Chapter VI: V & VI – The Cundi Dharani spoken by the Mother of Seven Kotis Buddhas

V. The Cundi Dharani spoken by the Mother of Seven Kotis Buddhas
Tang Dynasty, India, Tripitaka master Amoghavajra translated from Sanskrit to Chinese by royal decree. Bhiksu Thich Vien Duc translated from Chinese to Vietnamese.

As I have heard at one time, the Bhagavate was in the Great city at Jetavana forest, in the garden of Anathapinkdik, together with the community of Bhiksus, Bodhisattvas, Devas, heaven dragons and the eight groups of the Pantheon who encircled him on sides. Out of compassion for sentient beings in the future that will have little blessings and full of bad karma, he entered into Cundi Samadhi (profound concentration) and spoke on the Dharani that had been given in the past by Cundidevi Dharani Buddha (the mother of seven Kotis of Buddhas. One koti= 1 million years) in the past. It is: Na Mwo, Sa Dwo Nan, San Myau San Pu Two, Jyu Jr Nan, Da Jr Two, Nan, Je Li Ju Li Jun Ti, Swo Pe He.
By reciting this Dharani 900,000 times at home or in the monastery will have eliminated all the sins from countless past lives such as, the ten cruel acts, the five serious offenses, the four major offenses, and the five sins that result in continuous torment in hell. He will meet the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas wherever he is reborn. He will be rich and may enter monkhood. If this person cultivates at home, and diligently keeping the Bodhisattvas precepts, by reciting this Dharani, he will be reborn in heaven. If born as a human, he will often be the king. He will not fall as prey for wild beasts. He will be surrounded by sages and saints, be loved and supported by divinities. If he conducts business he will not have any difficulties. If he leaves home to cultivate the Bodhisattva’s Way, keeping the precepts and praying three times a day, he will achieve all his wishes and gain full wisdom. He will easily attain the rank of supreme right knowledge in his lifetime.

After completing ten thousands Dharani recitations, in his dream, he will see Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. He will see himself throwing up black matter or black rice (black rice represents bad karma, this means the elimination of sins and the start of having blessings). If his sins are very serious, then after completion of twenty thousands Dharani recitations, he will see paradise, or the temple (meaning one is a saint), or himself going up the mountain or on a tall tree (going up means he is not tied down by karma) or taking a bath in a great pond (elimination of the dusts of sins and purification of the body), or flying high in the sky (absence of karma renders the body weightless.) He can also see himself enjoying pleasures with the heavenly women (mutual enjoyment due to the ability of maintaining the corresponding good root).
He may see someone lecturing the Dharma that benefits him and fills him with joy. He may see his hair being pulled out, or his head being shaved (it is the custom of the infidels countries in the West (Hindu) and it represents the uprooting of worries), or he is eating rice with milk and drinking holy water (symbolic of the achievement of good deeds in the world, and of achieving receiving a Dharma status out of this world). He may see himself crossing a big river, or ocean (end of sorrows). Or he is ascending to a lion seat (achieving the rank of Dharma King), or seeing a Bodhi tree (the form of the Dharma), or getting in a boat (boat of Wisdom to reach the shore of liberation)
From Susiddhikara Sutra: Or to see lions, elephants, buffalos, deer, geese, all are the symbols of achievement. To see a monk means one is getting out of the three realms and the world’s pollution. To see an Upasaka (a lay worshipper) covering his head with white or yellow dress (white is peace, yellow is truth) means one is using the peaceful right doctrine to protect and to assist. Seeing the sun and the moon means the destruction of ignorance, sorrows, and darkness. Seeing young innocent boys and girls means one is not tainted with lust and sorrows. Milky fruits on a tree (white represents good deeds) means achieving good reward from the good deeds as one renounces the world. Fighting with a black man that has blazing fire coming out of his mouth and winning means that ones conquers the ghosts of anger and sorrows. A hippopotamus or wild horse comes charging on the practitioner but runs away because of his shouts means that one conquers the sorrows of stupidity. Eating rice, porridge, fresh or cooked milk means that one gets the highest blessing from his good deeds. Seeing a tomana flower, or kings means that one will gets support from noble men and gains respect from all his actions.
If the practitioner does not have any of the above dreams, it is understood that this person has committed the five sins of Avichi Hell then he has to recite up to 700,000 times. Upon completion he will have the above dreams to know that his sins are eliminated and that he has acquired the virtue of an Immortal (or Seer-Rishi)
Afterward, paint and draw a statue of Cundi Buddha. Then perform offerings three, four or six times a day according to the Dharma teaching of this world. One will achieve successes in this world, as well as attaining the unsurpassed realization. One who practices this Dharani should know that achievements are in the near future. To know if the country will have disasters or not, or if one’s achievement will be coming sooner or later, do the following at the place of worship. Use gomaya (cow’s dung) to build a small altar and make as many offerings as one can afford. Form the Mudra and recite the Dharani. Direct the Mudra toward the ten directions. Put a vase filled with perfumed water on the altar, heartily recite the Dharani until the vase starts to move to indicate success. If the vase does not move, it means failure.
Another magic: Put a new ceramic bowl covered with perfume on the altar. Heartily recite the Dharani. If the bowl moves, it means success. If it does not move, it means failure.
Another magic: To know the future, first build a small altar, get a child with all the marks of blessings to wash himself and put on new clothing. Then recite Cundidevi Dharani on the incense and rub it on the child’s hands. Again, recite the Dharani over a flower and stem seven times and put it in the child’s hand. Tell the child to cover his face and to stand on the small altar. Then recite Dharani one time on another flower stem and use it to hit the back of the child’s hand twenty one times. Now you can ask the child questions about your fortune and get all the answer from him.

