A Soul’s Journey Toward Serenity (My past lives)

A Soul’s Journey Toward Serenity (My past lives)

The following is a vision of a disciple who has practiced mysticism under Heaven Secret Teachings School for nearly two decades.
(“Hành trình tìm cầu bình an của một linh hồn” translated by Coiphudzu)

Part 1 “A life of poverty”
Dear Grandmaster and Master,
Today, September 23, 2021, during my prayer session, my Spirit Guide conveyed that I would be granted insight into some events from my past lives. I closed my eyes and patiently waited. After a while, my Guide instructed me to observe attentively. Opening my eyes, I found no visible changes. However, upon closing my eyes once more, through my third eye, I had a vision of a young woman adorned in traditional Chinese attire, sitting by the riverside, engaged in the act of washing laundry.

The young woman grips a wooden stick, rhythmically beating the cloth laid over a rock. Submerging the garment in water, she lifts and squeezes it, dips it again, spreads it on the rock, and repeats the process. Wiping sweat from her forehead, she appears visibly fatigued. My Guide disclosed that she was me in a past life, and instantly, I felt her pain. Wiping away tears, she kneels with clasped hands, gazes upward, and offers a prayer:

“Oh, Almighty! I implore you, please do not let me endure more suffering. Grant me release from my miserable condition; I no longer wish to bear such hardships!”

Following the prayer, she persists in her labor. It takes a considerable amount of time for her to complete the laundry washing. Rising slowly, I notice her pregnant state, her protruding belly signaling an impending childbirth. Her right hand supports a wooden basin, while her left hand grasps a wooden box. She moves gradually along the uneven hillside path, exposed to the intense sunlight. When a cold breeze passes, her entire body sways as though on the brink of collapse.

Finally, she reaches a bamboo house in a remote rural area and takes the freshly washed garments outside to hang them on the bamboo rack in the front yard. After hanging a few items, she suddenly collapses, blood seeping onto the ground. She struggles to crawl back into the house. As she enters, the sound of a baby crying fills the air. At her feet, there is a large knife and scraps of cloth. Summoning all her strength, she crawls back to retrieve the knife, uses it to cut the umbilical cord of the baby, and wraps the newborn in the torn pieces of cloth. Attempting to stand up and seek help, she rises but collapses again. Before falling, She weakly utters a few words: “I must try hard to live, I must stay alive…”

A faint and translucent white spirit separates from the girl’s body, soaring out of the house and ascending straight into the high sky. A gentle breeze then softly carries the spirit upward, bringing it before a radiant Buddha. The figure of the Buddha appears like a 3D image, with his face and the ceremonial staff covered by a dazzling veil of light, obscuring visibility.

She kneels in front of him
“May I know why I am here?”
“You have prayed to me for liberation from suffering, so I have granted you relief. I give you a precious gem, and this is a great blessing not only for you but for the entire lineage from which you will be born. However, always remember to keep a compassionate heart, then this gem will shine; otherwise, it will be just an ordinary stone.”

She humbly replies: “I have done nothing to deserve it, so I dare not accept.”

“Accept it, not because of my compassion, but because you have asked, so I am helping you. Always remember to keep your heart compassionate. Now, go.”

Then, the Buddha waves his hand, and a bright white gem flies towards SHE, entering her heart. SHE’s soul is pushed out and tumbles down through various layers of clouds.

Part 2: Born into royalty
Drifting through the clouds, she peers below to behold the majestic golden roofs of a palace, akin to the splendor of the Forbidden City. Beneath her, a group of celestial beings, dressed in shimmering golden attire with Champa-style clothing, swiftly approach. With deft movements, they retrieve her soul and transport it directly to the bedside of a laboring princess. Gripping two white cloths tightly, the princess grimaces in pain, her cries echoing through the chamber.

In the princess’s chamber, a gathering of celestial beings, clad in resplendent golden uniforms, stands at a distance from the princess’s bedside. As the Celestial Guards approach with her soul and confer with the overseeing deities, a nod of approval is exchanged. Without delay, the newborn princess enters the world. Palace attendants swiftly receive the baby and place her into the arms of the princess, who tenderly whispers, “My daughter, may you thrive and flourish.”

The film unfolds vividly up to this point and pauses as my Spirit Guide remarks, “The newborn is you, her name is Princess To Lap Thi.” She will grow up in luxury, but eventually strays from the compassionate teachings of Buddha. As she matures, she becomes a cruel princess, passing harsh judgments on anyone who crosses her path. Her disdain for equals and disrespect for the higher-ups lead to her eventual downfall, losing her titles, power, and wealth before succumbing to illness at the age of fifty. The Spirit Guide concludes, “That wraps up our journey through your past lives. Tomorrow, we’ll explore further.”

Revisiting a distant chapter of my existence felt pleasantly surprising and joyful, almost like watching a movie. It amazed me to realize that the prayer of a poor, destitute girl, persevering in the remote wilderness, could be heard and validated by the Buddha. This highlights the idea that each prayer resonates with the Buddha, ensuring that no plea goes unnoticed.

Part 3: Born into royalty (continued)

Today, after my evening prayers, my spirit guardian opened my third eye, allowing me to revisit scenes of a poor girl washing clothes, wiping away tears. Then, she stood outside her house, hanging laundry, prompting my spirit guardian to ask in my mind, “Do you see her suffering?”
Transitioning to the scene of the same girl giving birth alone in a thatched hut, my spirit guardian asked again, “Do you see her suffering?”
I replied, “Yes, I do.”
As the narrative shifted to the next life where the girl became a princess, my spirit guardian asked, “Do you feel happiness?”
I responded, “Yes, I feel happy.”
Immediately, my spirit guardian remarked, “Then why aren’t you content?”
I replied, “I don’t know.”
After that, my spirit guardian showed me the final part of Princess To Lap Thi’s life.

In an instant, I envisioned the princess amidst a bustling market, clad in simple attire and a delicate pink veil. As the crowds jostle, she’s accidentally bumped into, and her response is a fierce glare. “The wickedness persists,” the Spirit Guide observes, “but there’s a glimpse of compassion.”
The scene evolves: the princess, now without her veil, smiles, inquiring about beggars and offering them a silver coin. Days pass, and she returns with warm clothing, later providing them with bags of food. “There’s a hint of compassion,” remarks my Spirit Guide.
The following scenes reveal the princess facing destitution, her resources depleted. With a heavy heart, she sits outside her modest dwelling, her hands pressed together in earnest prayer. “Grant me solace,” she implores, “for I’ve lost joy amidst my plight.”
As time passes, the princess, now in her twilight years, resides in a humble abode with little more than a basic bed. She endures moments of anguish, coughing up blood, until finally succumbing to her ailment. As her spirit separates from her earthly vessel, adorned in royal attire, she clutches a white silk handkerchief. Glancing back one last time, she covers her mouth with the handkerchief before departing, as if fleeing from an unseen force.

At this moment, my Spirit Guide remarks, “The girl has acquired karmic debts in this life.” The vision unfolds with the soul of the princess leaving the house, ascending directly upwards in a poised standing posture, hands folded in front of her chest, soaring to the presence of the Buddha who had previously bestowed a precious gem upon her.

With respect, she addresses the Buddha, saying, “I have erred; I bow my head in repentance.”
The Buddha responds, “You have forgotten the compassionate heart and made mistakes in troubling others. Even the good deeds you performed were flawed. I grant you a three-year opportunity for redemption. You must go to impoverished areas and teach people how to read.”

Humbly, she obeys, and the Buddha instructs, “Go then.”

Part 4: Life as a court official

The vision unfolds further as the ethereal guardian gently guides the girl’s soul through layers of clouds, arriving at a serene locale reminiscent of ancient China. They navigate discreetly through rows of houses until they chance upon a poignant scene: a man, his head in a noose, feet still upon a chair. Beneath him, a young lady in a jade silk dress weeps inconsolably, reaching out desperately as if to halt the tragic deed. “Please don’t go,” she implores, “for if you depart, I shall follow.”

Amidst the turmoil, a royal guard strides into the house and gently escorts the distressed girl outside. Meanwhile, the man’s lament echoes through the air, “I long for release, to end this ceaseless suffering. Life has grown too heavy to bear.”
He then retrieves a slender knife about seven inches long and with a profound sigh, thrusts it into his abdomen. Blood spills out as he slumps onto the hanging rope. Other guards and the distressed girl rush into the room. Overwhelmed with grief, she embraces the man’s legs, eventually succumbing to the intensity of her emotions, fainting and collapsing on the ground.

At this juncture, I find myself wondering why they cover the girl’s face with a white cloth when she has only fainted, not yet passed away. However, my question remains unanswered by the Spirit Guide. The scene progresses: soldiers carry the two on a stretcher, hastily moving along a lengthy road toward a palace. Upon arrival, they place the stretcher before the King’s residence. “Your Majesty, these are the accused,” they announce, revealing the faces of the two for the King’s inspection. The King remarks, “He was an honorable official; should he perish, it will be a great loss. Summon the royal physician immediately, spare no effort to save him.” The soldier asks, “And what about this woman, Your Majesty?” The King replies, “Let her face the flames.”

In another sequence, the man who attempted suicide lies on a mat beneath the floor, his body wrapped in bandages from his shoulders down to his chest and abdomen. As he awakens, he inquires, “Where am I? Why am I here?” A physician, clad in cotton attire, rushes over and bows respectfully, “Sir, you are in the royal medical chamber; please rest and recover.” Enraged, the man tears off the bandages, scattering them around him, and shouts, “I want to die, I want to die,” before losing consciousness once more.

In the vision, the ethereal guardian instructs the girl: “Inhabit this body and fulfill your mission within three years. Once he recovers, let him wander in madness, detached from worldly affairs, allowing you to accomplish your task.” Then, two celestial warriors guide the man’s soul away and usher the girl’s soul forward. She merges into the man’s body, prompting his soul to protest, “No! I disagree. Why put her in my body?” He struggles with the celestial guards to reclaim his body. Meanwhile, her soul also resists inhabiting his body, prompting the celestial warriors to warn him, “Returning would be fatal. Follow us; after three years, you may return.” The man complies, while the girl complains, “Why must I inhabit this wretched, feeble body? It’s repulsive and lifeless!” Her guardian advises, “Complete your mission within three years, allowing the man to wander in madness, detached from politics. I will depart now.”

Following that, the celestial guards guide the man’s soul into the vast expanse of space, while the girl begins to acclimate herself to her new male body. Whispering to herself, she realizes, “I must fully embody him, must adopt his mannerisms to accomplish the mission.”
The film then depicts the gradual healing of the man’s wounds, and soon he is adorned in regal red court attire embellished with golden-threaded embroidered patterns, his head adorned with a black turban, as he kneels before the King. Standing atop a lofty platform in the grand hall, the King gazes down with hands clasped behind his back. The official respectfully addresses him, “Your Majesty, your servant’s health is delicate, and my presence here is of no benefit to Your Majesty. May I beseech Your Majesty to permit me to return to my hometown for recuperation or to attend to my elderly mother? Kindly grant me leave.” Visibly perturbed, the King turns away and replies, “You may depart; leave me to my own troubles.”

“Your Majesty, I beg for your forgiveness and understanding. Though I am devoted to serving you and the kingdom, my health has deteriorated, and my presence here only adds to your concerns. Allow me to return to my hometown for a period of recovery. I promise to return and resume my duties once I am restored to health.” The King, visibly relieved, replies, “Do you swear to return?” “Yes, Your Majesty, I swear,” the official assures. “Very well, you have my permission,” the King concedes. With that, the scene from my past life comes to a pause, with my Spirit Guide promising to reveal more later.

