Revelations from more than 11 mystical sects (Thần khải từ hơn 11 tông phái huyền bí) – by Linhnam on August 3, 2015, 07:00, translated by Horangi

During his research into Old_Guru Secret Teaching, Grandmaster engaged in discussions and exchanges with leaders from over 10 occult sects. It was through these interactions that Old Guru came to realize his standing in the celestial realms.

1/ Old Guru initially encountered The Venerable Abbot, the leader of Cambodian Buddhist monasteries, whom he had not previously known. Upon seeing Old Guru for the first time, the Abbot exclaimed, “It’s the son of God!” Meanwhile, Old Guru’s sole purpose for the visit was to seek a divination from the Abbot regarding whether his plans to travel abroad were favorable or not. At that time, Old Guru had not yet begun to practice Mật Tông -Old_Guru Secret Teaching.

2/ Venerable Thich Vien Duc.
Old Guru had several encounters with Venerable Thich Vien Duc, during which he received Buddhist sutras and the secret seal. On one occasion, the Venerable pointed out to Old Guru that the mole on his forehead was the mark from the Buddhas of Ten Directions. Each time Old Guru visited Venerable TVD, he made offerings of gold taels. However, despite receiving the scriptures and the sacred seal, Old Guru did not receive instruction in mysticism from Venerable TVD.
(Further reading: Meet the “Living Buddha” in this world)

3/ Venerable Thich Pho Ung – After visiting Venerable Thich Pho Ung (TPU), Old Guru realized that the Celestial Realm had tasked him with assessing Venerable TPU’s virtue. During the encounter, Venerable TPU failed the Ego test by cursing Old Guru and expressing a desire for Old Guru’s demise when Old Guru did not show him the same reverence as his followers. Consequently, shortly after this incident, Venerable TPU faced sanctions and passed away soon after Old Guru’s visit.
(Further reading: The Ego of high monks*)

4/ Shaman Pham Cong Trieu
Mr. Pham Cong Trieu, 87 years old when Old Guru met him, encountered Old Guru twice. During the first meeting, the Shaman performed a magic needle insertion on Old Guru’s forearm, alarming his companion who chose not to continue with further teachings. On the second visit, Old Guru went alone, and this time Sir PCT transmitted all of his invisible powers to Old Guru in the form of Southern School Yantras and magic formulas.
Old Guru’s journey to meet Sir PCT was arduous, involving crowded buses and long distances on bumpy roads. On the return trip, amidst darkness and heavy rain, surrounded by desolate fields, Old Guru had to seek shelter under a shabby house’s front porch, enduring the cold and wetness until morning to catch the bus. As was customary, Old Guru expressed his gratitude by offering gold.

5/ Mr. Ba Coolwater
Mr. Coolwater earned his moniker from his practice of utilizing water in exorcism rituals. On the particular day when Old Guru was present, Mr. Coolwater was conducting an exorcism. As he received divine energy through his body, his face flushed red, and he exhibited signs of possession. Suddenly, he pointed at Old Guru and shouted, “You! Water buffalo nostrils monk!”

Old Guru interpreted this outburst as the Deities speaking through Mr. Coolwater, reenacting a scene from the “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” where the short-tempered Zhang Fei addressed Kongming Zhuge Liang as a monk with water buffalo nostrils after feeling deceived into battle alone. This served as a hint to Old Guru that he possessed similar talents to Kongming.

6/ Lady Son Ngoc Dieu
A vegetarian mystic, aged over sixty, possesses the unique ability to discern the spiritual essence of individuals. While praying on Old Guru’s behalf at her home altar, she received a revelation that he was the incarnation of Vimalakirti Buddha. (Further reading: (Revelations from God)

7/ Master Minh Dang Quang
During a meeting with a young religious practitioner, revered by his elders as the incarnation of their Master, Master MDQ communicated through him, expressing joy at conversing with “The Living Buddha,” referring to Old Guru. (Further reading: Meet the “Living Buddha” in this world)

8 and 9/
The Eighteen Arhat Sect and Sir Haibadong Sect
In front of Old Guru’s home altar, a practitioner of the Eighteen Arhat Sect underwent astral travel to Heaven, where he received the Magic Sword and Jade Diamond Seal on Old Guru’s behalf. Simultaneously, another practitioner from Sir Haibadong, also praying at the altar, was revealed the names of the sword and seal, along with the magic invocation mantras associated with these two sacred items. (Further reading: JADE DIAMOND SEAL AND LUC YEM ‘S SWORD)

