The supernatural events at Long Binh Dien-Mytho

The supernatural events at Long Binh Dien-Mytho

LONG BÌNH ĐIỀN (Thần bí và Đạo – Cư sĩ Triệu Phước) translated by Dian., edited by Xiaobaiyun updated 3/18/24 by Horangi

“My greetings to all,

I would like to excerpt a segment from the series of articles by mysticism scholar Duc Quy, published in the Black and White magazine in 1982.”

The supernatural events in Long Bình Dien – MyTho Province, Vietnam

We reached My Tho by 8:00 am and proceeded to the residence of Dr. Quốc Hùng. Accompanied by him, his brother, and several of our religious brothers, we visited an ancient temple that had been standing for over 100 years. QH emphasized that this temple was one of the great wonders of South Vietnam and a renowned landmark in My Tho province.

In the afternoon, Q.H. arranged for us to visit another religious brother in the area. During our visit, we gathered in a serene space on the first floor where he kept his Buddha altar to address some inquiries about mystical phenomena raised byQH. We will focus on presenting two typical cases.

The first case revolves around Brother Lam, who is Hung’s cousin. Lam received martial arts training from Reverend Thich Tam Giac and achieved a first-degree black belt in Judo. Following the events of April 30, 1975¹, to avoid military service, Lam enrolled in the Academy of Sports and Gymnastics in Saigon. There, he underwent further martial arts training. Due to his exceptional talent and successful completion of the rigorous training regimen, he was selected to represent Vietnam in martial arts tournaments in Russia. During the preliminary rounds, Lam defeated several Austrian fighters and earned a medal for Vietnam. However, he was eventually knocked out by his Japanese opponent in the semi-final round.

Upon his return to Vietnam, Lam encountered injustice at the hands of School Board officials. Despite regulations stating otherwise, they listed him for military service because he didn’t attempt to ingratiate himself with them, preferring a straightforward approach. Displeased with this treatment, Lam left the Sports and Gymnastics Academy and lodged a complaint against the unfair actions taken against him and other instances of wrongdoing by his direct supervisor. Consequently, the School Board officer faced reprimand and transfer. Lam returned to work alongside his father on the road construction team in My Tho province. His father, known for his integrity and competence, retained his position as a respected public works employee.

About five months ago, during a visit to the Long Binh Dien Temple in My Tho province, he was suddenly possessed and completely lost control, performing many involuntary and unusual actions. When he returned to his normal state, he was astonished to find himself sitting on one of the beams supporting the temple’s roof, high above the ground. There was no way for him to have climbed up there without any means of support. He was confused about how to descend safely.

The villagers present during the incident had to procure a long ladder to assist him in descending. They recounted that while he was possessed, he executed remarkably graceful martial arts maneuvers. Through him, the spirit revealed itself as the deity Long Binh Điên, inhabiting Lam’s body. The deity also shared his biography: in his mortal life, he served as a military general under Lord Lê Văn Duyệt (1763-1832). Recognized for his valor and significant contributions to the nation’s defense, he was posthumously honored by the king as a deity, and a temple was erected for people to worship and pay homage to him.

The old temple keeper, who has tended to this temple for a considerable time, witnessed this incident firsthand. He explained that when the deity spoke through Lam using morphemes of Chinese origin (Lam didn’t know any Chinese), the speech flowed fluently, and the recounted stories aligned perfectly with historical records.

Consequently, every time Lam visited the temple thereafter, he would be possessed and perform mysterious acts before the villagers. This caused Lam to grow hesitant about returning to the temple, partly out of fear and partly due to the exhaustion brought on by the possession. When he came to see us, it had been over three months since he last dared to set foot in the temple, and he had not been possessed since. This incident is widely known among the people of Long Binh Dien.

We briefly explained to Lam that he has a connection with this deity, hence he was allowed to borrow Lam’s body to perform some mysterious deeds that ordinary people cannot understand or explain. This awakening aims to alert atheists and villagers in the community, urging them not to become too attached to this transient world and thus avoid creating negative karma for their souls. Lam also played a part in stirring up public discussion about this miraculous event in the village, thus he did earn himself some merits.

We assured Lam that we could invite the deity to inhabit his body for two main reasons: firstly, to strengthen the faith of our mantra practitioners, and secondly, to convey Lam’s inquiries and requests to the deity.
Lam inquired whether, if he still had a spiritual connection with the deity, he could retain his consciousness while being possessed. He expressed willingness to collaborate with the deity in saving people and accruing spiritual merits. Lam also requested that when the deity departed, it would be done smoothly to spare him the pain and embarrassment of falling over. Additionally, he asked if it would be possible for the deity to allow him to practice Old_Guru Secret Teaching.

After that, drawing on our experience, we carefully positioned him to sit cross-legged with his back against the wall, and we had two people sit close by, ready to support him if he were to fall, before formally inviting the deity Long Binh Dien to join us for conversation.