Part 5: On The Run
The visions continue: The scene unfolds with an official, flanked by a group of soldiers, undergoing a swift and undignified disrobing. His hat, clothes, and shoes are swiftly removed, leaving him vulnerable and exposed. With his pleas echoing, “Your Majesty, how could you…”, he is unceremoniously dragged towards the imposing gates of the royal palace. As he is escorted out, the heavy gates clang shut behind him, sealing his fate. Dressed in just a plain white cloth and without shoes, he stands alone, feeling abandoned and ashamed. Pausing in front of the grand palace gates, he takes a moment to think. Then, with a sudden determination, he sets off again. Along his path, he stops to pick flowers, singing happily as he goes.

Behind him, three men covertly follow, meticulously documenting his every move with sketches and notes. Aware of their presence, he deliberately puts on a show, occasionally glancing back, waving flowers defiantly, and exclaiming, “Leave me be, stay away, go far away…” Then, with confident strides, he continues his journey, his steps purposeful yet erratic, reminiscent of a determined but misguided soul. Pausing to pluck flower petals, he lifts his face to the sky, reciting poetry with a haunting and sorrowful tone:
“The heavens empathize with the noble heart,
The depths of ordinary suffering are profound.
Though my flesh may be torn asunder,
I pledge to uphold my principles, unwavering.”

The man keeps walking, speaking the poem with seriousness, each word heavy with feeling. Then, he stops suddenly, kneeling on the dusty ground. Bending low, he picks up dirt and eats it, seeming to enjoy it in a strange way. Getting up again, he moves ahead and finds poop on the path. He doesn’t hesitate to pick it up and rub it on his face, laughing strangely. But as he says the poem again, there’s a deep sadness in his voice.

The heavens empathize…
I pledge to uphold my principles, unwavering.”
He continues on his path, delving deeper into the village, reciting the poem three or four more times. Behind him, three men discreetly trail, diligently capturing his every move in sketches and notes.
Through the night he travels until dawn breaks, leading him to a lively market. Standing amidst the stalls, he clasps his hands together, begging for food.
“Please, I haven’t eaten in two days. Can you spare me some food?”
Despite his plea, he is dismissed and denied assistance. Undeterred, he rushes towards a nearby dock. In that moment, a woman also heads in the same direction. Walking alone, her back to us, she wears a flowing dress that gracefully brushes the ground. Wrapped in a delicate black coat with intricate embroidery, she finishes her outfit with a wide hat, her face hidden by a sheer veil.

He quickly lunges forward, falling to the ground and lifting her skirt, startling her. She screams, kicks a few times, and flees towards the docks. Getting up, he hurries back towards the market, slipping into narrow dirt alleys flanked by wooden stalls (similar to a scene from a Korean movie). As he arrives at the spot where beggars gather, he observes the intense competition for money and alms among them. Inspired by a sudden thought, he rushes to grab a long stick, breaking it in two to craft a makeshift pole for support and prodding. With a rhythmic stride, he performs street tricks, all the while keeping an eye on the beggars’ tactics. He then joins them, lying down to beg, fitting right in with the desperate scene.

However, his strange actions only lead to constant rejection wherever he goes. Trying to crawl through the row of food stalls brings no luck – no one gives him any money. Then, he reaches a big restaurant with many floors. A rich-looking young man throws him a small silver coin, telling him rudely, “Take this and get lost. I don’t want to see you here.” The young man then sends four of his workers to surround the man on the ground. They take turns hitting and kicking him hard, tossing him around like a ball and making a lot of dust.The three men who have been watching him carefully for days gather their notes and leave, as if saying, “It’s done for him.”

The scene zooms in, showing three other men in the crowd. They’re young, wearing colorful clothes with wide-brimmed black hats, like the travelers in Korean dramas. Surprisingly, there are two groups watching the man closely. One stays nearby, taking notes, while the other blends into the crowd, watching from afar. This second group leaves now.

The attackers suddenly stop hitting the man. He struggles to stand, his body bruised, his face swollen with dark purple bruises around his eyes. Awkwardly, he starts to run, limping on one leg at first, then picking up speed. He navigates through narrow alleys until he reaches the edge of the city, where a river flows. He goes down to the water and washes his hands, feet, and face, trying to clean off the evidence of the beating. After that, he hurries to a relative’s house, looking for help.

In the next scene, he swiftly rides a horse out of the house, heading deep into the forest. Bags filled with his belongings sway on the horse’s back. His mind races, “I’ll head north; maybe my eldest sister can help.” As he ventures into the thick woods, the sky grows dark. He ties the horse under a tree, initially climbing up to rest. But a lingering unease prompts him to come back down, letting the tired horse roam freely as he says, “Go wherever you want now.” Taking the bags off the horse, he climbs back up the tree, settling on a sturdy branch to sleep until morning.

The next morning, he descends from the tree, quickly covering himself with three or four cloth bags. But as he takes a few steps, the sound of rushing wind catches his attention, and he hurriedly ducks into the bushes. From the mountains below, a group of people wielding machetes emerges. Before he can figure out who they are, another group on horseback gallops towards them. A voice commands, “Search everywhere, find him for me.” He presses deeper into the foliage, knowing they’re hunting for him, patiently waiting for them to pass. He thinks, “Being a beggar won’t help anymore, but pretending to be a farmer might.” With that in mind, he grabs one of the cloth bags, rips it open, and empties out all the gold, silver, and jewelry onto the ground. Then, using fabric from the other bags, he tears it into strips and ties them together to make a long string.

Part 6: Heading East (continued)

In the next scene, he comes down the mountain. He’s barefoot, wearing a hat low over his face, and dressed in long pants and a shirt with pockets that used to be part of a longer robe. He carries a small bag on his shoulder, and a cord he made earlier is tied to a small animal that looks like a puppy to me. It walks confidently beside him. My Spirit Guide tells me, “That’s not a dog; around here, people raise goats. That’s a baby goat, about a month old.”

He walks briskly down the narrow valley until he reaches a mountain pass, where a large mountain blocks his way, leaving him stuck. He kneels, looks up at the sky, and prays, “Oh God…” before standing up again to look for another way around, still carrying the baby goat. He follows the base of the mountain, but before he can finish going around it, night falls. He’s hungry and can’t find any food. So, he pulls the goat close, saying, “I’m sorry, but I have to rely on you to survive.” He reluctantly slaughters the goat, cooks it over a fire, and eats some of the meat, securing the remainder to his side with the fabric cord. He climbs a tall tree, settling on a sturdy branch with his legs hanging down and leaning against the trunk. He ties the remaining goat meat securely to a branch across from him, using the fabric cord to fasten himself to the tree. Then, he folds his hands in prayer, saying, “I’m lost; please help me find a way to survive.” With that, he falls asleep until morning.

As sunlight filters through the tree branches and wakes him, he frantically searches for the piece of goat meat, but it’s gone. Anxiously checking himself for injuries, he quickly climbs down from the tree. Despite being on the ground, he feels disoriented, unsure which way to go. Putting his hand to his forehead, he suddenly remembers hearing a voice in his dream last night saying, “Heading East will lead to salvation.” Following this advice, he starts walking towards the East, opposite from the direction he went last night, following the sunrise. He walks along the mountain ridge, tracing a river’s path, as the sun begins to set.

At this point, the Spirit Guide says, “This is where it ends for now. If you’re patient, the rest will unfold in the next two parts.”
Respectfully submitted to Master for consideration and guidance.


Part 7: Bitten by a snake.

Today, as I stood before the Buddha altar to pay homage, two Beings in long black ao dai robes were gathered closely, examining the ledger to assess the extent of my past lives revealed. One of them marked out a section near the end of the page, tore a piece of paper approximately the width of an outstretched palm and affixed it to the wall.

I understood that this is the part I will be shown today. The Spirit Guide instructs me to lie down and close my eyes. Through the third eye, looking down, I see blurred clusters of greenery in the dim twilight. I heard the Spirit Guide saying, “Let’s enhance the clearly,” and instantly, it’s as if a beam of light sweeps from above, bringing into focus wherever it scans over.

I saw a vision, a clear scene of a man in white attire, with gathered trousers and a cloth bag slung across, trekking along the mountainous path, aiming south. Occasionally, he climbs tall trees, gazing at the sunlight to determine his direction. He continues this journey until nightfall, yet he hasn’t emerged from the foothills.

The next scene, he sits down, takes a wooden stick, and uses his hands to create fire, igniting a small pile. He sits there contemplating, “I’ll lie down here to sleep. If I die, so be it. If I survive, I’ll continue the journey tomorrow.” Then he lies down by the fire, hands under his head, cross-legged, but shortly after, he turns to lie on his side. Suddenly, a large snake crawls up from a distance, reaching under his feet and snapping at his right leg. He jerks awake, and the snake has already slithered away. He clutches his injured leg, groaning in pain, “I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die.” In a close-up, you see his pale face, sweat pouring down, while he continues holding his leg, crying out, “I don’t want to die, O God, save me.” Then he collapses, unconscious.

In less than a minute, a group of about three or four men, resembling indigenous people, emerges. They look frail and undersized, wearing simple loincloths, holding weapons consisting of long wooden sticks with diamond-shaped iron tips and a bunch of red-striped strings. They quickly approach to assess the man’s condition. One person lifts his legs and carries him forward, another carries his upper body from behind, and the rest walk alongside. They then tie him to a makeshift pole for easier transport (similar to how people carry pigs through mountainous paths). They swiftly carry him through the forest, and in no time, they reach a camp.

In front of the camp, there is an old man with a long beard, dressed like a Confucian scholar, waiting. They approach the camp gate, where there is a large fire, and gently place the man on the ground. One of them, with folded arms, respectfully addresses the old man, “Respected Elder Chief, we found this man in critical condition. We seek your judgment.” The old man says, “Untie him,” then he pauses for a moment and continues, “This person holds an official position in the imperial court. I can’t remember his exact name, but he is one of the four prominent ministers of the current dynasty.” He approaches the man to examine the wounds and instructs someone to bring medicine.

He tightly ties the upper part of the leg above the knee with a piece of cloth and instructs someone to cut away the bandaged cloth around the man’s calf. The calf is now swollen and dark purple. The old man uses a knife to make a long incision along the outer side of the man’s calf, inserts some white powder into it, adds a few crushed leaves to the wound, and then bandages it again. He says, “Let’s see how his fate unfolds tomorrow. If he wakes up, we’ll continue the treatment; if not, dispose of him in the forest.” He signals for his family members to take the man to a room for him to recuperate.

Part 8: A Healing Odyssey

He begins by removing the bindings from the official’s wound, massaging firmly from thigh to calf to expel the bruised blood. He channels internal energy into his fingers before applying pressure to 2/3 of the man’s calf bone. With each application of force, the audible sound of bones breaking accompanies the process. Repeating the procedure, the broken bone segments appear to be completely separated.. Using a sharp object, he cuts off the broken bone at the shin, applying a mixture of brown powder before bandaging. Assuring, “Wait to see the wound heal; within a week, he can walk.”

Following the elder chief’s instructions, the room is darkened by drawing a curtain. The next day, as the man regains consciousness, he discovers that a part of his right leg has been amputated. He screams, “Why did you cut off my leg? I hate you; I hate you for the rest of my life…” In a frenzy, he throws everything within reach and tears off his clothes. Someone rushes in from outside to offer him medicine, but he angrily knocks the medicine cup away. Fearing his outburst, they run out and lock the door. He continues to scream and destroy things inside, prompting those responsible for his care to rush and inform the elder chief.

After a tumultuous episode of screaming and tearing his clothes, he exhausts himself and collapses. In his dream, the elder chief appears, folding his arms respectfully and telling him, “It is the deities who saved your life; this is your destiny. Please harbor no resentment towards me in the future.” Subsequently, the dream shifts to the elder chief commencing the amputation of his severely injured leg. Upon awakening, he regains composure. When the elder chief enters the room, he respectfully bows and expresses, “I am profoundly thankful to you, esteemed official, for saving my life. Kindly overlook my agitated behavior.” The elder chief responds, “I don’t hold it against you; this is a divine decree, and I am obligated to assist you.” The man bows his head, visibly moved, seemingly coming to terms with his fate.