10/Sir. Sau, Head of Eighteen Arhat Sect.
During a visit to Sir Sau, Old Guru stood before his altar and performed salutations Mudra, guided by the force of the Buddha. Unbeknownst to Old Guru, Sir Sau watched him from behind. As Old Guru’s Mudra hand moved behind his back, the Mystic, as if recognizing the Mudra, hastily pleaded, “Could you please give this very poor man some blessings…!” From this interaction, Old Guru understood that it had been revealed to the Mystic that he possessed many blessings.
The salutation ritual concluded, and Sir Sau handed over all the yantras of the Eighteen Arhat to Old Guru.,

11 / The famous Chimdada
The Cambodian monk, head of his monastery in Cambodia. After receiving the Initiation rite from Old Guru, he handed over a thick stack of Yantras obtained from the Cambodian Royal Library (CDD being Prime Minister Hun Sen’s ‘bosom friend’). These Yantras were of regular paper size and fulfilled the needs of people. However, Old Guru later burnt them all.
CDD had a revelation about Old Guru, recognizing him as a man of great virtue. Despite Old Guru’s carefree and unattached lifestyle, people still respected and listened to his words.

12 / Practitioner of the Hong Mao sect
Before going to the US, Old Guru had bestowed the Initiation Rite upon a mystic practitioner of the “Hong Mao” sect, whose name he had forgotten. Later, an acquaintance of Old Guru visited the US and informed him that they had encountered the Hong Mao practitioner. The practitioner had been sharing with others that since receiving the Jade Emperor’s Seal from Old Guru, they had been using it to heal people with various ailments. The practitioner expressed exhaustion from the numerous requests for help but also conveyed immense happiness from their healing endeavors. Many similar revelations followed, but listing them all here is unnecessary.

Old Guru’s Teachings: The Celestial’s law strictly prohibits impersonation of rank and file, self-proclamation of divine status, or self-appointment to divine missions. Any individual engaging in such acts will face capital punishment. This is the essence of “A Koan (riddle) about Divine Mission”

The principle of common sense dictates that one cannot purchase and don the insignia of a General’s armorial, parading in the streets to deceive others, without facing eventual arrest for criminal impersonation. Any act of forgery or fraud, whether it involves the creation or use of fake documents, counterfeit money, or fake gold, will be met with sanctions corresponding to the severity and nature of the offense. Counterfeiting constitutes a criminal offense, punishable by imprisonment and fines.

In addition to the revelations received through mystics and divination, Old Guru has demonstrated his supernatural powers and high ranking in Heaven’s realm through the profound initiation rites experienced by people from all faiths. These rites serve as evidence of the deities’ support for Old Guru. Furthermore, Old Guru’s disciples also receive the support of the deities to perform miraculous initiation rites.

Old Guru’s quest for the Dharma (Tao) serves as an exemplary path for his disciples to follow. With his extraordinary intellect, he has uncovered hidden metaphysical principles, organized Old_Guru Secret Teaching teachings into a systematic framework, and effectively imparted intangible knowledge to the public through long-distance initiation ceremonies—a feat unprecedented in history. Old_Guru Secret Teaching has traditionally remained veiled and accessible only to select monks, relying on faith rather than logic and reason. However, Old Guru’s ability to provide logical explanations and substantiate the esoteric as a reality sets him apart from others in the field.
Not merely a Metaphysical Adept, Old Guru possesses profound knowledge encompassing all aspects of human life and social issues. This breadth of understanding enables him to advocate for a balanced existence on Earth, addressing both physical and material needs while nurturing the soul for the afterlife. His teaching methodology is consistently objective and scientific, devoid of superstition and euphemism.

Regarding revelations and visions, whether from religious leaders or Old_Guru Secret Teaching mystics, Old Guru advises caution and thorough verification of their accuracy. He approaches such revelations with great prudence, preferring substance over empty fame, rather than feeling honored or exalted by them.

It is this disposition and wisdom that has allowed Old Guru to peacefully and effectively propagate Old_Guru Secret Teaching throughout the decades.

(revised 2/23/24)

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