Another magic: Put a mirror on the altar. First recite the Dharani over a flower and stem 108 times. Next recite Dharani and hit the mirror with the flower and stem once. Letters will then appear on the mirror in answer to the practitioner’s questions about his future.
Another magic: To know if something is good or bad, successful or not, recite the Dharani 108 times on the Tomana’s perfume. Then rub the back of the right thumb with it while reciting the Dharani continuously. Ask the child to look on the back of the thumb for the image of Buddhas, or Bodhisattvas, or scripts that tell good or bad fortune.
Another magic: If a person has sickness that is caused by demons, recite the Dharani and use the branch of the Casuarina tree, or a handful of the Alang grass to hit his body. He will be healed.
Another magic: If a person gets seriously ill, recite the Dharani 108 times and call the name of the patient. Use fresh cow milk and perform the ritual of Homa. The cure will be immediate.
Another magic: If a baby cries at night, have a female child stand on your right and make her roll a thread and make twenty one knots while you recite the Dharani. Put the knotted thread around the baby’s neck and it will stop crying at night.
Another magic: For sickness caused by demons and spirits. First recite the Dharani 108 times while holding the seeds of white cabbage. Next pick up each seed, recite the Dharani once and throw the seed on the person. Do this twenty one times. Evil spirits will run away. Sickness will end.
Another magic: For sickness caused by demons and spirits, use gomaya to rub on a small altar. Use charcoal and rice husk to draw picture of demons on the ground. Recite the Dharani and use the branch of the Pomegranate tree as a rod. The demons will scream and run away.
Another magic: For sickness caused by demons and spirits. If the patient cannot come over because of the distance, recite the Dharani 108 times on a branch of the willow, or peach tree, or a flower and stem. Give the branch to someone to take it over to the patient and use it to hit and brush on the patient’s body. Demons will run away and the patient healed.
Another magic: If a person is bitten by snake, or detained by Dakini (the female goddess) walk around the patient, reciting the Dharani. The person will be saved.
Another magic: If a person gets boils and swelling or is bitten by poisonous insects, knead sandal wood mixed with soil, recite the Dharani 7 times, and rub this mud on the boil. The patient will be healed.
Another magic: Reciting the Dharani while walking on the street keeps robbers away. It also guards the person from wild beast attacks.
Another magic: If there is argument, lawsuit, or competition, recite this Dharani for quick victory.
Another magic: When crossing deep rivers, or oceans, recite this Dharani to keep afloat, and safe from dragons, ghosts, devils, crocodiles or sharks.
Another magic: If a person is confined or imprisoned, recite this Dharani to get him out quickly.
Another magic: If there are diseases in a country, mix sesame oil, rice flour with butter, molasses, and perform the rituals of Homa. All diseases will end and the country will be safe.
Another magic: If one wishes to be wealthy and to have many precious possessions, use a variety of food and perform the rituals of Homa everyday.
Another magic: For someone to feel happy and respect toward you, recite this Dharani while saying the name of that person.
Another magic: To have clothing, recite the Dharani. Clothing will be provided.
Another magic: To wish for anything, recite the Dharani.
Another magic: If one’s legs, arms, or joints are painful, recite this Dharani on the hands 21 times, and massage the painful areas. All pain will be gone.
Another magic: For malaria and headaches, recite the Dharani on the hands 21 times and massage the painful areas.
Another magic: Make a small platform (small altar). Take a copper bowl filled with ashes of fragrant wood and have a young child put his hands on the bowl while the practitioner recite the Dharani. When the messenger of Buddha possesses the child, the bowl will move. The child will speak and make the Mudra of Samadhi. The practitioner then recites three sets of Dharani and gives the child a soft stone or chalk. The child will draw on the ground and indicate past and future events, good and bad fortune, the location of misplaced scriptures, the meaning of difficult words, and reveal ritual seals and mantras to the practitioner.