Over the course of three days, the official remains confined to his sickbed, only consuming medicine and watery porridge. A traditional healer, subordinate to the elder chief, pays him a visit. They carefully remove the bandage from his wound and begin scraping off the layer of paste applied the day before. The man’s face turns pale, he grimaces, his body trembles, sweat beads on his forehead, and he clenches a piece of cloth tightly tied across his mouth behind his head, indicating the intense pain he is experiencing. After successfully scraping off all the paste, they skillfully reapply it below the knee.

Two days later, they return to check the wound. As they remove the bandage, they observe that the stitches on the left side appear to be healing well, but those on the right side are infected and oozing fluid. They inform the man about the situation, explaining that they need to remove the infected stitches to prevent further complications. The man experiences pain and convulsions, sweating profusely as before. After the removal, they apply a substance resembling beeswax to the wound and then rebandage it. They mention that they will reassess the situation in two days, and if the wax adheres firmly to the flesh, it’s a positive sign; otherwise, additional treatment will be necessary. With this information shared, they depart.

Returning two days later, they remove the bandage once more. The beeswax is still adhering to the wound, but there is some oozing from the lower part of the leg. They note that although the wound is not severe, it hasn’t fully healed. Proceeding with the treatment, they peel off the beeswax and apply a white powdery substance, which turns black upon contact with the wound, resembling a burn mark. Then, they apply a brown powder, stitch the wound tightly, and rebandage it.

A few days later, the man experiences intense itching in his wound. He calls for the herbalist, saying, “My wound is terribly itchy; could you please remove the bandage so I can scratch it?” The herbalist unwraps the bandage, finding that the wound is not oozing but appears swollen and pink. They inform him, “The wound is no longer severe, but it is still quite fragile. You may need to rest and recuperate for a year before being able to walk again.” Upon hearing that he needs a year to recover, he shouts and reacts vehemently. The herbalists hastily leave. Shortly after, the elder chief arrives, approaches the man’s bed, lifts his wrist, stretches and bends his arm a few times, then says, “Your arm is still alive, and so is your leg. Make an effort to recover, don’t let them perish. If you recover quickly, you can leave in three months.” The man appears pleased with this news.

Over nearly a month, he has been gradually reintroducing meat and fish into his diet, alongside rice, as his wound heals. The room brightens as the curtain is taken down. He begins to contemplate, “With just one leg, what can I do? How can I find food, where can I go to search for sustenance? Or should I ask for shelter here, relying on the provided meals to get by?” After three days of contemplation, he decides to inform the elder chief of his decision tomorrow.

As he wakes up, the elder chief enters the room and approaches his bedside. Holding his hand, the elder chief says, “Today, you have recovered, and I won’t detain you any longer. You are free to leave.” The man responds, “I initially wanted to ask for your permission to stay here, seeking shelter for some more time before deciding.” The elder chief replies, “I, too, would prefer for you to stay, but fate has its course, and you must leave. There is a poor village about three miles south from here; you can go there and teach them how to read. They will provide you with food and shelter. Would you like to go there?” The man answers, “I would, but how can I get there?” The elder chief responds, “If you wish, I can arrange for two guides to take you there, but once they reach there, they won’t be able to return (implying they will be disposed of). So, it might be best for you to travel on your own. Tomorrow, I will arrange for someone to accompany you on your journey.”

Part 9: “The Village in Darkness”

That night, the official quietly packed his belongings to depart under cover of darkness. He penned a letter to the elder chief, expressing gratitude for saving his life. “I don’t wish to trouble you any further,” he wrote, “so I have chosen to leave during the night. I now bid you farewell.”

Alone, he leaned on his cane, taking hesitant steps in the dark. Each slow movement was met with uncertainty as he searched for his way forward. Sometimes, he stumbled on rocks, fell, and rolled to the ground, only to struggle back up and continue on, persisting until dawn. As the sun’s rays pierced through the trees, he realized he was in a sparse forest, with tall trees and flat ground covered in small grass, making it easier to walk. Looking up at the sun, he turned southward to continue his journey.

Traveling a long way, he finds a tree to rest under, guessing he’s covered about two miles of the three-mile journey to the village. He takes out some compressed rice and a water gourd, then looks at the sky, anxious to continue before it gets dark. With a swift motion, he resumes walking, hoping to reach the village in time.
Soon, he emerges from the forest and spots a large house up ahead. Excited, he heads toward it. As he approaches, he realizes it’s a raised-floor house with tall columns. He calls out, “Is anyone here?”
No response.
Unable to climb the high staircase, he shouts again, “Is anyone here?”

Only the forest birds respond.
After a while, a strong young man, dressed like a warrior, arrives on horseback. He asks the official who he is and why he’s there.
The official explains, “I got lost from the forest on the other side. I intended to reach a village, but there seems to be no one here.”
The warrior gestures for the official to sit at a table in the courtyard, then smiles and asks, “Can you read?”
The official promptly replies, “Yes.”
The warrior says, “Then teach the people in this village. Since they are not here right now, I will take you to meet them.”
He then stands up, takes the official’s hand, leads him to where the horse is, and lifts him onto the horse’s back. He mounts the horse as well, sitting behind the official, and they ride away. The horse takes them on a deserted road, with green foliage on both sides.
The sky darkens as they ride, eventually turning right into the woods. The horse navigates steep slopes and rugged paths until they reach a darkened spot. The warrior dismounts, lighting a torch, and heads towards a gap in the mountains, signaling with a whistle. In response, another whistle sounds, and the foliage parts, revealing a sturdy wooden fence.
The warrior helps the official down and leads him into the courtyard, where darkness envelops everything. The villagers stand at a distance, their faces a mix of awe and fear. The man points to the official, addressing the crowd, “This person will teach us.” Then, turning to the official, he continues, “We number about 800, though not all live here; many are scattered nearby. This center holds around a hundred, and others will gather here to learn. Will you stay? Do you agree?”

The official agrees immediately and inquires, “But who are these people? Why must they hide in the dark?”
“They are individuals I’ve brought here. They’re all opposed to the dynasty, so they must live discreetly. Providing for their basic needs is manageable, but educating them poses a challenge. If you join us, you’ll also need to stand against the dynasty. Are you prepared for that?” the warrior explains.
The official responds softly, “I agree, but please inform me of the demographics so I can organize suitable classes.”
The warrior, leader of the village, assures, “They’ll provide you with that information tomorrow. They’ll arrange a spacious house for you; you’ll have a small room, and the rest will be used for teaching. Is that acceptable to you?”
The official nods in agreement. The leader bids farewell and rides off into the night. My visions ended.

My Guide indicates I’ll discover the final segment next time.


Today, my Spirit Guide let me see more of my past lives. He told me to close my eyes and see the spiritual images. I thought about recording it for memory, but he said it wasn’t needed; he’d help me remember every detail. True to his words, dear Master, as I wrote, the memories were vivid, and if I forgot, my Spirit Guide filled in the gaps by reading it to me.
At first, I witnessed the Spirit presenting a piece of paper. I felt that I had already seen almost 70% of the narrative on that paper, with only about 30% remaining unexplored. The Spirit tore off that section and suspended it in the air. He then grasped the segment, rolling it around in his palm before swiftly unfolding it in the air. As images materialized, my Guide directed, “Begin reviewing from this point.”

Part 10: Educating the Villagers (continued)

Settling in.
Immediately, the scene shifts to a high-ranking official stepping out of the forest. The film then fast-forwards through scenes of him approaching a large wooden house, its creaking steps awakening a flock of birds, followed by the emergence of a young leader. The two mount horses and swiftly ride to a location, where the horses turn right and descend the hill step by step into the village of those who live in the shadows. I glance back at the sight of many people emerging from the darkness, the official promising them something, and the leader riding away on horseback. At this point, the elder says that he will show me the next thirty minutes.
The film resumes at normal speed. As the young man departs, the villagers joyfully carry an elderly man, placing him on a high-backed wooden chair that reaches up to his shoulders. They gather around to assist him. Some bend down to remove the bandage from his right leg, others take off his shoes, someone brings a fresh shirt to try on him, and another person carefully combs his tangled hair, neatly tying it up for him. They wash his feet meticulously, and then I observe them wrapping white fabric around his right lower leg. I am surprised, thinking, “Oh, didn’t he lose his right leg?” Then I realize they have crafted a prosthetic leg for him, attaching it to his thigh and wrapping fabric around the artificial limb.
He laughs joyfully, waving his hands while continuously saying, “Alright, alright, I don’t need it, thank you, thank you…”. However, they continue cheerfully taking care of him, ensuring he is clean and tidy. They dress him in a new long robe, and he looks much neater than before.
Subsequently, they retreated, and the villagers regrouped, forming a gathering of around 50 people. In unison, they knelt on the ground to ceremoniously seek guidance from him. Bowing their heads in unison, they earnestly uttered, “Please instruct us, sir.” Their continuous kneeling and repeated requests echoed resonantly until the official extended his hand and stated, “Alright, alright, you may rise.” Simultaneously, they all stood up.
He addressed them, “If you want me to teach you, I have two conditions: first, you must not be lazy, and second, you must refrain from envying and killing each other.” Suddenly, eight men emerged from nowhere, bare-chested and clad in loincloths, their bodies adorned in a light brown earthy hue, a stark contrast to the lean and frail villagers there. These robust men wielded spears with earth-colored feather-like adornments, and circular shields with turtle-shell designs strapped to their backs. Standing in formation, they advanced from behind the villagers, knelt, and declared, “We agree.”
The official invited them to stand up and continued, “I have one more thing to add. As I am old and my strength is waning, I cannot take care of myself. I need a boy around 13-14 years old to take care of me.”
A person from the group of robust men knelt and said, “I have a son, around 13-14 years old. Please allow him to accompany you.” Four other sturdy individuals also knelt and mentioned that they, too, had sons of similar age who were knowledgeable and wished to send them to assist the official. He laughed and said, “I don’t need them to be intelligent or knowledgeable, just enough to have hands, feet, and a face.” Everyone burst into laughter.
A hearty laugh echoed from a burly man who merrily rubbed his round belly. Turning to the villagers, he pointed at the official and exclaimed, “See that? He says he doesn’t need them to be knowledgeable, just a face, hands, and feet are enough, ha ha ha…” The official then stated, “Alright, I’ll accept all five children for training simultaneously since they’re of the same age. But I have one condition: you must use my own room for these five children. I only need a small bed placed in front of that room.” Objections arose, with voices insisting, “No, that’s not acceptable.” Subsequently, a robust man knelt and remarked, “That won’t work with the Great Lord here” (referring to the leader who brought the official here). The official responded, “If not, I won’t teach you anymore.” All of them knelt together, and the other burly man said, “We agree, please teach us.” He nodded and declared, “Alright, I will start teaching you tomorrow.”

As everyone scattered, he remained alone in the chair, stretching out his legs and leaning back. Reading his thoughts, I discerned, “Life is peculiar—alternating between extreme hardship and comfort. Nevertheless, simply being alive is a stroke of luck.” With that realization, he rose from the chair and, limping with his prosthetic leg, entered the room. In his mind, he pondered, “Completing the mission requires me to be alive.”


Part 11: Being Tracked

Entering a spacious room, the official finds a smaller one to the left for his stay. It holds only a bed against the wall, a small writing desk, and a chair. Seating himself on the bed, he relaxes, swaying gently. Running his hand over the bedsheet, he thinks, “Comfortable.” Suddenly, he remembers something, reaching to his left chest, searching. From within, he retrieves a rectangular paper, resembling a banknote. Black writing adorns the top, with a large red square seal at the bottom right, akin to a royal emblem.

