Heaven’s Plan (By Mysticism Scholar Duc Quy)

Heaven’s Plan (By Mysticism Scholar Duc Quy)

(Thiên cơ cư sĩ Đức Quý by Lĩnhnam on Oct 15, 2011 11:23 am, translated by Ngocxuan, edited by Dian and Xiao BaiYun.)

The following is the teaching from Esoteric Master Duc Quy on Heaven’s Plan for the future:
For some time, traditional religions from the west and east have been making predictions about the end of the world and of humankind. Christianity in particular has emphasized the Apocalypse for the past 2000 years. The occult and secret sects have been propagating divine revelations about the great destruction of humanity, illustrated by this popular saying: “Seven people out of 10 will die, leaving 3 alive, then out of the 3, 2 more will die, leaving one alive before peace finally comes.”

However, from examining the occurrences of various natural and man-made disasters over the past few years, we have noticed that the physical damages to properties, houses and crops are extensive, while the loss of life (except in Japan and Indonesia) has not been significant in comparison.

Based on this fact, even if there is a 5 to 10-fold increase in the incidences of natural disasters, warfare or economic crises, we can implicitly understand that Heaven’s plan, which is carried out by High Spirits, is not to decimate humanity but merely to punish humans. Therefore there will be no Apocalypse or catastrophic destruction that would kill 7 out 10, leaving 3. It is more accurate to say that 3 will perish, leaving 7 alive. These 3 (or 30%)of the population are the sinners and immoral people. Although there may be some people who may die wrongfully, it is only a small number. In this case, it can be understood as “killing one to warn a hundred.”

There will not be an Apocalypse because the Deities and Spirits do not need to annihilate human populations. Their purpose is solely to turn humans into more moral people by thrusting them into hellish miseries on earth, by taking away their social and worldly possessions, by letting them experience the vagaries of life and the sufferings that accompany them, and by inflicting on them suffering from wars that make them better off dead than alive. By so doing, humans will clearly realize that their present existence is only temporary, and will return to their spiritual life. The Deities thus force humans to adhere to Divine moral ethics and lead them into the era of superior virtue.

Everyone, rich or poor, will one day find themselves waking up empty handed. The possessions they had been clinging to will be taken away from them in a flash, leaving them destitute and homeless. It is for them to understand that their lifestyle of running after money and committing all kinds of crimes to get fame and wealth is after all meaningless, and that they were just sand crabs, building sandcastles in the Eastern Sea.

Future events will show humanity very clearly that fame and fortune are mere drifting duckweed or floating clouds, not to mention that those who offend Heaven will have to suffer more punishments from the Divine. Those who do not wish to receive a whipping from the Deities should try to lead a spiritual and moral life.

And so, humanity should live a good life without fear. Just be aware that in the coming months and years, natural and man-made disasters of all kinds will be much greater, the main purpose of which is only to destroy material goods, so that humans no longer have any reason to spend all their heart and mind energies in pursuing personal greed and desires.

Duc Quy

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