Another magic: When confronting with the enemy, write the Dharani on the bark of the flower tree; hang it on a bamboo stick. Ask another person to hold it while the practitioner recites the Dharani. The enemy will be defeated.
Another magic: If a woman does not have a son or daughter, write the Dharani on the bark of flower tree using a yellow mixture (taken from the bile of a cow). Have her wear it and she will soon have a baby boy or girl.
Another magic: To have the respect from the husband, fill a vase with water, put seven kinds of jewels (gold, silver, jade etc.) inside the vase together with various kinds of wonderful medicinal herbs, five grains, and seeds of white cabbage. Tie white silk around the neck of the vase and recite the Dharani 108 times. Tell the woman to make the basic Mudra (Cundi Mudra) and hold it on top of her head. Pour water on her head so that she will be loved and respected. Not only that, the baby in her womb will also be safe.
Another magic: In every ritual, the practitioner makes the Great Mudra, recite the Dharani at the holy shrine (or tower). After completion of sixty thousand times, his wish will be fulfilled. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Vajrapani Bodhisattva, Sala Bodhisattva will grant his wishes. He can be king in the palace of Asura, or a Bodhisattva or he can have the elixir of long live. Or he can be loved and respected as a result of his practice of the doctrine.
Another magic: Recite this Dharani at the Bodhi Dana, (altar of enlightenment) in front of Maha caitya (similar to a stupa). One will see the holy monks and hear them. Moreover, one will achieve monk hood, and be able to walk alongside with the saints as he now has the same rank.
Another magic: At the top of the mountain, recite Dharani one hundred billion times.
Vajrapani Bodhisattva will take the practitioner together with 560 persons to the palace of Asura where the practitioner will live one lifecycle. He will see Maitreya Bodhisattva and hear his lecture on the right doctrine, which enables him to be certified to the position of an unregressing Bodhisattva.
Another magic: On Vipola mountain in the country of Magadha (it is also written: on any high mountain) stand in front of the tower of Sarica or its sculpture and recite the Dharani and offer incenses and flowers according to one’s capacity. One should beg for food to nourish his body. From the 1st through the 15th lunar days, recite the Dharani. When 300,000 recitations were reached, one should not eat one day and one night and should increase one’s offerings. At the end of the night, Vajrapani Bodhisattva will come and take him to the palace and show him the door of Asura’s cave. He will enter the cave where he obtains the holy elixir of Heaven. He will live as long as the sun and the moon.
Another magic: Walk around the precious stupa that came from heaven at San Dao Bao Jie (Three Precious Steps) and beg for food. It is said that the steps are made of gold, silver and lapis lazuli and that Buddha stepped on them as he came down to this world. Recite the Dharani one hundred billions times. Bodhisattva Ajitasena will appear and teach him the wonderful doctrines, and show him the way of superior enlightenment. The goddess mother Avalokistesvara will bring him into her palace and give him a longevity potion, which will rejuvenate him and enable him to become a righteous person, someone worthy of celebration. Furthermore, he will receive hidden treasure; he will become a great man; his work will largely benefit the triple Jewel; all the Bodhisattvas will comfort him and show him the right Dharma to attain full enlightenment.
Another magic: for a person who does not have good root or the seed of awakening, and does not even cultivate the virtue leading to awakening, just one recitation will produce the seed of awakening and will improve with constant recitation.