We lit incense at the Buddha altar and performed prayers according to Old_Guru Secret Teaching rituals, seeking divine authorization to invite the deity Long Binh Dien to further enhance spiritual connections for our fellow practitioners (there were over 10 people gathered here).

Lam’s body began to move, his hands swaying gently, and his face flushed. We greeted the deity and requested its presence, asking for its name and identity, and then proceeded to engage in a dialogue, exchanging questions one by one.

First, we asked: “Can the Spirit communicate through this person?” Lam shook his head, indicating that the Spirit was not permitted to speak. We then asked: “Is this the God at Long Binh Dien inside this body?” The response was a negative shake of the head.

Next, we inquired: “Then who is inside Lam’s body? Are you the Deity’s assistant sent by him?” Lam nodded affirmatively.

We continued our questioning: “Why did the main deity not come? Is it because he is occupied with affairs at Heaven’s court?” The answer was indicated as not the reason.

Further inquiry followed: “Is it because He had important matters at his dwelling place, preventing Him from coming here?” Lam nodded in agreement.

We then asked: “Is it possible for Lam to remain conscious while being possessed and not fall over when the Spirit exits?” The Spirit shook its head negatively.

“Lam wishes to seek refuge with the Buddhas of the Five directions belonging to the Vajrayana Realm in Old_Guru Secret Teaching, would you agree to that?” The Spirit approved with a nod.

We repeated this last question three times, receiving a positive response each time.

Finally, we expressed our gratitude to this Assistant for strengthening our faith along our spiritual path. Then, we asked the Spirit to return Lam’s body to normal, if there was nothing more to add. Suddenly, Lam’s body jolted forcefully to the side, banging his head loudly against the wall too quickly for anyone to intervene, despite our preparedness. Lam regained consciousness, unaware of what had transpired, and we recounted all that had occurred to him.

That afternoon, he followed his routine and stayed overnight at Long Binh Dien. The next morning, on his way to work in My Tho, he dropped by our place to share the news. His relatives had informed him that the villagers had gathered at the temple to prepare the altar. That night, prayers would commence at the temple, lasting for two consecutive nights in preparation for the main ceremony, “the festival of Thuong Dien”, which would officially take place in two more days. This is how we learned that temples across the country traditionally celebrate the “Ha Dien” and “Thuong Dien” festivals annually.

side note: The festival is held in honor of the god Long Binh Dien, which explains why he did not come at our invocation and instead sent his Assistant.

¹: date marking the change of regime in Vietnam.
²: Thuong Dien: festival honoring the Gods of the Land, celebrated at the end of the rainy season to pray for peace and prosperity and to give thanks for good harvest.
³: Ha Dien: Ceremony to pay respect to the Gods of the Land celebrated at the beginning of the rainy season to pray for good weather and good harvest.

Article from Scholar Trieu Phuoc in Trang Den Magazine in 1982 (mysterious phenomena at Mytho Province, VN).

After discussing Lam’s case, Dr. QH proceeded to discuss the case of Ms. Hai:

Ms. Hai, approximately 50 years old, had been ailing for over a year from an illness commonly referred to as ‘imaginary’ by the Vietnamese people. Despite seeking treatment from both Western and Oriental medicine practitioners, as well as resorting to spells and charms, her condition persisted. Finally, upon hearing of Dr. QH, she sought his assistance. She described experiencing severe fatigue, insomnia, and briefly mentioned feeling possessed by an unseen entity.

After conducting an examination, Dr. QH suggested a specialized treatment for her condition. He provided her with vitamin pills that he had silently prayed over, reciting mantras while holding them in his hands (unbeknownst to her). The outcome of this treatment was striking; she experienced a full week of restful sleep and felt completely rejuvenated for a few days thereafter. However, her symptoms persisted, defying any permanent solution.
Consequently, Dr. QH referred her to us, as we had greater expertise in treating ailments attributed to otherworldly causes.

We directly inquired with Ms. Hai regarding the mysterious symptoms she had been experiencing. She recounted visiting numerous temples, seeking both treatment and explanations for her condition. She expressed confusion, as various “psychics” and mediums had attributed her affliction to different spirits, leaving her uncertain about the true nature of the entity. Meanwhile, her unusual illness persisted and worsened just before she sought help from Dr. QH.

Ms. Hai elaborated that on some occasions, the spirit compelled her to clap her hands and deliver an unseen forceful blow to the mediums performing exorcism rituals, causing them all to collapse onto the floor. She recounted this incident with a sense of pride.

Based on our mystical insights, we assessed her condition as follows:
She was experiencing delusions of grandeur, harboring an inflated sense of self-importance. Her interest in consulting us seemed driven more by curiosity about our abilities than genuine belief in our capacity to assist her. Her demeanor appeared presumptuous; she took pride in being purportedly possessed by a spirit, whom she mistakenly believed to be of high status based on the hardships he inflicted on the mediums she had consulted.

