A grandchild from the future

A grandchild from the future

Đứa cháu ở tương lai by kiemmadocco on Dec 05, 2017 at 8:57 pm. Translated by chunglinho, edited by Horangi.

My salute to Grandmaster Trieu Phuoc and Master Trieu Nghiem

What I’ve often heard is that, according to heaven’s law, souls return to Earth to settle either favors or karmic debts from their past lives. Some individuals claim to see glimpses of their past blessings and challenges, revealed by their Spirit Guides.

I’ve often pondered whether it’s conceivable for a soul from the future to journey back to the present, akin to the robot cat Doremon aiding the befuddled Nobita. Then, last night, I had the following dream:

During my dream, my family and I were enjoying a meal when suddenly, the power went out. My little brother went to fetch the flashlight but couldn’t find it. Suddenly, I heard his terrified screams and rushed to his aid. To my horror, I saw a corpulent ghost strangling him. Acting swiftly, I recited the Five Dharani, calling upon the Deities to bind the ghost so I could inquire about its presence.

After subduing the ghost, it knelt before me, appearing pitiful and frightened. Despite my questioning, it remained silent. Determined to help, I persuaded the ghost to undergo the Initiation rites, allowing him to study with the Deities to improve his soul and avoid causing trouble. However, I realized that I couldn’t initiate spirits without my Masters’ approval. So, I suggested we contact brother Tamtan to perform the rites on his behalf.
I handed him my cell phone with brother Tamtan’s number, but suddenly he began to weep uncontrollably, expressing his reluctance to go anywhere, then promptly lost consciousness. I gently lifted him and laid him on a wooden panel covered with a rush mat, waiting for him to regain consciousness. When he finally awoke, he had transformed into a ten to twelve-year-old boy, remarkably handsome, and revealed himself to be my grandchild! I was taken aback by this unexpected revelation, as I am neither married nor have children. Sensing my confusion, he explained that he was from the future, visiting me with the permission of the Deities.

At that moment, another child of the same age as my future grandchild appeared and announced, “I too have come to visit my grandpa.” Somehow, I knew that this child’s grandpa was a friend of mine. And so, the dream concluded.

Respectfully submitted.

Updated 4/7/24

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