In haste, he tears the paper into bits, shoving them into his mouth and swiftly lying down, chewing and swallowing it all. As he attempts to sit up once more and takes a few steps, his prosthetic leg catches, causing him to tumble and roll on the ground. Initially trying to rise, he reconsiders, choosing to lie sprawled right where he is.

Immediately, the scene focuses on three individuals dressed in snug black suits, their faces obscured, wielding swords. They navigate the roof above the official’s room with silent, agile movements. Drawing nearer, they puncture a hole in the roof, lowering their faces to peer into his room. The official squints slightly, fully aware of the situation, choosing to remain on the ground.

Prompted by a hand signal from the man in black, a frail figure clad in a long brown-gray fabric, with frayed edges and faded blue-trimmed cuffs, steps into the spacious room. Carrying a bowl of soup, he exudes an air of deference as he opens the door. Placing the bowl on the table, he turns towards the official’s room and loudly calls out, “Elder, elder, I brought you a bowl of soup. Come out and have a drink.” The official responds, “I’m here, come in and help me.” The man with the soup pushes the door open and, upon entering, notices the official lying on the ground. He promptly inquires, “Why did you fall?” The official replies, “I was careless, I was careless.” The other person assists him up, guiding him to the bed. As they walk, the official laments, “I’m getting old and frail…”

Sitting up on the bed, he continues, “You know, I’m getting up there in age, and I’m not as spry as I used to be. Can’t handle much these days.” While speaking, he removes the layers of his clothes, wiping his body with his hands to reveal that he has nothing hidden. The other person, reassured, politely says, “Please rest,” then bows and leaves.

Restless on the bed, the official tosses and turns. Left, right, on his back, twisting his head, even a bit of hair-pulling. Finally, he sits up and strolls over to the desk. On the desk, there’s a flickering oil lamp, a stack of papers, a pen, and an inkwell. Seating himself, he retrieves a sheet of paper and writes on it: Petition Paper.

He continues to write: “I came here because you summoned me to teach, but I only followed reluctantly and became a traitor due to coercion. I sincerely only serve one master, and you cannot force me to serve you. I don’t want to. Don’t blame me for what I will do…” When he finishes writing, he tears the paper from top to bottom into two pieces and throws them on the ground. He rests his face on the table, then lifts it, pulls his hair, continues writing quickly, and tears the paper from the top left corner to the bottom right corner into two pieces. He repeats this process more than ten times before standing up to gather the torn papers on the floor and arranging them neatly into a pile. He deliberately stacks each torn piece on top of the other, layering them. The top sheet is diagonally torn in half. He aligns the torn edges and presses them together using a slender object, resembling a wooden knife.

He leaves the lamp on, climbs onto the bed, lies on his back to sleep. He smiles and tilts to the right, turns his face towards the wall to sleep, then opens his eyes slightly, smiles with a final chuckle before closing his eyes and sleeping.

Before long, the person in black from the roof sneaks into the room, takes the torn papers, and copies the entire content into a notebook. As if he has allowed enough time for the intruder to do what he needs to, the official turns onto his back, bends one leg, and lets the other leg drop off the bed with a thud. The person in black startles, looks at where the official is lying, and quickly rushes to the door. The official smiles.

In the morning, he wakes up late. The room is still lit. He sits up and feels a bit dizzy. He shakes his head a few times to clear his mind and suddenly understands that they drugged him last night after the person in black left.

Afterward, he steps outside, greeted by an eerie silence. A man stands there, ready, prompting the official to take a seat in a tall wooden-backed chair. The official inquires:

“Why is no one here for the lessons today?”

The man responds:

“No classes today. The lord has ordered a pause in today’s session. The lord wishes to discuss matters with you. He will arrive in about an hour.”

The man signals to another person in loincloth nearby, who steps forward and stations himself close to the official’s chair, seemingly keeping watch. Leaning in, he whispers to the official:

“You’ve committed a crime. Despite treating you well, why betray us? Be cautious with your words now that you’ve transgressed.”

At that moment, the warrior arrives on horseback. Dismounting, he strides over to the official with a stern face, gesturing and wielding a horsewhip, striking the ground sharply for emphasis. The official calmly observes the leader, referred to by the villagers as their lord.


Part 12: Seeking Liberation

The leader comes in front of the official and asks, “You already know that we are all against the court, so why did you write those things? Why won’t you faithfully serve me?”

The official stands up, chest out, and says, “Let me be clear; I am a high-ranking court official, and I only serve my rightful ruler. I cannot serve you.”
– “If you’re on my land, you must serve me. Refusing to serve me will result in your death.”
– “I fear not death, and I speak the truth to you. In this moment, only the truth can help you. His Majesty sent me here to persuade you to bring your people back. Your people will be taken care of by the court.”
– “How does His Majesty know we are here? We cannot return. If we do, 150 out of 300 of us will be killed. We have an alliance with the local bandits and promised not to leave. If we attempt to leave, they will kill half of us. We have nowhere to go.”
– “His Majesty knows about the 700 bandits surrounding this area. That’s why he sent me to help you and your people. His Majesty will eliminate the bandits to rescue you and your people. Whether you use me or kill me is your choice, whether you choose to free your people or not is also your decision. If you choose to use me, I will do my best to help you and your people for three years.”

The leader immediately kneels, arms rounded towards the official, bows his head, and says, “Please help us escape from the bandits. Take us back.” The official smiles and says, “Rise, and I will help you leave this place within three years.”

Afterward, the official devotes himself to educating the locals day and night for a year. By day, he teaches a large group in the main room, and at night, five teenagers take turns caring for him. One massages his left shoulder, another his right, one helps remove his shoes, and another gently washes his feet. During their care routines, he assigns each of them a passage from a poem to recite. When the second and fourth individuals struggle, he punishes them by making them kneel near the door, while the other three continue their attentive care.

After reviewing their assignments, he reclines on the bed, and the five youngsters quickly make their way to the main room, sitting by the entrance. Positioned on the floor, each child has a small table just large enough for a book and a lamp. Diligently studying, they gradually succumb to sleep as dawn approaches, resting their heads on the books. Meanwhile, the official feigns sleep, allowing them to leave the room.

Reflecting on the situation, he muses, “It is currently spring…” and, tallying the seasons with his fingers, he murmurs: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. With two more Springs to come, that will be the time of liberation for them. Hopefully, they can sustain themselves through farming and livestock—nothing could be better. It might take them ten years to catch up with life, or perhaps a hundred years. Regarding these five youngsters, I will educate them to become officials.”

Side notes: While contemplating the villagers’ potential struggle to catch up with modern life in 10 to 100 years, I sense in his thoughts an image of the dynasty potentially hindering their progress rather than favoring them.

After considering his next steps, he stands and goes to check on the children. Moving to each desk, he quickly scans the books, flipping through the pages before returning them. After inspecting all the notebooks of the five youngsters, he quietly comments, “They haven’t quite grasped it; it will take another two years for them to fully understand.”

Retreating to his room, he lies down on the bed, facing the wall. Meanwhile, on the roof above, a figure in black, using a sword’s hilt, lifts a small corner of the roof and peers down. The official is aware of this, thinking, “This person is truly cunning, so I must use cunning to deal with cunning.”

At this point, my Spirit Guide allowed me to open my eyes, stating I could only watch up to this point. Tomorrow, I’ll be allowed to continue. Glancing at the clock, I noticed forty-five minutes had passed since I started watching the movie.

Part 13: Convincing the Village’s Lord.

This morning, the Spirit Guardian guided me through the tasks for the day, promising that in the evening, I would gain further insight into the journey of my past lives. As the afternoon approached, my anticipation swelled, expecting that this next phase would bring the journey to a close, leaving me curious about its resolution. My Guardian advised, “Rest for 10 minutes before I reveal the next part.” Exactly ten minutes later, I found myself revisiting the scene where the official observes his five pupils, shaking his head, he mutters: “You haven’t quite grasped it; it’ll take two more years to fully understand.” Then the official enters his room, lying facing the wall, all the while remaining vigilant to sounds on the roof and eventually detecting a faint scraping noise. On the rooftop, a figure clad in black wields a sword to create an opening, peering down into the room. The official ponders, “This individual is truly cunning; I must use cunning to counter cunning.”

The scene unfolds in my vision: The old official lies on his back, hands clasped on his abdomen, his thumbs moving in a rhythmic pattern, pressing and releasing, deep in thought. He thinks, “Sooner or later, I must leave here. In my old age, I can’t offer much help anymore. It’s up to you to save yourselves.” Then, he turns to face the wall again. After a moment, he sits up, walks to the table, and takes out a piece of paper. He writes four characters vertically: “The Grand Unveiling of Spiritual Insight.”

Folding the paper, he slips it under the pillow at the head of the bed. Sitting upright on the bed, hands resting on the mattress, he murmurs, “No, I must meet him. If I can’t approach him directly, I’ll find another way. But what if he misunderstands? I must meet him.” Returning to the table, he writes a note: “Great Lord, I wish to meet with you soon. There’s something important I need to discuss.” He folds the note and places it on the table, then lies down facing outward. His last thought before sleep takes him is, “I must meet him. Tomorrow, I’ll see if it’s possible.”

Folding the paper, he slips it under the pillow at the head of the bed. Sitting upright on the bed, hands resting on the mattress, he murmurs, “No, I must meet him. If I can’t approach him directly, I’ll find another way. But what if he misunderstands? I must meet him.” Returning to the table, he writes a note: “Great Lord, I wish to meet with you soon. There’s something important I need to discuss.” He folds the note and places it on the table, then lies down facing outward. His last thought before sleep takes him is, “I must meet him. Tomorrow, I’ll see if it’s possible.”

In the morning, he remains reclined on the bed as his five pupils rush into the room, calling out, “Elder, Elder, it’s time for you to rise. The great Lord…” Slowly, he stirs, his movements sluggish with fatigue. With a drowsy tone, he responds, “Alright, I’m getting up, I’m getting up.” As he sits up, shaking his head to dispel drowsiness, his mind already ponders potential disturbances last night, hinting at his concern about intrusions into his belongings.

He directs the five young pupils to prepare his belongings. As he moves towards the edge of the bed, he notices the absence of the letter he had written to the great lord, realizing they have drugged him and taken it stealthily. Despite knowing the great lord awaits him outside, he deliberately takes his time while the young ones assist with his attire, even asking them to comb his hair and tie it neatly. Then, he gathers them and offers advice, “You must diligently focus on your studies so that you can take care of yourselves in the future, do you understand?” He looks at the fifth one, aware of his struggles. Afterwards, he walks out with them, finding the great lord seated, holding a riding crop.

Exiting the room with his pupils, the official spots the great lord seated, holding a riding crop. As soon as the great lord sees him, he rises and addresses him: “I knew you were still sleeping, so I intentionally sat here waiting for you since early morning. Why do you want to meet me?”
“Why do you still send people to monitor me after all this time? I haven’t harmed your people; why treat me like an ordinary person?” The official questions.
“That’s just how I operate. I don’t trust anyone fully; I always have people keeping an eye on you, just to be safe. Always,” the great lord responds.
“If you can’t trust me, there’s no point in me continuing to teach. Stick to your promise of liberating your people within the next two years, and I’ll keep teaching, or do as you please with me,” he asserts.
“I’m in a powerful position now. Why would I abandon everything and go back? I won’t set them free; going back doesn’t ensure my safety. Similarly, your presence here doesn’t ensure your life either. So, what’s your decision?” the leader asks.

In his thoughts, the leader ponders, “He’s truly foolish. How can I free them? He believes I won’t harm him, but now I need him. I must alter my strategy.” With feigned laughter, the leader then assures the old official, saying, “Alright, I guarantee I’ll organize their liberation in two years. For now, focus on teaching the villagers.” Stepping forward, he pats the official on the shoulder. The official responds, “Alright, I’ll proceed with their education then.”

