Category : Kinh MTTHYL

Chapter VI: V & VI – The Cundi Dharani spoken by the Mother of Seven Kotis Buddhas

V. The Cundi Dharani spoken by the Mother of Seven Kotis Buddhas Tang Dynasty, India, Tripitaka master Amoghavajra translated from Sanskrit to Chinese by royal decree. Bhiksu Thich Vien Duc translated from Chinese to Vietnamese. As I have heard at one time, the Bhagavate was in the Great city at Jetavana forest, in the garden of Anathapinkdik, together with the community of Bhiksus, Bodhisattvas, Devas, heaven dragons and the eight groups of the Pantheon who encircled him on sides. Out […]

Chapter VI: IV – The Dharani Of Great Satisfaction, Of Fearlessness And Compassion Sutra From Thousand Heads, Thousand Arms Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva

IV. The Dharani Of Great Satisfaction, Of Fearlessness And Compassion Sutra From Thousand Heads, Thousand Arms Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. In the Tang’s Dynasty, samana Bragavatdharma, a citizen of India so translated. As I have heard, once His Holiness Sakyamuni resided at the Precious Solemn Bodhimandala in the palace of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the mountain of Potalaka. Buddha sat in the majestic Lion Palace adorned with countless various jewels, surrounded by many banners, pennants, and precious adornments. At the time, Buddha was […]

Chapter VI: III – Ucchusma On The Supernatural Power That Stops Hundreds Of Transformations

III. Ucchusma On The Supernatural Power That Stops Hundreds Of Transformations. North India, Samana Ajitasena brought over this Sutra under the Tang dynasty and translated it from Sanskrit to Chinese. Thich Vien Duc translated it into Vietnamese. At this time Ucchusma submitted his case to the Buddha: World Honored One! If faithful men or women recite my Dharani without results, they don’t need to worship me. To bring down a mountain that may contain hidden treasure, use a sharp knife […]

Chapter VI: II – Ucchusma Lectures On The Dharani Of Great Satisfaction And Wonderful Magic

II.Ucchusma Lectures On The Dharani Of Great Satisfaction And Wonderful Magic. North India, tripitaka master Ajitasena (the Invincible General) translated from Sanskrit to Chinese. Thich-Vien-Duc translated to Vietnamese. As I have heard, one time in Kusinagara, the country of the Mallas, (one of the sixteen major tribes in central India) close to Ajitavati River, and in Salavana forest, there were countless thousands of beings, the eight fold divisions of heavenly Dragon, human and non-human beings standing in four corners and […]

Chapter VI: I – Dharani – Mudra – Yantra – Mandala And Magic Circles

I. SIX LETTERS DHARANI KING SUTRA Shi Yi recorded in the Liang Dynasty Thich Vien Duc translation from Chinese to Vietnamese. As I have heard, once Buddha was in Svavasti country, in the forest of Jetjeta, there was a secular woman (Candala), who used sorcery on Ananda and many others. She worshipped the Asuras of mountain and trees, the sun, the moon, the five stars, the Asuras of the Great Bear constellation, ghosts and evil spirits. When the Buddha saw […]


I. Auspicious Dreams. O Subahuh! The reciting of the mantra must not be too slow, too fast, too loud or too soft and must not be interrupted by talking or listening to others. One must concentrate to avoid making any mistakes. The cultivation of Dharani and the performance of good deeds through making offerings, paying homage, reciting hymns and adorations should be done continuously day and night like the continuous flow of water. When disturbing thoughts arise, refocus right away […]


Secret Buddhism teachings are similar to any other teachings of Buddhism.. It has 2 aspects: Theory and Practice. In terms of secret sect, it is the Form of Teaching and the Form of Application. The Form of Teaching is the deep meaning behind the Form of Application as taught by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The Form of Application includes practices in mantra chanting, forming Mudras, altar setting and offerings. One must follow strict rules and cannot do whatever comes to […]

Chapter III: II – Lecture on Dharanis from various Sutras in Secret Buddhism

Apart from the fundamental Mahavairocana and Vajrasekhara Sutras, Buddhist masters who compiled the Tripitaka (three ‘baskets’ of Sutras on: Doctrine, Law and Essay) have translated other Sutras from Sanskrit to Chinese. The work was the merit of devoted Chinese Emperors who gave orders for the translation, publication and teaching of the Sutras. They are grouped under the secret scriptures section of the Tripitaka or Great Store Sutra and have been transmitted up to today. The formulation of basic secret doctrines […]

Chapter III: I- Guiding Principles and the Basic Doctrine

The teachings of the Secret Dharma were recorded in many different Sutras. All of them composed the Secret Collection that is part of the Great Store Sutra (the Pali Canon), written in Chinese and in other languages. However, the translation from Sanskrit to the Chinese version ordered by the emperor was the most complete and traditional one. Among the many Sutras were three important books that have all the principles of the doctrine and serve as basis for the esoteric […]

Chapter II: IV – Secret Buddhism in South East Asia

Ceylon, Siam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand belong to the Theravada or Southern Buddhism. The Buddhist scriptures recorded that Buddhism from India had already spread to Ceylon during the dynasty of King Ashoka. Ashoka organized a series of missions to the kingdoms of south Ceylon, Syria, Egypt, Macedonia and Burma. The King’s son, prince Mahendra led the mission to Ceylon. He brought three volumes of Sutras to be translated by famous teachers. At that time, Secret Buddhism also spread to […]