics, so to have superiority in warfare.
After about 20 years of research (operation Stargate: 1978-1995) the American CIA has spent 130 million dollars, paying $25,000 per month for the psychics to get predictions on political events… however in the end, they have had to give up and cancel the project, because the application of mystical power has proved to be unreliable, having only a 50% accuracy or success.
And so, even though scientists continue to research supernatural powers they will not be able to discover its laws; all they can achieve in their research is for them to know about the existence of an invisible world, the supernatural powers, and the Deities without ever being able to take advantage of those super powers in fulfilling their earthly mortals’ plots.
The scientific community has been discussing and researching this theory. According to them the 3rd eye could very well be a sense organ that gives a number of people their special prophetic and telepathic abilities (ability to communicate through thought transfer.) Any one of us could possess the third eye, but the issue here is do we know how to open it?
The concept of the third eye has moved beyond mere theory into a realm of clarity and simplicity for mystics. At its core lies the acknowledgment of the existence of deities. Mysticism operates on a fundamentally different plane than physical science. Therefore, when physical science attempts to dissect mystical phenomena or miracles, it must immerse itself in the mystic school, undergoing initiation to gain firsthand mystical experience and to learn the various metaphysical principles from adept mystics. Lacking this foundational understanding of mysticism, physical science finds itself ill-equipped to explain mystical phenomena, and its attempts often lead to misunderstanding rather than enlightenment.
For quite some time, Old-Guru has demonstrated through the Initiation Ceremony into Secret Teachings (Old_Guru Secret Teaching or School of Mysteries) that involves praying to the Buddha or a High Being for a brief period, that individuals ranging from 8 to 80 years old have experienced the opening of their third eye. This newfound vision allows them to perceive different invisible realms, engage in astral travel, encounter deceased relatives, saints, Buddhas, and other celestial beings. Those who propagate secret teachings often find that when they chant mantras or visualize yantras, they are immediately granted visions of various celestial realms described in Asian Buddhist sutras. These visions may include scenes of numerous Buddhas imparting wisdom, accompanied by countless deities from different realms converging on clouds to participate in the Dharma assembly. Thus, the ability to see through the third eye has transitioned from a speculative theory to a widely acknowledged reality.
However, visions of celestial realms and encounters with divinities represent only the initial stages of mysticism—they are not the ultimate goal or a significant achievement. Those who have undergone the Initiation rites into Secret Teachings or are seasoned mystic practitioners with merits often receive numerous divine gifts that directly impact their lives. These gifts may include the ability to foresee upcoming events, prophetic insights, communication with entities spanning from the underworld of ghosts and demons to the higher realms of gods, deities, or Buddhas, the capacity to diagnose hidden physical ailments, and the power to perform miraculous healings. Despite witnessing many extraordinary events, mystics do not harbor pride because they understand that these occurrences are intended as evidence of the divine for ordinary people.
For a deeper exploration of supernatural abilities, consider reading “People with Supernatural Powers” by Doan Van Thong, published by Nguon Song in 1994, available for $16.00 in the US. This book documents numerous individuals with supernatural abilities from around the world, including Vietnam, China, England, the US, Russia, Poland, Indonesia, and more. These accounts have been validated by scientific experts and have been featured in newspapers, television programs, and US libraries. It’s important to note that the author, Doan Van Thong, is not a mystic adept but rather a compiler of mystical stories, earning a living by selling these books.
Here are some renowned occult abilities:
1. **X-Ray Vision**: This ability enables individuals to see through the earth. It’s reported that approximately 100 people in countries such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, China, India, Burma, Japan, Korea, Russia, England, France, and Switzerland possess this ability. In Vietnam, notable individuals with this gift include Mr. Bui Viet Chien, Mr. Do Ba Hiep, Ms. Phan Thi Bich Hang, Mr. Nguyen Van Nha, and other psychics renowned for locating lost human remains.
The range of extraordinary abilities attributed to certain individuals is vast and includes:
Surgical precision performed with fingers
Levitation, defying gravity itself
Telekinetic control over objects, even from afar
Telepathic abilities, reading the thoughts and emotions of others
Miraculous healing powers
Recollection of past life events
Sustained survival without the need for food or air
Pain insensitivity, enabling actions like piercing cheeks with metal rods painlessly
Astral projection, leaving the physical body to travel in a non-physical form
Resistance to fire, as exemplified by Italy’s “Queen of Fire”
Multipresence and intangibility, being in multiple places simultaneously or passing through solid objects
Extrasensory perception, including the ability to perceive UFOs and communicate with ghosts
Exceptional talents in various fields such as music, mathematics, and other intellectual pursuits, akin to the likes of Mozart and Beethoven.
In summary, individuals possessing supernormal powers, which are mystical abilities beyond the reach of ordinary people through physical or spiritual practices, receive these gifts from the Deities. The Deities bestow different powers on different people based on various circumstances. Despite scientists delving into mysticism, their efforts may prove futile if they persist in using inadequate research tools, ill-suited for investigating the nuances of mystic phenomena. Thus, they may search endlessly without truly grasping its depths.
revised 3/1/24