As I understand it, the two of them reached an agreement that the leader would still keep someone monitoring the official, but he must keep his promise to liberate the villagers in two more years.

The leader dismisses the old official, mounts his horse, and rides away. The official returns to his room, muttering, “Until that time comes, you’ll understand. You don’t need to liberate them; they will liberate themselves.”


Part 14: Turning the tables

The next morning, the old man lies in bed, plagued by a series of coughs. Seeing the leader approaching, the three young attendants stationed outside the official’s room quickly rush over, declaring, “Great Lord, the elder is unwell, and he’s granted us three days off.”
Their loyalty indicates their allegiance to the leader, and I understand why the official never allows them into his room. The leader simply responds with an “Hmm,” pushes the door open, and enters the big room, while the official’s coughing persists.
The leader inquires, “Are you unwell? Three days off seems quite extensive.” The official, panting, murmurs, “I am old and frail; I fear I may not recover. But I’ll strive to regain my strength to continue teaching. I must rest for three days…” then, he continues coughing. “I’m afraid my sickness won’t subside.”
The leader replies, “Alright, rest. I’m leaving now.”

That night, the man coughs incessantly, repeatedly pounding his chest with his hand as he lies inclined, facing the wall. The black-clothed physician flips through his ledger and notes, “The old man wishes to commit suicide.”

The next morning, the leader returns, heading straight to the man’s room, and asks, “Why do you want to die?” The feeble official weakly raises his hand, with disheveled hair and rumpled clothes, and whispers, “I am old and weak; I just want to regain my strength to teach. I have no intention of committing suicide, rest assured.”

The leader nods, conveying his trust, “I trust you. Take your time to rest and recover,” before he departs. That evening, the official summons three boys to his chamber, instructing them, “Inform the villagers that tomorrow, only those wearing shoes may enter the main study hall; anyone without shoes should stay outside.” He then looks down at their feet, noting two are barefoot and one wears white cloth shoes, tightly bound around his ankles. This boy, chubby and the least educated among them, catches the official’s attention.

Under the official’s scrutinizing look, the two barefoot boys become visibly uneasy, each attempting to shield their bare feet with the other, as though wishing to conceal their absence of footwear. The official, pointing at them, decisively orders, “You two, go and inform the villagers.” He then shifts his focus to the boy with shoes, telling him, “You stay.” Once the barefoot pair departs, he turns to the boy who remains, beckoning, “Come here and massage my shoulders.”

I sense the boy’s inner turmoil as he thinks, “This old man! How dare he relegate me to such a lowly task!” Yet, despite his reluctance, the boy complies. The official, curious, asks, “Why do you have shoes when the others do not? Could it be that you are the Lord’s son?”
“I am indeed the Lord’s son,” the boy admits. “My mother, the Lord’s most distinguished lady, ensured I was well provided for, including these shoes.”
Hearing this, the official changes his tone, “If you’re truly the Lord’s son, then you shouldn’t be burdened with menial tasks. You may stop now. Tell me, is the Lord very wealthy? And what brings you to study under me?”
“Yes, the Lord is immensely wealthy. Sadly, my mother died when I was young. Out of his love for her, the Lord took me in. Among his 13 children, I am considered one of the prominent sons. The Lord has entrusted me to your tutelage so that I might be ready to succeed him in two years.”
“Very well,” the official responds, “you may go outside and take your rest.”

After the child leaves, the official muses to himself, “You show a weakness, giving me leverage. Involving your family in politics comes with its risks.” He then leans back, facing the wall, and as he detects the sound of a window being opened and a sedative being introduced into the room, he closes his eyes, no stranger to such occurrences.

Outside, a group of attendants stands ready to assist the child. Some dress him, others prepare a meal, and a few stand by with various items, waiting for any orders. They comfort him, “Young master, do not worry. Look after your health and well-being. Recall your mother’s guidance. Before her death, she secured the lord’s promise to bequeath the throne to you. Your destiny is to become the lord.”

Meanwhile, the official shifts restlessly, first turning left, then right, scratching his thigh as he does so. He looks puzzled, wondering silently, “Why am I still awake? Shouldn’t I have fallen asleep by now? Is the sedative ineffective, or is there another reason?”

Then it dawned on him, “So there are three factions, but who are the ones from the third faction remaining incognito? And why would they want to assist me? This third group is indeed enigmatic; it’s hard to ascertain whether their intentions are benevolent or malevolent.” A thought sparked in his mind, “Perhaps those from the third faction also have loved ones and family who wish to escape this predicament, which is why they are aiding me.” Then he contemplated the scenario for the next day: those without shoes relegated to sit outside the classroom, while only the lord’s son, equipped with shoes, would be allowed inside to study. This would undoubtedly fuel their indignation. Yet, he wouldn’t permit it to fester into chaos for too long. He would let them feel upset for a short while before bringing everyone together to learn.

At this point, all the visions disappeared. My spiritual guide said, “That’s enough for now; I’ll show you the rest later. There are three more sections to complete the lesson.”


Part 15: The escape

Today, my Spirit Guide prepares me to witness the next segment of my past life’s narrative. He instructs me to lie down and fold my hands, assuring me that the unfolding of the next part will last about thirty minutes. He reminds me not to worry about remembering where we left off, as understanding will come naturally. Before the scene transitions, he grants me a swift review of the previous segment, setting the stage for the villagers gathering in front of the courtyard and classroom.

The old official emerges onto the courtyard, arms folded and fan in hand, to address the assembled villagers. Their murmurs of discontent fill the air, frustrated by the barrier to their learning. “I’m sorry, everyone. I can’t let you in the study room today,” he declares. Without waiting for a response, he turns and walks back into the study room, the Lord’s son following him closely. The decision ignites a wave of commotion among the villagers, with voices rising in protest, “Does this old man want trouble? Why does only that kid get in?” and “Why is he allowed to enter while our kids can’t?”

Outside, the air is thick with the villagers’ shouts and protests, contrasting sharply with the calm inside, where the official sits, addressing the boy kneeling before him. “You are permitted here solely because you are the lord’s son,” he states deliberately. This declaration triggers a fresh wave of outrage among the crowd outside, echoing with grievances: “Why is it that the lord’s son can study while our children are left out?” “It’s unjust to discriminate against our children like this,” they argue, refusing to accept the disparity imposed on their descendants.

In the midst of this tumult, their lord arrives, his presence commanding attention. He dismounts with urgency and makes his way through the crowd, his intent clear as he enters the official’s room. “Why is my son here, studying alone?” he demands, frustration evident. Without waiting for an answer, he grabs the boy, dragging him outside, hoists him onto his horse, and departs swiftly, leaving a bewildered crowd in his wake.

As the official steps out to confront the villagers, he’s met with a tumultuous mix of anger and confusion. Raising his hand, he swiftly commands their attention, silencing the crowd. “Listen,” he begins with urgency, “true freedom is found in your escape. Flee now, and your descendants will be free from tyranny’s chains. Seek refuge in the mountain caves; assistance awaits you there.” His warning is grave, highlighting the tyrant’s imminent return with forces ready to exact deadly retribution. “Hurry, flee for your lives,” he insists, compelling them to grasp their fleeting opportunity for liberty.

In response, many villagers scatter, making their way toward the ominous mountain caves. A few, fraught with anxiety, approach the elder, questioning, “Will you join us, sir?” He dismissively gestures them on, reassuring, “Go on, I’ll be fine.” Yet, a contingent of about a dozen remains, paralyzed by indecision. They voice their reluctance, clinging to a sliver of hope in loyalty: “We can’t leave. Perhaps loyalty to the lord will spare us.” The elder counters, “If you stay, the lord’s mercy won’t extend to you,” but his words are met with skepticism, their faces etched with doubt over the lord’s potential wrath.

Perceiving their hesitation, he offers no further arguments, turning instead to retreat to his chamber. Their calls trail after him, “If you need anything, sir, we’re here to assist you,” offering a thread of solidarity in the midst of brewing storm.

He responds tersely, “No need,” before disappearing inside. In moments, several young men, clad in rugged attire and wielding spears retrieved from his room, emerge. They close the door firmly and stand guard, a protective barrier around him. Among these guards are two young men, his students, whom he had previously charged with the vital mission of sustaining their families’ welfare by forging paths and securing resources. They quickly wrap him in extra layers for warmth, and with a sense of urgency, one lifts him onto his back while the other, with bow at the ready, scans their surroundings vigilantly. Together, they make a swift retreat into the depths of the mountain cavern.

No sooner have they vanished into the cave’s embrace than the ground trembles with the thunderous approach of the Great Lord’s forces. As the trio delves deeper into the shadows of the cave, their only vision is the enclosing darkness. Shortly, they come upon two young men assisting the elder to sit. Striking a fire to life, the cavern’s vastness unfolds before them, splitting into two distinct paths under the watchful gaze of red-tinted stalactites, the chamber soaring above like a colossal, ancient hall. Positioned at this critical junction, one of the young men admits, “We’re lost,” as the ominous sound of approaching horses and the zip of arrows fill the air.

Reacting swiftly, they smother the fire, enveloping themselves in darkness once more. With no time to waste, they hoist the elder and dash towards the path on their right.

As they navigate the cavern’s depths, the group faces a relentless onslaught; an arrow pierces one guard’s shoulder, yet they forge ahead, undeterred by the barrage. Soon, another guard collapses, struck down, while the elder himself isn’t spared, sustaining injuries to his right shoulder and left thigh. Despite the chaos and his injuries, the young man carrying the elder keeps moving forward.

Their perseverance leads them to a glimmer of hope: a shaft of light piercing the gloom from above. Gazing upwards, they discover a lifeline—a hole in the cave’s ceiling. From this beacon of escape, a voice calls down, clear and urgent, “Quickly now, bring the elder up first.” In this moment of crisis, the group’s resolve hardens; they rally, focusing all efforts on lifting the elder towards the light, towards safety.

With urgency, he seized onto a cluster of roots and began ascending, but midway, an arrow struck him, causing his body to crash to the ground with a resounding thud. As the soldiers and the Great Lord’s men closed in, the Lord unsheathed his sword, swiftly slashing the young man in two diagonal strokes. From above the cave, tears fall from the father’s eyes in deep sorrow. Quickly, he covers the hole with dirt and rolls a large stone over the opening.

Part 16: Hit by an Arrow

In the next scene, the villagers, fresh from their ordeal in the mountain cave, are in a state of commotion and confusion. The elder official, acting quickly, hands a wooden command card to one of them, saying, “Take this to the district official; it will bring assistance.” The villager nods and dashes off with the command card. Then, remembering another task, the elder pulls a letter from his robe and says, “This letter must reach its destination within three hours.” A second villager grabs the letter and hurries away.

As the remaining villagers regroup, they notice the elder’s injuries. One of them, who appears to be in charge, steps forward and says, “We can find a doctor to look at that.” The elder looks down at his wound and comments, “The arrow isn’t poisoned, and I have the right medicine. But my concern is for the leg—if the arrow hit the bone…” His voice trails off, and emotion overtakes him. “I hope it hasn’t come to that, but if the bone is pierced, amputation might be necessary,” he concludes, with a hint of despair in his eyes.

Not long after, the district official makes his appearance, a figure of modest height, dressed in a pristine sky-blue silk robe complemented a black hat featuring two wing-like flaps of thin, oval-shaped boards on each side.” He approaches the elder with a warm smile, exclaiming, “Sir, it’s a wonder to have you among us.” He signals to his attendants, who gently lift the elder onto a wooden cart equipped with two large wheels for transport. Addressing the gathered villagers, the official provides reassurance, “Remain here and wait for help; a court troop will be here within three hours.” He describes the incoming help: soldiers in black, their horses covered in black fabric trimmed with red, chosen to respect local traditions. Each villager receives a wooden card from him, smaller and broader than a memorial tablet, which he explains, “Hold onto this card for identification. Those found without one will not be spared.”

