Guided by my departed uncle

Guided by my departed uncle

Dear Grand Master and Teacher,
Greetings, Duyen Ngo and fellow Dharma siblings,

I’m sharing my mystical encounter from September 14, 2016.

During dinner at my maternal grandparents’ house, an abrupt chill enveloped me, accompanied by a warning from my unseen spirit guardian: “Prepare for possession.” Shortly after, an overwhelming force seized control of my body. Despite being fully conscious, I found myself unable to command my movements.

My hands moved involuntarily, my head shook uncontrollably, and I felt disoriented, as if veiled by a thin mist. In this state, I cried out for my grandma, grasping her hands tightly for support. Recognizing that I was not myself, my grandparents inquired if this was me, to which I nodded, confirming that my uncle Cuong, their third son who died tragically at a young age, now inhabited my body.

Uncle Cuong, weeping and expressing his love for our parents, engaged in conversation once composed. He revealed having returned from abroad, claiming a high position there and emphasizing the need for permission for ancestors to visit on their death anniversaries. Urging my parents to join us, he tidied the altar, eagerly awaiting their arrival, even reaching out to my brother’s home in his enthusiasm.

When Mom finally arrived, he greeted her warmly, offering her water before continuing to converse with heartfelt sincerity.

She asked if he had received the votive offerings and clothing they burned for him. Initially silent, when pressed by my mom, he dismissed them as useless, mere ash after burning, advising against further efforts.

My mom challenged him to address her worries, which he answered correctly. Notably, he assured her about my practice of Old_Guru Secret Teaching, affirming that I was on the right path and learning directly from the Deities. He sternly rebuked her for doubting me, citing my proof of the Super Realm’s reality and chastising her for accusations of superstition and practicing evil. He urged my grandparents to heed my guidance for spiritual teaching from the Buddha and celestial beings, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

He revealed his role as a representative of our family ancestors, returning to demonstrate the existence of the primordial Buddha and High Deities in Heaven, guiding our family’s spiritual journey. This, he emphasized, was his paramount purpose in being among us, his most precious gift to his beloved family.

He then called my father, urging him to come quickly. During the call, he reproached my father for not believing in the Deities while trusting scriptures as Buddha’s teachings. He acknowledged my father’s astuteness in life matters but criticized his spiritual judgment, contrasting it with my own.

When my father arrived, there was a moment of silence before my uncle fixed his gaze squarely on my dad. In a piercing tone, he disclosed, “Linh, your daughter would have perished if she hadn’t cultivated herself and been saved by the Deities. Must she face death to awaken your understanding? How can you accuse her of superstition?”

He reminded me of a recent dream I had where I encountered someone claiming to see the aura of hope. I asked him, “What do you perceive from my appearance?” His response struck a chord: “Your dedication to the path of Secret Teachings is commendable. You must strive to learn the Dharma and have faith in Grandmaster and Teacher. Without Grandmaster’s precious teachings of Secret Dharma, you would not be alive today.”

Confronted with my uncle’s admonitions, my father countered that he found solace in believing and living by the Buddha’s teachings as recorded in the sutras, dismissing the supernatural and mystical as mere superstition. This incensed my uncle. He slammed the table repeatedly, his voice raised in anger as he declared that those sutras weren’t the Buddha’s teachings, and it was my father who was shackled by ignorance, not me.

As the conversation intensified, I felt my body growing increasingly warm. My father asserted that he would allow me to pursue spiritual cultivation at a Buddhist pagoda. In response, my uncle vehemently shouted, “She will never go there!” He pressed my parents to explore the mystical world to understand that I was on the right path, urging them to cease forbidding or criticizing me and ultimately succeeded in persuading them to comply with his demands.

Despite this, I sensed that they were not yet prepared to undergo the Initiation rites, so I remained silent on the matter. Once the heated debate subsided, my uncle moved to sit beside my grandma, his voice trembling with emotion: “Mom, I love you both deeply. I couldn’t be there to care for you because I passed away early. This is the least I can do for your sake, so I implore you to heed my words. Promise me that you will follow Linh’s guidance. Otherwise, I will persist in this state until you do. Tomorrow, Linh will return, and I will still be here. Mom, Dad, do I have your promise?” Reluctantly, they acquiesced.

The following evening, after dinner at my grandparents’ home, I felt compelled to initiate them into the Old_Guru Secret Teaching practice. However, I received a mental message advising me to wait until 7 p.m. to avoid interruptions. Just before 7 p.m., my uncle-in-law visited, bringing fruits for my grandparents before departing as the clock struck 7.

With the timing right, I proceeded to guide my grandpa through the initiation rite successfully. However, my grandma declined, citing feeling unwell and discomfort with the prayers. Considering returning another time, I hesitated to leave when I received another message: “Don’t go yet; she will agree to receive the initiation shortly.” So, I remained and continued to persuade her, but she remained adamant.

In a surprising turn of events, my uncle returned and pleaded tearfully with my grandma, eventually convincing her to consent to the initiation. During the ceremony, my grandparents experienced the Buddha’s energy, feeling as if they were flying as they stretched out their hands and moved them up and down.

Reflecting on the experience, I realized that receiving the Secret Teaching’s initiation required religious affinity and could not be forced. Everything that unfolded was beyond my control, emphasizing the importance of spiritual readiness and willingness.

Dear Grand Master and Teacher,

I am filled with boundless gratitude to have the opportunity to learn Secret Teachings from you in this lifetime. Since my Initiation, I have been showered with countless blessings, witnessing positive transformations in my mind and all aspects of my life. Each day unfolds with peace and serenity, as I embrace and conquer challenges with newfound understanding. Your guidance to “Be at peace while cultivating” resonates deeply within me.

With deepest reverence, I offer a thousand bows before Grand Master and Teacher, acknowledging the immense wisdom and compassion you impart. I am committed to diligent practice, striving every day to honor the profound teachings bestowed upon me. May Grand Master and Teacher always be blessed with radiant health and well-being.

Yours sincerely,
Uyen Linh

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