Dragon Flower Prophecies

Dragon Flower Prophecies

Những tiên tri liên quan đến hội Long hoa; by NamSơn on Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:20 pm.

Prophecies relating to the Vietnamese “Dragon Flower Festival”

1.Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) prophesied that Maitreya Buddha would emerge in Asia around 1950, heralding the end of the Aryan Kali Yuga, or Dark Age, and the dawn of a new era of enlightenment. “We are at the close of the cycle of five thousand years of the present Aryan Kali Yuga, or Dark Age. This will be succeeded by the age of light . . . A new messenger of the spirit will be sent to the Western nations and bring a new message…

2. Predictions from other prophets regarding Maitreya Buddha salvation:
– When Sakyamuni Buddha first turned the Dharma wheel, he said: The Dharma wheel – the teachings of Truth and the way for liberation- will stop turning 2500 years after its inception. The Buddha of the future will come after Sakyamuni Buddha to continue leading sentient beings, about the year 2000. Maitreya, meaning ‘Friend’, is prophesied to emerge around the year 2000 to guide sentient beings, bringing a transformative perspective on Truth.

3. The French prophet Nostradamus, prophesied:
“The French prophet Nostradamus prophesied:
“Long awaited he will never return
In Europe, he will appear in Asia:
One of the leagues issued from the great Hermes,
And he will grow over all the Kings of the East.” (C10 Q75)

And the following Quatrain that relates to the above:
“ Beneath the holy earth of a soul, the faint voice heard,
Human flame was seen to shine as divine:
It will cause the earth to be stained with the blood
of the monks,
And to destroy the holy temples for the impure ones. ” (C4 Q24)

The prophecy in this verse suggests that a powerful voice will break down established religions by revealing the ultimate truth through enthusiastic and wise followers of a new religion led by the awaited figure. In the original French text, “Et les saints temples pour les impurs destruire,” the word “Saints” is replaced with “Faint,” hinting that when the true master comes, revered religious institutions will be shown as false.

The Great Pyramid of Cheops was built as a prophecy etched in stone. Its architects measured time from 4000 years before Jesus Christ’s birth to 6000 years after. They designed the Hall of the Pharaoh so that each segment represented a year. By measuring the hall’s length, we find the last segment, around 1953 to 2001, marking a crucial period for humanity’s future.

During this time, two possibilities emerge: either a devastating war will wipe out civilization, ending the 6000-year cycle, or human consciousness will undergo a profound shift guided by a new religion.

5. JJddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986), a revered Indian philosopher, was hailed as the incarnation of Maitreya Buddha, successor to Sakyamuni Buddha. However, he rejected this title and disbanded the organization (Order of the Star) formed to support it, breaking ties with the Theosophical Society. It’s worth noting that Krishnamurti endured numerous distressing paranormal encounters before his passing, which may have influenced his decision to renounce the title of Maitreya associated with him in his youth.
In the Preface to Quintessence of Old_Guru Secret Teaching 2nd volume, it is said: “Could that wonderful phenomenon be taken as a sign of Heaven’s Plan to prove the prophecies that have been circulating for half a century – that Vietnam will be a second Holy Land with the opening of the ²Long Hoa Festival?”

Many esoteric sects in Vietnam, such as Cao Dai and various Buddhist sects, have foretold the arrival of the Dragon Flower Great Festival under the guidance of Maitreya Buddha. Particularly, occultists from the “Seven Mountains” area await this event eagerly, having received mystical revelations about Maitreya’s imminent coming.

Despite numerous sects vying for Maitreya’s title for their religious leaders, this is not something subject to human competition. The plan of Heaven unfolds according to divine will, not human ambition. While prophecies have hinted at Heaven’s plan, they remain shrouded in secrecy. As of now, the truth of Maitreya Buddha’s arrival remains uncertain. We can only wait and watch.

Further reading: “Nostradamus” – Nguyen Minh Duy

revised 3/1/24

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