The district official whispers to the elder as the cart begins to move, revealing that only 80 villagers have escaped. The elder, shocked at the low number, learns that over half the villagers perished before they could flee, leaving only a fraction alive. The district official then shares a grim decree from the king: the remaining villagers are to be executed within three hours. The elder, desperate to save them, pleads for their lives, even as he struggles with his own wounds, coughing up blood. The district official, while sympathetic, states the harsh reality: the order comes directly from the king, and the elder’s only hope is to appeal directly at the capital.

The elderly official nodded. “Very well, give me five hours, and I’ll return to the capital immediately. Wait for me; they mustn’t be killed.” “I can only wait three hours. At all costs, I must receive new orders from the court within that time,” replied the district official firmly.

The elderly official acknowledges the gravity of the situation and promises to return to the capital within five hours, insisting that the villagers must not be executed. The district official, however, states he can only delay the execution for three hours, urging the need for new orders from the court within that timeframe. Agreeing to the constraint, the elderly official embarks on a hurried journey to the capital, transferred to a horse-drawn carriage for a faster pace, urging the driver to push the horse to its limits to cover the distance in two hours.
The rough and jolting ride to the capital is particularly taxing for the elderly official, who is already weakened by his injuries, including two arrows lodged in his body.

Upon arriving at the capital, the elderly official is swiftly brought before the king. The king greets him with a mixture of surprise and amusement, “Your safe return here is indeed miraculous. Ha Ha.”
Without delay, the elderly official, driven by urgency, pleads, “Your Majesty, please, spare their lives.”
The king’s response is firm and unwavering, “I cannot. They sought to kill me first.”
The king steps down and stands before the senior official, who lies on a stretcher. “You have two options,” he begins. “Stay here, regain your position, and they die. Or, live with them for three years. Guide them. If they truly repent and honor me, I’ll spare them and you can return.”
The official pleads, “Please, let me stay with them.”
The king laughs, “Alright, they’ll be moved to a new land in five days, not back to their own.”
Desperate, the official asks, “But can you stop the executions now?”
Don’t worry,” the king chuckles. “The execution order? Merely a bluff. The genuine command will follow shortly.” He pauses, his laughter taking on a mirthless quality. “You see, allowing you a hero’s return is simply out of the question.”
He then orders his attendants, “Get him two doctors. That’s all.”
As they carry the official away, the king signals a soldier, “Watch him closely.”

Part 17: Rescued by the royal court

Inside the horse-drawn carriage, the elderly official lies surrounded by a few companions, including two physicians who are busy tending to his wounds. They clean his blood, comb his hair, and wrap a white cloth around his hair bun.
Physician 1: (With a chuckle) “You’re looking much better now.” The elderly Official laughs in response. The physicians proceed to remove arrows from his shoulder, applying a white powder to the wounds. One says: “This medicine is potent; you’ll recover soon. Your wounds aren’t too severe.”

As they move to treat the wounds on his leg, they assure him of a speedy recovery, emphasizing that the injuries haven’t reached the bone.
A girl’s voice suddenly cuts through the quiet of the carriage.
Girl: “Your Excellency, I respectfully greet you.”

The elderly official, curious, attempts to raise himself for a better look but, not recognizing her, settles back.
Elderly Official: “Is His Majesty employing a maid to spy on me now?”
Physician 1: “Not in the slightest, Your Excellency. Do you not recall her? She’s the servant from your own home.”
Elderly Official: “I do not remember. Why send a maid specifically for me?”
Physician 2: “Your Excellency, it seems you’ve altered your stance. Gone is the man we knew; what’s this hesitation for? She’s an orphan you embraced, bringing her into your household out of kindness. She holds great gratitude towards you and desires to serve.”

This exchange sheds light on the elderly official’s confusion and the gentle ribbing from the physicians, all while hinting at the deeper bonds and responsibilities he holds within his personal life.

He declares, “Very well, she may stay with me. But understand this, if either of you develops feelings for her, I’ll arrange your marriage. Otherwise, she can remain with me temporarily. Whomever she chooses, I will support her decision. I have no intention of keeping her against her will.” The girl, still kneeling in the corner with her head bowed, responds, “Thank you, Your Excellency.” He replies, “No need, please stand.”

The physician asks, “Why does His Majesty always assign someone to watch over you?” He explains, “Remember the times I needed immediate help? Having someone keep an eye on me ensures I’m promptly assisted.” The physician nods, showing he understands.
Upon reaching the gathering point where the villagers and the district official are waiting, they find a crowd around the official. He announces, “We must leave this place. I will guide everyone to a new land, about three days’ journey from here by road.”

Just then, a group of cavalry, clad in black with horses covered in black and red-edged fabric, arrives. They ask, “Who are you? Why are you here?” The senior official pulls out a wooden tablet from his pocket and shows it to them. Upon seeing the tablet, the cavalry quickly turns their horses and rides off. Surprised, the senior official turns to the district official and asks, “Why did they leave as soon as they saw the card?” The district official responds, “They recognized it as the king’s order and had to leave immediately.”
The district official then says, “We must leave now.”

Leading the group, a soldier carries a flag featuring a red triangle framed by serrated borders. Sequentially, the border displays yellow, green, white, blue, pink, and red hues, with yellow symbolizing royalty.
The group starts to move forward.

The film halted. Glancing at the clock, I noted exactly thirty minutes had passed since my viewing began. My spiritual guide then made a promise to unveil the next chapter on another day.”Dear Master, here is the continuation of the visions from my past lives.”


Part 18: Fatal Poisoned Arrow

Dear Master,
Here is the continuation of my story:
As before, my Spirit Guide encourages me to lie down and proceed with the next part. Closing my eyes, I revisit the final scene from the last segment, paused at the moment everyone is holding flags, tugging each other onto the road. Suddenly, it’s as if someone hits play, and the scene resumes.

The procession moves down the road, with the elder engaging in conversation with a subordinate official who rides alongside him in the carriage, showing deep respect by bowing.
“I hold reverence not just for the king but for the heavens as well,” the elder states.
“Be careful with your words,” the official cautions, visibly worried.
“The heavens rule over all, even above the king. Therefore, my reverence is for the heavens first and the king second,” the elder clarifies.
Shaken, the official pleads, “Please, be mindful of what you say.”

Suddenly, an arrow flies towards the right side of the carriage, breaking through its side and hitting the back of the official who is kneeling down. He cries out once before falling, lifeless. The arrow was poisoned. Immediately after, a slender, tall figure dressed in black and with their face covered, jumps onto the roof of the carriage where the elder is seated. This figure quickly takes out a rope, loops it around the horse’s neck, and yanks it backward. While confronting the carriage’s driver, the cloaked assailant speaks from outside, “Please come with us to the cave.”

The elder responds firmly, “If you wish to go, then proceed. I will not accompany you to the cave. Inform your leader that our paths have diverged; we shall not cross paths again.”

Outside the horse-drawn carriage, soldiers accompanying the elder find themselves under assault from a tightly-knit group clad in black, prompting an immediate and fierce defense. Suddenly, a rescue force surges from behind, plunging into the midst of the battle. Amidst the chaos, both sides clash vehemently, the black-clad assailants directing their fury towards the elder within the carriage, while the imperial soldiers swiftly encircle and shield him. Despite the shattered wooden walls of the carriage and the escalating turmoil, the elder remains seated, composed and unperturbed, calmly observing the unfolding chaos. As the clash intensifies, the imperial forces gradually overpower the majority of the black-clad assailants, leaving only one wounded figure behind. He clutches his injured shoulder with one hand, while tightly gripping his sword with the other, desperately scouring for a means of escape.

The commander asks, “They’re all defeated, just one escaped. Should we chase after him?”
The elder replies, “No need. Let him go. I have a message for his leader.” Then he adds, “Let’s leave now, before another attack. We’ll split into two groups: one fast, one normal. I’ll go last.”
“It’s risky, sir. We could be attacked easily.”
“Do you want to survive or die here?”
“Survive, sir.”

They move him to a smaller horse-drawn carriage, as ordered by the military commander. The commander divides the group as the elder suggested, and they set off immediately. After a while, darkness falls. Suddenly, arrows fly from both sides of the road, shot by the bandits’ army, not the lord of the villagers. Each arrow finds its target, and people fall dead instantly. Despite traveling for hours, it remains dark. The commander leading the front group turns his horse back towards the others and reports to the elder, “Sir, more than half are dead.” Upon hearing this, the elder says, “That’s enough casualties. There won’t be any more deaths,” and signals to continue. After a while, the group stops to rest and refuses to go on. They kneel down, facing the elder, crying and pleading, “Great elder, we have lost all our loved ones. We can’t go on.”

The elder instructs the military commander, “If I am hit by an arrow later, tell them it’s not poisoned.” With that, he steps down from the carriage and approaches the group of suffering people kneeling ahead. He reassures them, “Don’t worry, we’re almost out of this stretch of road. Let’s continue on. Once we’re out of here, it’ll be safe, no one will harm you.” Just as he finishes speaking, an arrow flies and lodges into his right shoulder. The commander immediately approaches, examines it, and loudly declares, “This arrow is not poisoned.” Then he promptly helps the elder back into the carriage.

Inside the carriage, the elder’s complexion gradually pales, taking on a purple hue, with blood trickling from the corners of his mouth. Struggling to grasp the hand of the commanding official, he whispers, “Don’t harm them,” before his hand falls limply. At that moment, the spirit of the girl inhabiting the man’s body, clad in white, emerges from the elder’s body, stands tall, and steps outside. As she departs the elder’s form, she wipes herself with her hand and remarks, “Finally free from this foul-smelling shell.”


Part 19 – The Buddha’s decree

The girl’s spirit slowly ascends into the sky and meets the Buddha once again. The Buddha sits on a grand throne, radiating a gentle golden light, towering over her diminutive form, barely half the size of his footstool. Upon seeing her, the Buddha speaks, “You have sinned. You relied on your intelligence to try to save them, but it led to the deaths of many. If you had humbly taught for three years, things would have been different. You followed your own desires.” The girl kneels and bows her head, listening carefully as if understanding and awaiting punishment. However, the Buddha says, “I reward you,” and places a bag of gold into her right hand. Surprised, she asks, “Excuse me… You said I committed sins, why are you rewarding me?” “I reward you for your courage in action and acceptance of responsibility. However, you must return to the mortal realm,” says the Buddha.

– “Yes, Lord Buddha. She acknowledges.
– “Could I avoid returning to that dark place? I wish not to go back there,” she pleads.
– “You should return to the mortal realm, where you will encounter the Great Path to aid your progress. You have 200 years to wait in the mortal realm to meet the Great Path.” At that moment, from the Buddha’s hand, small triangular flags and pieces of parchment fly towards her, one by one. The flags’ edges curl like flames, the flagpoles as thin as pointer fingers, each about 35 cm tall. The parchments, rolled up, are about the width of forearms, with wooden bars at both ends. With a wave of his hand, the parchment in her hand unfurls, spreading out into a horizontal line before her eyes.
On the parchment, there are two sentences:

“Serve with uttermost loyalty
Sacrifice for filial piety”

The Buddha waves his hand once more, and the rolled parchment flies into her hand, resting horizontally within her palm. He declares, “You shall be born into a female form.” At that moment, though she wishes to ask, “Can I be born into a male form?” she hesitates to speak. The Buddha continues, “And you shall learn in the guise of a woman. You will undergo several cycles of reincarnation to cultivate before encountering the Great Path. Throughout your life, from now until the fulfillment of your spiritual journey, you must embody the virtues of patience and perseverance. I will offer you a glimpse of your life when you encounter the Path, so you may find peace.”

