Worldwide Old Guru Secret Teaching

Worldwide Old Guru Secret Teaching

MẬT TÔNG CỦA THIÊN ĐÌNH; by hoatam on Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:02 am.

Tibetan Buddhism has seen a decline since before World War II, and today, it is mostly recognized in name rather than practice. Despite its diminished presence, the promotional efforts of Tibetan Lamas continue unabated, often making grandiose claims disconnected from reality. They assert that their transmission lineage is the most crucial and legitimate, suggesting Tibetan Buddhism’s superiority over the traditions found in Japan, China, India, Thailand, Laos, or Cambodia. They also claim that Lamas are incarnations of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, or even living Buddhas. However, these exaggerated and unclear claims have largely failed to impress an American audience accustomed to scientific reasoning, who have not paid much attention to Tibetan Buddhism.

The transmission of teachings in traditional Old_Guru Secret Teaching, specifically through Initiation, has historically been restricted to a small, select group. This limitation is said to be divinely mandated, preventing monks and lamas from widely disseminating these teachings. Despite this, there have been instances where Lamas have hosted large events, allegedly initiating thousands into the Mysteries. However, these events tend to be ceremonial in nature rather than substantive. Participants might receive symbolic items like a handkerchief, multicolored threads, or water sprinkled on their heads, but they do not experience the profound supernatural phenomena traditionally associated with such Initiation. Essentially, these large-scale initiations do not differ at all from conventional Buddhist practices.

Lamas may identify as practitioners of Old_Guru Secret Teaching, yet this affiliation often exists in name only. Without a true connection to the divine or the mentorship of great beings, they are relegated to the study of traditional sutras. These texts, while revered, are essentially human compositions, lacking in the direct spiritual enlightenment sought by genuine practitioners. The sutras, encompassing works like the Shurangama Sutra, Great Paramita Sutra, Flower Garland Sutra, and texts specific to Old_Guru Secret Teaching such as the Diamond Sutra and The Vairocana Sutra, are viewed critically as containing largely unverified theories. Despite each sutra’s claim to preeminence within the Buddhist canon, a significant majority of their teachings are considered incorrect.

Without studying at least 100 sutras, one lacks the breadth of knowledge needed to discern that their claims of supremacy are often unfounded, stemming from the authors’ egos of those times. Each sutra attempts to negate the others, striving for a sense of uniqueness. They were written by individuals who lacked direct experiences with the supernatural or any connection to heavenly realms, yet they frequently expounded on topics like the supernatural, great spirits, and divinities. These texts tend to complicate religious understanding rather than clarify it, and should not be confused with the essence of religion itself. Given that every sutra proclaims itself as the pinnacle of spiritual teaching—the “King of Sutras” or the ultimate truth—it’s easy for someone who has read only one to believe they have grasped the ultimate TRUTH, leading to fanaticism and rigid beliefs.

Why the name: ‘Worldwide Old_Guru Secret Teaching
The Old Guru played a pivotal role in unifying Old_Guru Secret Teaching globally by integrating the traditions of Southern Old_Guru Secret Teaching (from Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Burma) with those of the North, particularly drawing on teachings from Venerable Thich Vien Duc. However, even Thich Vien Duc transmitted the secret seal in a private manner, limited to a select few individuals. The Old Guru’s authority to spread World Old_Guru Secret Teaching to the wider public was not derived from any traditional earthly lineage of Old_Guru Secret Teaching. Instead, it was granted directly by a divine mandate from Vairocana Buddha, symbolizing a celestial endorsement to make the teachings of Old_Guru Secret Teaching accessible beyond the confines of secretive, lineage-bound transmission.
The Old Guru has successfully facilitated the transmission of the Secret Seal through Initiation, working in harmony with the countless Buddhas from the ten directions. This collaborative effort is essential, as without it, establishing contact with Great Beings would be unattainable. Over the last three decades, over 10,000 individuals have undergone the initiation ritual, gaining firsthand experience of supernatural power. These initiations, the majority of which were conducted by the Old Guru’s disciples, have reached people of diverse faiths and races across the globe, often carried out directly or via phone and the Internet. Interestingly, most recipients of the initiation have only heard of the Old Guru but have never personally met him.

The meaning of the Initiation ceremony or Transferring the Mystical Seal of Heaven’s Secret Teachings
Being initiated into the Mysteries marks a person’s registration with what can be metaphorically described as Heaven’s “Department of Education.” This unique educational journey is facilitated by innumerable Buddhas, serving as divine professors from all ten directions. Unlike conventional education, the curriculum here is the ‘Wordless Sutra’—a profound compilation of mystical experiences and divine revelations not bound by written language. Through initiation, individuals are granted the sacred opportunity to ‘take refuge’ in Heaven. This act symbolizes their official admittance and commitment to a path of spiritual enlightenment, guided by the wisdom of celestial beings.

After the initiation, once an individual receives a supernatural sign signifying their enrollment, they are assigned a Buddha from Heaven. This divine mentor assumes responsibility for guiding the disciple’s material and spiritual journey towards enlightenment. The celestial Buddha’s guidance is dedicated to helping the individual progress on their path until they achieve Buddhahood.

The disciple must diligently learn or cultivate spiritually to become enlightened and not rely on the BThe disciple is required to actively engage in their spiritual education and practice with diligence to attain enlightenment, understanding that they cannot solely depend on the Buddha for their progress. Achieving a high level of spiritual understanding is akin to earning good grades in an academic setting; it is essential for graduation. Without this personal effort and achievement, no Buddha can assist the disciple in reaching the ultimate goal of Buddhahood.

Updated 3/14/24

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