(Thế giới trên bờ vực thảm họa – by Rainbow on Thu Aug 16, 2012 – translated by ngocxuan- edited by Xiaobaiyun.)

In the last two years, almost all countries around the world have suffered from disasters including floods, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes and droughts …

Regarding wild fires, since the start of this year the U.S. has had 40,000 fires (, destroying 6 million acres of forests, which is above the ten year- average by one million acres. By now 60 fires are raging in Western America and in particular the fire affecting Eastern Washington has burnt 26,000 acres in just a few hours. The State of Washington is smoke-filled with the fires spreading rapidly at the northern boudary one minute and then the southern the next, causing the fire department great difficulty being able to respond to the fires fast enough…

In addition, the world economy is in danger of collapse. America’s public debt has risen to more than 15 trillion dollars. The economies of struggling nations in Europe from Greece, Ireland, and Portugal to leading nations such as Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy are in recession. Public debt has multiplied, causing the Euro to be unstable, resulting in public unrest and widespread strikes and protests which in turn have hit the Asian economies including China, India etc…
The Middle East is in a very precarious situation with deadly terrorist bombings happening daily. So far tens of thousands of people have died in the civil conflict in Syria with hundreds of thousands of people displaced.

Territories, human lives and properties of the great powers and other countries are being threatened by increasingly destructive and serious natural disasters as mentioned above, along with the threat of imminent war. Destructive calamities are imminent, but many nations are competing and putting lots of money and much effort into impractical and superfluous things such as space programs, sending space missions to distant planets, spacecraft and rockets to the moon, or developing nuclear submarines etc…

Countries in the world are on the brink of destruction due to wars and natural disasters which are becoming more severe and frequent as we have already seen. If rulers of countries do not make it a priority to save themselves by praying to God for mercy then there can be no cure – their countries will suffer great calamity.

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