Stepping before her, the Buddha causes a map of Vietnam to materialize on the floor, with a white beam sweeping across from northern Vietnam. As it nears the southern region, the beam halts.

The Buddha explains, “You will be born into a middle-class family in the southern region of South Vietnam. At the age of 20, you will encounter the Great Path, and by 30, you will fully embrace its teachings. Throughout your life, you will not possess money, as you are not destined to earn or be enslaved by it. By the age of 45, your life will ascend, and you will acquire considerable wealth, such that you may not even be aware of its sources.. You will utilize this wealth for significant endeavors.”

The girl sees an ancient yellowed piece of paper materialize, bearing bold red ink numbers prominently displayed at the bottom half. Initially mistaking it for the number 10, upon closer inspection, she realizes it’s a bold red zero with a line underneath. The Buddha continues, “At that time, your karmic account is zero. Your life will ascend. By the age of 65, you will devote all your time to the teachings of the Path. At 75, you will pass away, not reaching the age of 80. This spares you from the suffering of old age and illness.

The Buddha instructs her, “You may go,” then fades away. The two heavenly guards who had escorted her soul back to the mortal realm reappear.

During their journey, the heavenly guards caution her, “You will experience premature death in 5 lifetimes. Do you understand why? It’s to ensure the preservation of your soul’s purity until the day you encounter the Great Path, sparing you from the trials of old age and safeguarding the integrity of your spirit.”

Hearing this, the girl clutches the parchment tightly, as if afraid of forgetting their counsel. The celestial beings continue, “You will be born into a family below the middle class, but you won’t need to labor for sustenance; others will provide for you.”


Part 20 – Journey Toward the Great Path

1st Re-incarnation – Dying young
Emerging from celestial heights, the girl descends, accompanied by two celestial guardians as they traverse into the mortal realm, arriving at the gate of a humble house—neither rich nor poor.

One of the guardians speaks softly, “This family lives with modest means; in this lifetime, you shall live with them for 16 years.” With those words, the guardians stretch out their hands, guiding her soul inside.

Simultaneously, in that home, a woman experiences the throes of labor, bringing forth new life into the world—a baby girl. Welcoming their firstborn with elation, the family envelops the infant in a loving embrace, their hearts brimming with joy.

Growing up, the girl receives love and care from her parents. When she’s four years old, while playing near the pond in front of their home, she accidentally falls in. Swiftly, two celestial guardians rescue her, pulling her out and placing her in the courtyard. Upon seeing them, she giggles and waves. Startled, her parents rush out to find her sitting there, wet but smiling and gesturing as if conversing with someone. Concerned, they ask, “Sweetheart, are you okay?” Pointing ahead, she replies, “Two people saved me.” The couple looks in that direction but sees no one. Fearful of the unknown, they quickly carry their daughter inside the house.

As the years pass, the girl, now around 13 or 14 years old, begins to attract attention, particularly with her eyes. Visitors come to the family, expressing interest in having her as a future daughter-in-law. However, her parents decline, stating, “She’s still young and doesn’t understand; we’ll consider it when she’s older.” At 15, she falls seriously ill, confined to her bed, coughing up blood clots. The doctor shakes his head, refusing to treat her, saying, ‘There’s nothing I can do,’ before departing with his medicine bag. Distressed, her parents follow him outside, grasping his arms and pleading to save their daughter. Left alone, the grieving couple collapses onto the ground, tears streaming down their faces.

That night, she sits propped up against a pillow, her face pale, struggling to breathe. Suddenly, two celestial guardians appear. “It’s not your time yet,” they say gently. “You must wait another year.” Sending a soothing energy towards her, her complexion gradually brightens. “In two or three days, you’ll be well again,” one of them assures before they vanish. Though feeling foggy, true to their words, her health improves within two days, and she eventually recovers.

A year later, on a winter night, she peacefully passes away in her sleep. As her soul departs her body, the two guardians stand vigil. Discovering their daughter’s lifeless form, her parents collapse beside her bed, consumed by grief. Sensing her reluctance to leave, the guardians gently urge, “You must move forward.” Reluctantly, she follows them into the sky. Glancing back, she sees her parents in anguish, yearning for her return. Despite their sorrow, the guardians insist, “Keep moving forward.”
With a heavy heart, she follows them into the vast expanse of the sky.

Part 21: 2nd Re-incarnation: The-Quan role

Certainly, here’s a refined version with improved flow, clarity, and coherence:

In the following scene, the two spirit guardians escort her to the entrance of a prosperous household, reassuring her, “You will spend 18 years here. This family will cherish you deeply.” With their guidance, she enters. At that moment, a woman inside gives birth to a baby girl. Though the child is lively, a profound sadness tinges her expression.

Filled with joy, the father tenderly cradles the baby girl, affectionately dubbing her “Young miss” and giving her the name The Quan (a name conveying the idea of authority i.e world ruler) Despite their advancing age, they shower her with love and attention, hoping to offer her the best they can. Attempting to elicit laughter from her, the father’s efforts are met with only faint smiles before she retreats into her somber demeanor once more. Witnessing her parents’ unwavering care, Thế Quân grows deeply attached to them. Nevertheless, her persisting melancholy raises concerns about her future among her parents.

At the age of 14, her father falls seriously ill. Summoned to his bedside, he utters, “My poor child, what will become of you without us? We are old. How will you manage on your own?” Shortly after, he succumbs to his illness, leaving her enveloped in profound sorrow. A month later, her mother, overwhelmed by grief, also falls ill and passes away, leaving her alone and unprepared to navigate life without her parents.

Afterward, she finds herself alone in the house, engulfed by loneliness and contemplating ending her life. That night, she dreams of celestial guardians, who caution her, “You mustn’t succumb to despair. You must wait for four more years.” Upon awakening, she comprehends that she must endure. She begins aiding her neighbors with chores, seeking solace and purpose in her solitude.
Luckily, her neighbors are kind-hearted and teach her self-care. Thế Quân feels more useful, and her grief begins to fade.

Gradually, her demeanor changes; she feels happier and lives more positively as she awaits her destiny. Exactly four years later, on a winter night, Thế Quân peacefully passes away in her sleep.

Her soul hastily bolts from her body, eager to leave the mortal world. Two celestial beings appear and say, “There’s no need to rush; When it’s time, you’ll be out of here regardless”

Part 22 – 3rd Re-incarnation – Entering the palace

As her soul hastily exits her body, seemingly eager to leave the mortal realm, two celestial beings appear and say, ” When the time’s right, you’ll be on your way regardless.” Then, they guide her soul onward, slightly northward. Arriving at a grand house owned by a wealthy merchant, the celestial beings declare, “You’ll spend 20 years here in this lifetime. This family is rich, and they’ll take good care of you.”

With that, they push her soul inside the house, where a woman has just given birth to a lovely baby girl. The father holds the baby and says, “Our daughter is so beautiful; she’ll be a queen one day.” The mother quickly warns him, “Don’t say that yet.” But the father just smiles happily, gazing at his daughter with love.

The girl grows up to be incredibly beautiful, known far and wide in the region. When she turns 18, many wealthy families nearby propose marriage, but her father rejects them all. He is determined that his daughter must become a queen. Worried, the mother suggests, “Maybe we should consider marrying her to one of the wealthy families nearby instead of pursuing the throne.”
– “No, becoming queen will give her the chance to rule,” the father insists.
– “Be careful with your words,” the mother cautions.
– “But see, this family only wants to benefit from her wealth and status. I’ve made my decision,” the father concludes.

Feeling uneasy about the looming decision, the girl confides in her mother right away. She expresses her reluctance to become queen and pleads for her father’s understanding. But her father strongly disagrees, emphasizing the benefits of her ruling for the family. Despite his arguments, she remains firm in her decision, causing her father to storm out angrily.

The next day, the mother tries to persuade her husband once more, suggesting, “Why not say the girl has passed away?” However, the father has a different plan. He says, “Tomorrow, the royal entourage will pass by. I’ve arranged for her to meet the Prince.”

Listening in on the conversation between her parents from behind the door, the girl hatches a plan to avoid being selected to enter the palace. She retreats to her room, grabs a white cloth, and drapes it over the curtain rod to simulate a noose around her neck. But as she attempts to climb onto the chair, she clumsily falls, spraining her ankle in the process. She requires bandaging and must rest in bed. Consequently, her father has to inform the Prince’s party that their daughter is unwell.

The following morning, the Prince arrives at the house, swiftly making his way through the main door and directly to her room. “I heard you’re unwell, so I came to visit,” he says, reaching for her hand and pulling her off the bed. He drags her out of the house, lifting her onto the horse carriage and urging the horse to gallop. Trembling with fear, she cowers in a corner of the carriage as the Prince’s advances become inappropriate. Though she has a small knife hidden in her coat sleeve, she hesitates, fearing repercussions for her family. As the Prince’s actions grow more forceful, he pushes her to lie face down on the carriage floor. In a moment of desperation, she retrieves the knife and stabs herself in the abdomen. Startled, the Prince swiftly exits the carriage, instructing his men to return her body to her family. Upon her soul’s departure from her body, the two celestial guardians materialize and deliver a solemn message: “You’ve committed a transgression. Your time had not yet come, yet you chose to end your journey prematurely. Consequences await you. Two more years of blessings were in store.” They guide her soul skyward, halting in an area designated for punishment. There, clouds stretch endlessly, each adorned with a transparent bubble akin to soap bubbles.

With a somber tone, the guardians gesture, “It’s not comfortable here either. Enter.” Reluctantly, she steps into the bubble, where she can only stand or sit within its confines. Around her, other souls occupy bubbles, peering down at the mortal realm below. Each cloud with a bubble stands about 150 meters apart. Though they can see others in nearby bubbles, their faces and forms remain indistinct.

Trapped within her bubble, she gazes longingly at the world below, filled with regret for her untimely departure. Here, amidst the isolation and solitude, she witnesses the repetitive rhythm of days passing, the sun’s rise and fall painting a monotonous scene. She finds herself engulfed in profound loneliness and bitter solitude.


Part 23 – 4th Re-incarnation – A life of suffering

As her time in the bubble draws to a close, the two celestial guardians reappear and guide her back to the mortal realm. They lead her to the entrance of an ordinary-looking home. “In this life,” they announce, “you shall have 30 years.” With that, they gently guide her inside, just as a woman within is giving birth to a baby girl.

The newborn, though physically healthy, doesn’t have the most attractive appearance, with a wrinkled face. When the husband sees it’s a girl instead of a boy, he looks disappointed and says angrily, “A girl? I wanted a son! If it’s a girl, it’s your responsibility!” He hands the baby to his wife and storms out of the room. The mother, holding her daughter, looks at her with love and says, “It’s okay. I’ll take care of her. You’re mommy’s precious little one.”

In this life, she grows up without the love of a father, bullied by her three older brothers, and always seeking refuge with her mother. She matures with a wrinkled, unattractive face, and no suitors come seeking her hand in marriage. When her father passes away, her mother becomes even more protective, fearing her brothers’ mistreatment.

At the age of 30, two celestial beings appear in her dream, informing her that she has only one month left before her time on earth ends. They advise her to make the most of the remaining time to settle matters. The next morning, she shares the news with her mother, urging her to be cautious. Startled, her mother grasps her hand and asks urgently, “How do you know?” She recounts her dream from the previous night. Her mother rushes to the nearby temple, pleading with the deities to spare her daughter’s life. Each day, she kneels at the temple from morning till night, begging for her daughter’s life. One day, as she prepares to leave, she notices the deity statue in the temple, smiling.

Meanwhile, her daughter patiently awaits the inevitable day of her departure. A month elapses, and on that fateful night, the two celestial beings reappear in her dreams. With solemn voices, they pronounce, “You’ve committed the sin of revealing heaven’s secret. Therefore, you shall endure an additional 5 years of suffering on earth as punishment.” Shocked and speechless, she watches as the figures vanish into the night.