VI. Sapta-Koti Unique Dharma
In the Tang Dynasty, Subhakarasimha tripitaka master translated from Sanskrit to Chinese, monk Hien Chon translated from Chinese to Vietnamese.

This is the collection of twenty-five sets of Great Destiny Trala Mudra of Cundi special Dharma. Left hand index finger, ring finger and little finger bent toward the palm and left thumb press on the nails of those three fingers. The same with the right hand, so that the two middle fingers are straight and touching each other. Recite the Cundi Dharani 7 times.
Connecting All Frontiers Mudra: Left and right hand opposite each other; the middle finger, the ring finger bent in the palms. The little fingers are straight, the forefingers are straight, touching each other, and both thumbs press on the middle phalanx of the forefingers. Recite the Cundi Dharani 21 times, then 21 times of the Dharani Om Xi Lam.
Self-protection Mudra: Hands are joined, the index fingers are crossed, the thumbs touch the base of the index fingers. The ring fingers, and the little fingers are straight. When confronting with thieves, form this Mudra and raise it to the head, then down both shoulders, chest and up in between the eyebrows. This will keep them from doing harm.
Healing Mudra: The forefingers and middle fingers bent in the palms in criss-cross. The thumbs touch the forefingers. The ring fingers and the little fingers are straight and opposing each other.
Total Gathering Mudra: Cross both little fingers and ring fingers and bend in the palms. The middle fingers are straight and touching each other. The index fingers are slightly bent and away from each other. The thumbs press on the ring fingers.
To invoke deities, form the same Mudra but with the thumbs touching each other to make the hands look like the lotus seat. Recite the Cundi Dharani seven times. Apply the Mudra on the shoulders, the face, in between the eyebrows, on the hair, down to the chest and recite the Cundi Dharani 108 times.
Destroying The Heaven Ghosts Mudra: On each hand, bend the thumb in the palm and press the other four fingers on it. When suspecting the presence of ghosts, ferocious dragons, form this Mudra and recite Cundi Dharani.
Asuras Invitation Mudra: On each hand, the middle finger presses on the thumb. All other fingers are straight like elephant tusks, with the index and little fingers slightly curved. Move the hand back and forth on the altar while reciting Cundi Dharani 7 times. All the Asuras will come over.
The Buddha said: This Dharani and its corresponding Mudra can erase the ten sinful acts, the five sins, all serious crimes, and enable one to realize all the doctrines and earn good merits. There is no difference in the achievement of a monk or a lay worshipper. Even if the layworshipper is not a vegetarian or a celibate, he is not considered impure. He only has to practice my Dharma to achieve good result.

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