Chapter VI: III – Ucchusma On The Supernatural Power That Stops Hundreds Of Transformations

III. Ucchusma On The Supernatural Power That Stops Hundreds Of Transformations.

North India, Samana Ajitasena brought over this Sutra under the Tang dynasty and translated it from Sanskrit to Chinese. Thich Vien Duc translated it into Vietnamese.

At this time Ucchusma submitted his case to the Buddha: World Honored One! If faithful men or women recite my Dharani without results, they don’t need to worship me.
To bring down a mountain that may contain hidden treasure, use a sharp knife and cut in the four directions of this mountain. The basic ritual is to use a clean cloth, burn benzoinum scent in an urn and recite 1008 times, and then scatter 30 liters of white cabbage seeds into the four directions. Do this seven times and the mountain will collapse. If any treasure exists, the Guardian Deity will leave the mountain. One is free to take anything as desired.
To dry out the sea, first recite 1008 times. Using gold or copper to make a Dragon and throw it into the sea. There will be no more water.
To make the water of a spring or river flow upward, mold Benzoinum powder in the form of an elephant regardless of size, and throw it in the water while reciting 108 times. To make the water flow normally again, recite the Dharani while holding a clean stone, then throw it in the water. This will re-establish the flow.
To end thunder, storms and lightning caused by Dragons, make the “Stop Thunder” Mudra (With the middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger of the left hand flexed, the thumb is straight and rest on the first phalanx of the forefinger), recite the Dharani, and wave the Mudra in the direction of the storms. Thunder and lightning will stop.
To subdue demon Gods, pour three liters of water in a copper bowl, scatter clean lime around it, form the Capture And Kill Mudra (2 ring fingers bend in the palm, opposing and touching each other, the forefingers and little fingers spread out like the blossom of a flower, the two thumbs pressing on the middle phalanx of the forefingers) and silently recites the Dharani 108 times. All different kinds of Demons and titans in the world will appear in person. They will renounce their cruelties and will obey your commands.
To prohibit animals from coming to the mountain, first recite the Dharani 100 times, shout three times, then form the Mountain Action Mudra (using the right hand, the ring finger bent in the palm, all other fingers straight out) facing upward recite the Dharani seven times, back up seven steps and apply the Mudra toward the mountain. Birds and all kind of animals will leave that mountain.
With this Mudra, if you recite seven times facing the sky and apply the Mudra toward it twenty-one times, even a dust particle cannot go through.
To mute a person, write the name of this person and hold it in your mouth. The person will not be able to speak. To remove the spell, take it out.
If you recite any other Dharani, you need to build an altar. To recite my Dharani an altar is not needed. You can pare down a piece of wood into a thunderbolt, either big or small, put it into a Buddha’s tower, or a shrine. Offer flowers and incenses by rubbing them into the soil. When you put the thunderbolt on the altar and recite 108 times, it will move or transforms into many strange things. Do not be surprised or frightened. Furthermore, recite the Dharani 108 times, the thunderbolt will move a distance of three meters, then five, six, seven and up to ten meters.
When this happens, if the practitioners kneels down to repent and vow to take refuge in the Buddha, I will come out from the thunderbolt in my real form and will do as the person told me to. I will certify the practitioner an enlightened being, his mind and his body will be liberated. The practitioner must recite 100,000 times before performing the ritual, otherwise there will be no effect. When Ucchusma finished speaking those words, the people praised him, “O great powerful one, what you said about this marvelous and supreme doctrine has liberated living beings.”
Ucchusma then said to the people:” You must know that wherever my mantra circulates, all great Diamond Gods and I will support, protect and help the practitioner achieve the Way.” He further said,” If anyone practices this mantra, I will immediately appear in front of this person and grant his wishes. I also will grant him the supernatural power of transformation and appearance so that there won’t be any obstacles for him, with the condition that the practitioner constantly recites in the name of Sakyamuni Buddha. I will follow wherever he goes to help him achieve all the doctrines.

Then he goes on talking about the Seal as follows:


This seal is carved using an 18 cm square. Recite 1000 times and rub Frankin powder on it. Work the seal in absolute privacy. Affixing this seal to the heart gives intelligence, instant wisdom, and knowledge about one’s destiny. Recite the Dharani with this seal for 100 days help achieve all the great doctrines.

Carve this seal in a 12 cm square and recite 600 times, rub Benzoinum scent on it. Wearing this will make people happy whenever they see the practitioner; it also brings about great freedom and forever eliminates all miseries.

Carve this seal in a 15 cm square. Recites 600 times and rub Eucalyptus incense on it. Applying the seal to the sole of the foot will let one fly.

Carve this seal in an 18 cm square and rub Frankin powder on it. Recite 700 times. Applying the seal to the foot let one walk 3,000,000 miles a day and become invisible. Note: The above seals have the correct Chinese measurement unit. It can be used as a model.


For the constantly sick person, write this charm on the heart (chest area). The person will become well. The effect is as soon as it is ordered

This charm cures heart problems. The great effect comes as soon as it is ordered. Recite the Dharani 7 times before writing this charm

This is for sickness caused by Demons. Use red ink to write the charm and let the patient drink it.

For sickness from having wet dreams caused by Demons, write in red ink on seven large papers and let the patient drink it. The cure is immediate. The effect is extraordinary.

To use this charm, use a 10.7 cm satin cloth, wash this cloth until it turns pure white and put it in the earth-wheel. It will let one live up to 70 years. Or if no one can do this, in the middle of the home garden, dig in the soil 7 meters deep and bury the cloth. This will make one smart and intelligent, and debate with eloquence

These seven charms can cure various sicknesses. Write them down on paper and drink it. This will bring longevity and intelligence. The effect is extraordinary.

The above set of seven is used to wish for precious jewels. Use red ink to write them down and drink it for seven days. Precious jewels will then be brought to you. To wish for money and properties from anyone, write the name of the person, and put it under these charms. It will prompt him to bring his valuables over.

Write the charms with red ink and stick them on the four legs of the bed. Eight of the Diamond Gods will keep guard day and night to protect the person. Therefore the room must be kept neat and clean, without any dirty things. Please be careful about this.

Write these seven charms in red ink on thin paper. One must drink 1,000 crushed pills the size of an orange wedge to live as long as heaven and earth. Absolute secrecy is required when performing this power.

Write the charms on paper burn then mix in water for the sick person to drink. The person will live long and his intelligence will increase. This is extraordinary efficient.

To put out a raging fire, write this charm, throw it into the fire and recite the Dharani 108 times. The fire will be extinguished.

When there is a flood, write this charm and throw it into the water. Water will stop flowing at once and cannot drown people

When there is a great flood in the plains by heavy diluvial rain from the mountain, write this charm, recite 108 times and throw it in the direction of the rain. The effect is immediate

Use red color to write this charm down on paper three times.
Drink the charms mixed in water enable one to make all other charms work for other people. Otherwise there will be no effect.
As Ucchusma spoke this doctrine, the multitude was full of joy. Together with the Dragons and Atulas they obeyed the teachings and respectfully paid homage before departing.

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