The following morning, her mother falls gravely ill. Clutching her mother’s hand, she receives a serene smile and hears her mother whisper, “I’ve successfully pleaded for your stay,” before peacefully passing away in her arms. Overwhelmed with grief, she tries desperately to rouse her mother, but to no avail.

Upon learning of their mother’s death, her brothers hastily intervene, forcibly separating her from her mother and arranging for the funeral without delay. As their mother’s body is removed from the room, the eldest brother issues commands to the household: “Seal that room shut. Keep her confined, feed her, but deny her warmth.” Hastily, they lay their mother to rest and swiftly claim her assets.

From that moment on, she is confined to the room, with servants sliding food through a small opening twice a day. The bitter winter offers no respite, with only a thin blanket to stave off the chill. She spends her days alone, tucked away in a corner of the dimly lit room, enduring the agony of loneliness, coldness, and overwhelming fear. As three years pass, her once-dark hair turns white, yet she remains huddled under the same blanket, her appearance disheveled, her eyes empty in the dimness. She persists in this state for another two years until, on a cold winter night, she quietly breathes her last.


Part 24. 5th Re-incarnation – Wealth

At that pivotal moment, the two celestial guardians reappear and guide her soul to a humble earthen abode. One declares, “In this life, you shall be granted 40 years, and this family will provide for you abundantly.” With a swift motion, the other gently nudges her soul into the house. Inside, a woman has just given birth to a chubby, vibrant baby girl, radiating with rosy cheeks and a cheerful countenance. As the sole child, she receives boundless affection from her parents.

When she reaches the age of 15, a suitor’s family arrives with a marriage proposal, prompting her mother to seek her opinion. She responds, “Why should I leave when I’m needed here to care for you, Mom and Dad?” Her mother acknowledges the wisdom in her words and agrees, allowing her to remain at home. Thus, she grows up in a nurturing environment, surrounded by parental love, and exudes a cheerful disposition, albeit with a slightly plump figure.

Upon reaching the age of thirty and finding herself with idle time at home, her mother advises, “You should seek employment to ensure your independence in the future.”

Undeterred by her initial setbacks, she ventures to the market in pursuit of employment. After being dismissed after just one day of work, she refuses to give up. The following day, she returns to the market, determined to secure a job. This time, she succeeds in landing a position at a restaurant. However, her joy is short-lived as she faces ridicule from her colleagues, who mock her weight and belittle her abilities. Feeling disheartened, she retreats from the restaurant and settles on the roadside, observing the bustling crowds pass by.

As she sits in contemplation, inspiration strikes. She devises a plan to make and sell cakes. The following morning, armed with her baking tools, she sets up a makeshift stall on the sidewalk. With deft hands, she cracks eggs, mixes flour and spices, and pours the batter into molds. Once baked, she skewers the cakes with bamboo sticks, tossing them into the air with one hand while deftly catching them on a square piece of paper held in the other. Her mesmerizing performance draws the attention of passersby, who pause to watch in awe.

The tantalizing aroma of golden-brown cakes fills the air, enticing onlookers to sample her creations. Soon, a crowd gathers around her stall, marveling at her skillful baking, indulging in her delectable treats, and sharing laughter and joy. Her cake stand becomes a lively hub of activity, brimming with eager customers eager to experience her culinary delights.

As the day draws to a close, she tidies up her tools and proudly carries the bag brimming with money home, eager to share her success with her mother. “Look, Mom, I earned so much today,” she exclaims, presenting the money. Her mother gently declines, urging her to save it for unforeseen circumstances. Reluctantly, she tucks the bundle of money under her bed.

Her bed, resembling an earthen chest, offers just enough space for one person to lie down comfortably. Beneath the mattress lies an empty compartment, concealed by a wooden board, where she stashes her belongings. That night, as she reclines on the bed, legs crossed, with a hand resting on her forehead, she ponders, “What should I earmark this money for?” As she immerses herself in the cake-selling business and her wealth grows, she diligently saves her earnings under her bed. Night after night, while lying down, she revisits the same thought: “What should I do with all this money?”

By the time she reaches the age of 35, her savings have grown substantially, filling the space beneath her bed. One evening, as she lies on her side, gazing at the wall, a new concern arises. “I have accumulated a significant sum, but if illness strikes, who will care for me?” With this realization, she comes to the decision that she needs to find a partner and get married.

During breakfast, she bravely announces to her parents, “I’ve decided to get married. Please find a match for me.” Her parents are taken aback, exchanging uncertain glances, unsure of how to react. Later, her mother, unable to conceal her surprise, remarks, “At your age, who would consider marrying you?” Though hurt by her mother’s words, she remains steadfast in her decision.

Despite initial hesitation, her parents eventually yield to their daughter’s determination. They hastily set out to find a matchmaker, dividing their efforts between the upper and lower neighborhoods. Her father ventures to the upper neighborhood, while her mother explores the lower neighborhood in search of a suitable match.

During breakfast, she announces to her parents, “I want to get married, please find a match for me.” Her parents are extremely surprised; her father glances at her mother, and her mother glances back, neither knowing how to respond. Later, her mother says, “At your age, who would want to marry you?” She doesn’t take it well, but she remains determined. Eventually, her parents relent and agree to indulge their beloved daughter’s wish. They hurry to find a matchmaker; her father heads to the upper neighborhood, while her mother goes to the lower neighborhood.

That day while selling cakes at the market, she proudly announces her intention to marry and promises to reward anyone who helps her find a suitable husband. People laugh upon hearing this; some think she’s joking because she’s already thirty-five, overweight, and not particularly attractive. While everyone is laughing, there’s a beggar nearby, about thirty years old, wearing tattered gray clothes, his pants rolled up unevenly, walking to her stall and boldly saying, “I will be your husband.” She seems startled, then replies, “I won’t marry you.” The beggar rejects outright in front of the crowd, becomes angry, and starts to destroy her cake stand.

That night, she changes her mind about getting married. Her parents, feeling sorry for their daughter and fearing for her well-being, comfort her, “It’s okay, dear, we will go to the upper and lower neighborhoods to find a good person for you.” But she remains adamant, “Please don’t look anymore, I’m not getting married.” Her parents nod in understanding, saying nothing more.
The following day, she resumes her routine of selling cakes at the market. With a sense of resolve, she announces to everyone that she has decided not to marry. People chuckle understandingly, and life returns to normal for her. She spends her mornings selling cakes and returns home in the evening with a bag full of money.

At night, as she lies on her bed, the same question continues to occupy her thoughts: “What should I do with my money?”
At the age of 40, one evening she experiences a vivid dream where two celestial guardians appear and deliver a solemn message: “You have only three more months until it’s time to depart from this world. Make necessary arrangements.” This dream prompts her to contemplate the purpose of her amassed wealth. Initially, she considers giving all of it to her parents, but they are uncertain about handling such a significant sum.

After careful consideration, she resolves to use her wealth to benefit others. She decides to allocate 20% to her parents, feeling that 10% is too little. The remaining 80% she plans to distribute to the surrounding villages. However, she faces a dilemma regarding how to distribute the funds. Should she entrust the village chief with the task, risking potential embezzlement? After much deliberation, she opts to donate the money to various temples in the village, selecting a total of 8 temples as recipients.
Upon completing this noble task, her allotted time draws to a close, and she prepares to depart from this world.


Part 25. My Current Lifetime

On a wintry night, her soul peacefully departs from her earthly body, and immediately, two celestial guards appear to guide her soul to its destination in Vietnam. From above, she observes a map resembling the shape of an S, with a blinking white spot located between the South and Central regions. One of the celestial beings explains, “That blinking white spot marks the place chosen for you by the Celestials. The family residing there is of modest means, and they are not your biological parents. At the age of 18, you will be relocated to another household for training. Then, at 20, you will encounter your destined path, and we will guide you to yet another home. Throughout your journey, you will always be blessed with good fortune.” Grateful yet cautious, she asks, “Are you sure it won’t be a poor family?” The celestial being assures her, “I promise, it will not be a poor family.” With a sense of relief, she trusts their guidance as they lead her towards the blinking light on the map.

The next morning, a plump woman gives birth to a baby girl, whose tiny face contorts into a grimace of anger. The mother rests outside on a bed, while the baby is placed near the wall inside. I understand that the baby represents my current life and the beginning of my new journey. As I watch the images of my childhood unfold before me, I fail to discern anything particularly remarkable. However, as the scenes progress to my early teenage years, where I am innocently playing with friends, a celestial being whispers in my ear, “Haven’t you experienced moments of great joy?” Reflecting on this, I realize the truth in the celestial being’s words.

The narrative advances to my university days in Saigon and my eventual choice to live in a temple, focusing on a moment when I sought evening employment. A celestial figure then guided me to an office, where I met Toni, a Vietnamese-American entrepreneur, who introduced me to mysticism and the Master’s teachings.

I began recognizing the celestial being’s influence in crucial moments of my life, transforming my perception of chance into a clear vision of divine guidance. This realization grew as I revisited my life’s milestones, with nothing standing out until the celestial voice reassured me, “I have been your constant guide, providing help whenever you needed it, including financial support when necessary.” This acknowledgment brought the hidden truths of my journey to light.

Throughout my life, I experienced remarkable luck, consistently avoided accidents, and received help right when I needed it. My path, whether in education, career, or personal endeavors, was populated with people who offered just the right assistance.

Financially, whenever my business faced difficulties, unexpected help would arrive, often in the exact amount I needed but hadn’t dared to ask for. In desperate times, after praying to the Celestials, their promise of financial aid—like the precise sum of $10,000—miraculously came true the next day, delivered by someone I knew, affirming the celestial guidance and care that steered my life.

During my search for a modest office space, a friend unexpectedly offers a spacious three-story house in central Saigon without asking for rent. Similarly, when I initiate a business with limited funds and can’t afford inventory, another friend provides the necessary goods, allowing me to pay only after making sales. These extraordinary acts of kindness and support have punctuated my life’s journey with remarkable fortune.

After moving to the U.S., my journey through various states felt guided by the celestial being, leading me to consistently favorable circumstances. Within the span of four years, I relocated across four states, and in each place, I encountered generous individuals who helped me secure accommodation, find employment, and arrange transportation. This recurring assistance underscored the presence of divine guidance and benevolence throughout my transitions, affirming the celestial influence that seemed to pave my path with fortune and support.

Throughout five lifetimes cut short, I’ve grasped a crucial truth: the fleeting nature of family ties, romantic relationships, and friendships. These bonds, constantly shifting and temporary, resemble dreams—ephemeral and unworthy of my regret or sorrow. From an early age, I chose a path of independence, avoiding emotional or financial reliance on others. This approach has been a blessing, confirmed by a celestial being in a dream, who highlighted the virtue of such self-reliance.

As I was absorbed in “A Soul’s Quest For Serenity,” I paid close attention to each scene, capturing its essence without taking time to reflect. Later, when compiling this report, I carefully calculated the years spent in my previous five lifetimes, which totaled 124 years. In my current life, a celestial figure had warned me of my passing at approximately 75-76 years. For clarity in this document, I was advised to record the age as 75. Remarkably, the sum of these years matches the 200 years foretold by the Buddha—a fact that fills me with awe, dear Master. These two centuries include both the waiting and the span of my current lifetime.

This narrative structure enhances clarity by directly linking each idea and providing a smoother transition between personal reflections and the recounting of celestial guidance.

I am deeply grateful for the venerable Patriarch’s compassion and the empathetic teachings and mentorship of Master Triệu Nghiêm, which have been a guiding light since my time in Vietnam. This enduring guidance has been the anchor for my soul, providing a sense of serenity and stability throughout my journey.

Respectfully yours,
Disciple: Trieu Thong


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