The initation Rites for a child’s soul

The initation Rites for a child’s soul

Vong Trạng xin điểm đạo by XuanYen on 16 Dec 2009, 11:42; Translated by Iris Phuong, edited by Horangi.

XuanYen pays her respect to Grandmaster Trieu Phuoc, Master Nguyen Mai, and greetings to all religious brothers and sisters.
In April 2008, I underwent initiation by Bhiksu T.A, praying to Kwan Yin Bodhisattva. During the initiation, I experienced a mystical sensation where my hands moved slowly and trembled, as if influenced by an electric current. Since that day, I have diligently practiced the Five Dharanis and received valuable teachings from my invisible guides. I later introduced my younger sister to Bhiksu T.A, who also experienced many blessings upon joining Old_Guru Secret Teachings.

Although I have been granted permission to conduct initiation rites for others, I lack confidence in doing so. Instead, I have chosen to introduce my friends to Bhiksu TrieuAn. The following story recounts the mystical experiences of my mother during her initiation ceremony with Bhiksu T.A.

My mother, aged 49, has always turned to Kwan Yin Bodhisattva in times of distress, of which there have been many. Although I had informed her about the practice of the Dharanis, she remained skeptical and hesitant to believe. I refrained from discussing Secret Teachings with her, fearing that she might be overwhelmed and unable to comprehend its doctrines.

For a while, I prayed fervently to the Deities, seeking their assistance in convincing my mother to embrace the Dharma. My hope was that by practicing Secret Teachings, she could alleviate her sufferings and mitigate her bad karma. Finally, after much persuasion, she agreed to meet Bhiksu TrieuAn for the initiation.

At 8 p.m. on October 10, 2009, my mother was praying to Kwan Yin Bodhisattva when she experienced a sensation of lightness throughout her body, accompanied by the feeling of an electric current coursing through her. She felt a force moving her hands apart, leaving her feeling tired afterward.

Bhiksu TA then posed an unusual question: “How many children have you lost? You have a son, don’t you?”

My mother replied, “I lost a son and a daughter. My son was stillborn when he was almost two months old, but he possessed some mystical power.”

Bhiksu TA inquired further, asking how she knew the gender of the child at such an early stage and to elaborate on his “mystical power.”

My mother explained, “After the loss, I consulted many shamans to offer prayers for his soul. They all confirmed that he was a boy and possessed spiritual cultivation in the other realm, eaSet featured imagerning the title ‘Trang.’ He often revealed himself to me. One vivid memory stands out: after the miscarriage, my husband hastily buried the baby, marking the spot with a brick. When we returned to build a proper tomb, the brick was missing. We prayed to our son, asking him to guide us to his resting place. Following our intuition, we selected a spot, and upon later exhumation, we found the items my husband had buried with the baby, confirming that our son had indeed directed us to his burial site.”
My mother then asked Bhiksu Trieuan, “How did you know that I had lost a son?”

He responded, “While you were praying, I had a vision of a boy wearing a red shirt with three patches of hair on his head. He was bowing down to the Deities, seeking acceptance into the Old_Guru Secret Teaching school. He approached me, tugging on my robe and speaking in baby-talk, saying, ‘Elder sister, elder sister, please help me. I want to follow the Deities on the spiritual path. A few years ago, my dad did not want to cultivate the spiritual path, and I made my presence known by creating havoc in the home. But seeing my mom so miserable saddened me. Now that my mom wants to practice Buddhism, help us practice together.'”

As Bhiksu TrieuAn spoke, both my mother and I felt goosebumps, astonished by the unexpected miraculous revelation, given that he had no prior knowledge of our family history. I confirmed the truth of what she had heard and recounted how my father used to worship Buddha diligently, offering fruits and flowers on the lunar calendar’s first and fifteenth days. However, he later abandoned his practice, turning to drinking with friends, and underwent a drastic change in behavior, becoming rude and short-tempered, causing great sorrow to my mother.

Bhiksu TrieuAn then bestowed the Five Dharanis upon my mother, instructing her to uphold the five Buddhist precepts and to spread Old_Guru Secret Teaching to others to receive blessings and mitigate past karma. He emphasized that we could also pray and dedicate the merits to the souls of our relatives.

I am profoundly grateful to Old-guru, Old-Disciple, and Bhiksu TrieuAn for guiding my family on the spiritual journey and instilling in us a deeper faith in the Deities and Buddhas amidst life’s materialistic distractions.


Updated 4/22/24


What is “Trang” rank? It’s have Chinese equivalent like “Xian” etc. ?

Answer from vutruhuyenbi:
“Trang” is the very first rank for spirits of the dead who has some spiritual cultivation. It is way lower than Xian (Saint).

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