Visions from Wish Fulfilling Yantra #51

Visions from Wish Fulfilling Yantra #51

TCTĐ51: Ngôi nhà tri thức trên thảo nguyên by thachanhtrang on 15 May, 2016 12:55 – translated by Devoted_HM – edited by Horangi

The house of Wisdom in the Meadow

I respectfully bow to Grand Master Trieu Phuoc
I respectfully bow to Master Trieu Nghiem,

I’d like to report the visions I had during my praying for the Wish-Fulfilment yantra no. 51

Prompted by the Divine Force, I approached the altar to pay homage. With reverence, I made numerous salutations, my hands forming the Mudra sign. Suddenly, I was enveloped in a vision of myself soaring into a boundless expanse, feeling weightless and serene. Above stretched the vast, crystalline skies, while below extended an endless meadow reaching to the horizon. I continued to fly, basking in the serenity, until dusk began to descend, casting a golden hue upon the landscape. In the distance, a beam of light pierced through the darkness, illuminating a quaint, ancient-looking house nestled amidst the verdant meadow.

Drawing closer, I realized it wasn’t just any small house—it spanned at least 30 meters in width, hundreds in length, and towered over 10 meters high. Resembling the grandeur of a Greek temple dedicated to Zeus, it boasted two or three stories, a sloping gabled roof, and a spacious courtyard flanked by steps leading to the main hall. Adjacent to the house stood a towering windmill, its sails or rather rotating light beams casting a radiant glow over the structure below. With entrances and windows adorning all four sides, each crafted from shimmering glass, the house exuded an otherworldly allure.
The courtyard dazzled with brilliant light pouring from the house, casting a luminous glow over the expansive area. Adorning the hall’s exterior were opulent outdoor furnishings reminiscent of those found in upscale cafés.

Stepping across the courtyard, I ascended the steps and selected a table in the front row. Seated upon an elegant high-backed chair, I surveyed the surroundings. Before me lay a table draped in pristine white cloth, adorned with a selection of elegant furnishings akin to those found in classical European coffee shops. On the table rested several books, a platter of fresh fruits, a vase brimming with vibrant flowers, a plate of freshly baked biscuits, and a glistening glass of water.

Taking hold of the glass, I inspected it briefly before setting it down and reaching for one of the books. Its soft leather cover bore the title “The Empowerment of Visible Activities” by Scholar Trieu Phuoc, spanning approximately 200 pages. Curiously, I noted that the other books on the table also bore the name of Scholar Trieu Phuoc, each elegantly designed and waiting to be explored.

I eagerly flipped through the pages of the book, absorbing the profound discussion on various principles governing visible activities, each illuminated with simple yet intricate examples. The final chapter delved into the collaboration between the Divinities and practitioners of mysticism. As I read, memories flooded back of a previous dream where I had the privilege of participating in Grandmaster’s New Books Festival.

Overwhelmed by emotion, I sat in silent contemplation, realizing that the mysticism principles discovered by Grandmaster had been disseminated in the invisible realms. Gradually, disciples of mysticism would come to understand these principles, both through study on forums like this one and through real-life experiences.

Taking a sip of water, I gazed up at the windmill, its light sails gently rotating, casting a soft, moon-like glow. Suddenly, fireworks burst into the sky above the windmill, illuminating the night with a dazzling display.

Lost in the moment, I savored the spectacle while enjoying a biscuit and a piece of fruit. Eventually, I returned to reality, prompted to receive the yantra which I cradled between my palms. With reverence, I bowed in gratitude to the four directions.

I extend my deepest appreciation to Grandmaster and Master for bestowing upon me this extraordinary yantra.


Mystical experience from The Wish Fulfilling Sutra # 89

TCTĐ 89: Xuất hồn đến Siberia by Nguyệt Thiện on 04 Oct 2016 – translated by Nguyệt Thiện, edited by Horangi

Bowing before Grandmaster and Master,

Greetings to Dharma brother Oneway and all Dharma brothers,

With the blessings and guidance of Grandmaster and Teacher, and the wise counsel of brother Oneway, I embarked on the journey to receive the Wish Fulfilling Sutra #89. Here, I share my spiritual experiences during the ceremony.

As I prostrated before the Highest Being, the Buddhas of the Ten Directions, and Grandmaster, I invoked the Buddha’s Force to bestow upon me the Wish Fulfilling yantra. In response, my body began to sway gently, akin to the rhythm of horse riding or walking step by step.

In a vision, I found myself walking through a cave towards a beam of light streaming from a large opening in the cave’s ceiling. High above, the Yantra hovered in the sky. As I bowed in prayer to receive it, the Yantra descended upon me. Soon after, a colossal balloon materialized, and I instinctively reached out, finding myself lifted into the air and seated upon it. A voice assured me, “I will give you an interesting tour.”

The balloon guided me through a narrow passage flanked by imposing mountains, filling me with a sense of profound joy, nearly bringing tears to my eyes. We journeyed over desolate landscapes, from the icy expanses of Siberia to the scorching sands of the Sahara, and finally to snow-covered mountain peaks.

As the tour reached its conclusion, I was gently lowered into a tunnel. With each step forward, the voice declared, “Going back home.” Suddenly, my body was seized by intense shaking, as if someone were vigorously shaking my shoulder. Breathless and filled with urgency, I hastened through the tunnel until I reached its end, where I encountered a monk, facing the wall in silent contemplation.

As the monk turned to face me, I recognized her as myself. A profound message echoed in my mind: “Always be yourself.” Overwhelmed with emotion, I offered my heartfelt gratitude to Grandmaster and Teacher. Gradually, the trembling of my body subsided, and prompted by the Force, I performed a final respectful salute.

Thus concludes my spiritual journey.

Disciple: Nguyet Thien

Updated 4/22/24

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