Meeting in the clouds

Meeting in the clouds

Ngày đoàn viên By duynguyen on Nov 30, 2017 at 1:10 am, translated by chunglinho, edited by

Bowing to the Grand Master Trieu Phuoc and Master Trieu Nghiem
Greeting to religious sister Trieu Yen, religious brother Yoga and friends.

I’d like to share a supernatural experience following my initiation of Mrs. Ve, listed as #18 on the initiation roster of the Mind Seal of Old_Guru Secret Teachings. This occurred on the 7th day after her husband’s sudden death in a traffic accident, leaving behind Mrs. Ve, a fragile woman, and their two children. She had been consumed by grief, longing desperately to see her husband one last time. Despite reaching out to numerous spiritual practitioners, including shamans, priests, and spirit mediums, and faithfully following their advice, such as making offerings to deities and performing rituals on behalf of the departed, nothing seemed to ease the emptiness in her heart.

She reached out to inquire about the initiation into the Secret Teachings, hoping to find solace in the supernatural realm. Encouraging her sincerity, I guided her through receiving the Sacred Seal and prayed for the Deities’ support in alleviating her sorrows. Though I harbored a personal belief that her earnestness might sway the Deities to grant her wish, I refrained from voicing it to prevent her from pursuing the Dharma solely for that purpose or from facing potential disappointment.

On the day of her initiation in the name of Quan Yin Bodhisattva, she received a divine sign acknowledging her prayer. She described feeling her body burning like fire, with streams of light flashing through her eyes alternately. She expressed feeling immensely blessed, as although she had recited scriptures before, she had never experienced anything like this. During her prayer with closed eyes, she inadvertently saw the shadow of her late husband standing right at the entrance. However, when she joyfully opened her eyes, the image disappeared. Despite attempting to grasp that image again, she saw nothing this time. She asked me to help her have the vision again but I explained to her that I had no power to bring about such miracles and instead gave her the Five Dharanis, advising her to chant them diligently. After three days of chanting without any apparent change, she was on the brink of losing hope. However, one night, something extraordinary occurred. While reciting the Five Dharanis, her four-year-old daughter exclaimed, “Daddy, Daddy is home!” Startled, she pressed her daughter for more details, and the little one insisted, “Dad is here visiting us, he is standing right there, Mom.” Overwhelmed with emotion, tears streamed down her face as the miracle from the Mind Seal once again touched her heart when she was on the verge of losing faith. Her message to me left me deeply moved, feeling the compassion of the Deities towards her and her children.

Afterward, she stopped asking for any favors from me and instead focused solely on chanting the Five Dharanis day and night. She recited them from dawn to dusk, even while shopping for groceries, cooking, tending to her kids, and tutoring them. Fifteen days later, I received her message, informing me that she had encountered her husband in a dream the previous night.

She described how she had been sleeping and suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. Unable to fall back asleep, she sat up in the lotus position and continued chanting the Five Dharanis until she gradually drifted into a dream. In this dream, she encountered an elderly man and woman carrying a beautiful and animated painting, where chickens walked like ducks on water. Perceiving its peculiarity, she knelt down and pleaded with the elderly couple to allow her to meet her late husband. They looked at her and said:

“We had initially planned to keep your husband away so that you could focus on your spiritual cultivation and forget about him. However, due to your compassionate heart and pitiful state, we have decided to grant you the privilege of seeing him.” They instructed her to hold onto their shoulders, and in the blink of an eye, she found herself being carried up into the sky, flying through clouds until she arrived in a foggy place where she saw her husband lying on a chair. Overcome with tears, she ran to him, and they embraced, spending a long time in joy and happiness at their reunion.

She expressed her determination to live and cultivate enough merits so she could share them with her husband. She had been on the verge of collapsing under the weight of life’s impermanence and change, but faith, motherly love, and a firm resolution to raise her children had helped her regain her strength. Practicing Old_Guru Secret Teachings had timely revived her with the miraculous, reinforcing her trust in the invaluable Sacred Seal.

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