Teachings of Life and Spirituality
By Khaitri, Nov. 5, 2022
(Giáo huấn đời, đạo)
1. People want to have everything, but they don’t know how to cultivate spirituality to attain it. Without cultivation of spirituality, what is gained is just a sandcastle.
2. The Dao is the law of the universe, the path for people to follow in order to have a good life in this world and the next. To learn the Dao, one must have genuine sincerity.
3. Standing above good and evil does not mean not distinguishing between good and evil, but it is necessary to see that good and evil are relative: living naturally is neither too good nor too evil, but in a state of balance.
4. Determining right and wrong can be difficult, but if there is a greater presence of good, it is considered right. A righteous person can weigh and balance ethical considerations and may also use strategic thinking when necessary.
Evil can be defined as actions that disregard reason, prioritize personal gain, exhibit cruelty and irrationality, and exploit power for selfish purposes. In this perspective, what is considered right is solely based on personal benefit, while anything that does not serve their self-interest is deemed wrong. The primary motivation behind their actions is self-serving, and all means are employed to further their own agenda.
5. Religious organizations often teach individuals to serve the organization as its servants and aspire towards an imagined heavenly realm. Surprisingly, many people, including governments, still perceive this as the correct course of action.
6. Gaining a righteous perspective is crucial in discerning the truth. When viewed incorrectly, one can easily be misled by false beliefs, as humans often prioritize their personal desires and mistakenly perceive them as virtuous. For instance, a person’s preference for sweetened water might lead them to believe that it is inherently good to consume it.
7. Molding and shaping someone’s character requires more effort and difficulty compared to allowing them to develop naturally.
8. An individual lacking intelligence, who solely relies on their natural instincts without accepting any form of guidance or modification, can pose a danger to both themselves and others.
9. While gold, gems, and diamonds hold their respective values, stones found freely on the roadside lack such worth. Similarly, the true path in life is often arduous to discover, whereas false paths abound in abundance.
10. Those who embrace violence and brutality are destined to encounter a similar fate. Conversely, those who embody kindness and gentleness can expect a favorable outcome.
11. The embodiment of benevolence is crucial for a fulfilling life. An individual who possesses and upholds virtue consistently will remain resilient in the face of changing circumstances. Conversely, those without virtue may encounter consequences or retribution when they find themselves in vulnerable situations.
12. Will someone who harbors cruelty live a long and prosperous life?
No, that is not the case. Engaging in illicit activities, even with a track record of success, can be undone by a single stroke of misfortune. A cruel individual, surrounded by nine others, needs only to encounter someone more ruthless to meet their demise.
The repercussions of wicked actions are often overlooked by others, while virtuous individuals may face minor setbacks. Though the virtuous may experience disadvantages, they are not subjected to severe consequences like imprisonment or loss of life, as often seen with Mafia bosses and their like
13. The term “Thanh Hiền,” which translates to “Saintly and virtuous,” encompasses wise individuals who embody a gentle nature. They possess the capacity to remain humble in unfavorable circumstances, even enduring humiliation. However, when necessary, they can also assert themselves and defend their rights.
14. There are those who claim to believe in God but act according to their own desires, expecting God to adhere to their wishes instead of submitting to God’s will. Consequently, when they encounter difficulties, their prayers often go unanswered.
15. Praying to God is a practice known to all, including the foolish. Nevertheless, it is an undeniable truth that the majority of prayers remain unanswered.
16. From kings and rulers to the common people, the awareness of God is often disregarded until they confront a crisis and seek assistance. Typically, they profess belief in God and the Buddha, but it tends to be a self-serving belief that serves their own interests and gains.
17. Genuine faith in the Buddha entails adhering to his teachings. By heeding his words, one can find the correct path to follow. The Holy Spirit guides individuals towards accumulating merits, and their actions do not directly benefit or reward God. When people fail to heed the teachings, the Holy Spirit allows fate to be determined by chance, without intervening in human wrongdoings.
18. Overcoming a habit can be exceedingly challenging unless one is open to receiving advice. Often, it requires repetitive reminders and guidance for any possibility of change to take root.
19. Believing in God means aligning one’s life with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In addition to living a normal life, one must seek to understand the desires of the Holy Spirit in order to serve God.
20. Without submitting an application to study, how can one expect to have a teacher to impart knowledge? Learning requires determination, goodwill, a willingness to invest time and effort into studying, and the ability to overcome obstacles without making excuses. It is necessary to prioritize studying by organizing one’s affairs accordingly. One must strive to study the teachings while not neglecting worldly matters. Without diligence and a genuine commitment to making an effort, a teacher will not emerge. The pursuit of learning is integral to serving the Deities.
21. Working excessively while being sick is counterproductive. When faced with a karmic illness, it is essential to focus on self-improvement. Seeking personal healing without addressing one’s karmic actions leads to futility. Moreover, in the pursuit of healing, it is important to consider fairness towards others worldwide who are also experiencing illness. Desiring special blessings requires demonstrating deservingness, as it would be unjust for only a select few to be saved while millions suffer from hunger, thirst, and illness. Salvation cannot be obtained through bribery or begging, but rather through the demonstration of one’s merit.
22. The principle of seeking miracles from Divinities entails making a vow to follow God’s will, awaiting consideration from the Divinities, and accepting their decision without blaming when a miracle is not granted. Sincerity and deservingness are key factors in the granting of miracles.
23. Absorbed in one’s own personal matters, incessantly depending on the Master’s assistance, and continuously begging for divine intervention. Who do you think you are? Personal affairs are meant to be managed independently. If you cannot handle them, refrain from blaming God. Why needlessly complicate matters and evade your own responsibilities?
24. Those driven by grandiose ambitions often sacrifice themselves, pushing their physical and mental limits, only to eventually confront the inevitability of mortality. Regardless of one’s pursuit as a government official, a general, or a tycoon, the universal laws of birth, aging, illness, and death remain unchanged. Reflecting on this truth can serve as a grounding force to temper excessive ambitions.
25. When Divinities accept human beings, it is with the intention of caring for them rather than exploiting them. Those who offer themselves in service to the Divinities receive valuable guidance, teachings to acquire wisdom, and protection. Working for the Divinities yields generous rewards. To illustrate this relationship, imagine a poor and unskilled person seeking employment as a laborer for a billionaire. The billionaire does not rejoice solely because they have to provide for and teach the person how to work. Similarly, when parents give a child a broom to sweep the house, they reward the child for their effort, even if the result is imperfect. If the child willingly learns, even if progress is slow, their efforts are still acknowledged and rewarded by the parents.
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