The root of her illness stems from unseen entities whose aim is to influence her spiritual journey. These spirits induced her illness as a means to compel her to explore various spiritual paths and teachings offered by mystics and religious practitioners. Over time, through her involuntarily journeying to numerous locations, she would gradually assimilate religious teachings.

At times, the spirit may have presented itself as a saint or deity to align with Mrs. Hai’s sense of self-importance and vanity, aiming to prompt a transformation in her religious and moral perspective. Her illness persisted because there was no one to confront her egotistical nature and guide her towards positive change, someone she could trust and heed.

After identifying the cause of her condition, we inquired, “What specific assistance are you seeking from us?” Ms. Hai expressed her desire to uncover the identity of the spirit controlling her body, questioning whether it held a superior or inferior status (again, reflecting her persistent preoccupation with hierarchy). Additionally, she sought our help in removing the entity that had been possessing her. However, this request contradicted her previous actions, as she often boasted about how the spirit helper had enhanced the effectiveness of traditional treatments, such as cupping or bloodletting, for various ailments like colds, flu, vomiting, and diarrhea. In the context of Vietnam’s limited access to medicines and doctors during that time, her actions were viewed as meaningful.

We endeavored to analyze and elucidate for her, aiming to help her recognize her wishful thinking and grasp the laws of Heaven, thereby facilitating her acceptance of the method that could swiftly cure her illness.

Firstly, we addressed whether she perceived any personal growth in morality and spirituality since the Spirit had possessed her and caused her illness. She affirmed straightforwardly that she had indeed progressed significantly in her understanding of religious teachings.

Secondly, we advised her to relinquish her fixation on the hierarchical status of her Helper Spirit. We emphasized that such distinctions were inconsequential. Instead, we encouraged her to focus wholeheartedly on spiritual cultivation, prioritizing acts of kindness and service to others to accrue virtue and merit.

Lastly, we introduced the principles of Mysticism that we had meticulously researched and gleaned from practical experiences with possession cases across Vietnam. We had systematically organized these principles and aimed to assist Dr. QH and our religious brethren in My Tho to comprehend and effectively apply them in the treatment of spiritual illness (exorcism).

We elucidated to Ms. Hai and our religious colleagues that these ‘modern’ spiritual illnesses typically manifest in three distinct categories:

1. Individuals who have accrued significant negative karma by harming or taking the lives of other beings. The restless spirits of their victims may receive instructions to reclaim what is owed to them under the law of karma. These spirits can then possess the bodies of their debtors, causing them various afflictions and illnesses. In cases of murder, the possessing spirit can exert severe influence over its host, driving them to madness and potentially prompting them to commit suicide by placing themselves in perilous situations, as a means of destroying their mortal bodies if repentance is not sought promptly.

For individuals who have accumulated lesser negative karma, such as through bullying, oppression, or other mistreatments, the ghosts may induce illness but are unable to claim their lives. In these instances, the illnesses tend to be less severe. However, even for those who have caused the death of others, Heaven’s law dictates that they will be shielded from harm by the ghosts of their victims if they genuinely repent and engage in acts of virtue. By offering blessings received from spiritual practice to their victims, these individuals facilitate the ghosts’ progression towards spiritual cultivation or reincarnation, thereby hastening their own recovery. Numerous such cases have been documented in Vietnam.

2. Ancestors of the family, spanning up to nine generations, who have dedicated considerable time to spiritual cultivation alongside celestial divinities, are tasked with guiding their descendants towards spirituality. Initially, they manifest mysterious phenomena to instill faith and awareness of the afterlife among their kin. Subsequently, they steer them towards a spiritual and moral lifestyle. Typically, they select a family member to possess until the family comprehends the underlying message, sometimes inducing prolonged illness in their chosen ‘hostage’ until compliance is achieved. This phenomenon is prevalent in modern-day Vietnam as well.

3.For individuals who have established a predestined affinity with divinities (such as genies, gods, and saints who were once mortal) in their past lives by offering homage during their spiritual cultivation, silent guidance from these divinities is ever-present. Eventually, the divinities reveal themselves clearly through mystical phenomena, urging and guiding their proteges toward spiritual development to align with the evolution set forth by Heaven’s plan.

For those less inclined towards spirituality, the divinities primarily aim to prevent further negative karma and encourage virtuous deeds. Conversely, for those with pure hearts fully devoted to the spiritual path, the divinities perform miracles to influence the wider populace. Our pragmatic experiences indicate that this latter scenario signifies a new era wherein Heaven actively participates in reshaping the spirituality of the Vietnamese people.

However, there are individuals naturally inclined towards religious devotion and seek spiritual cultivation independently. These individuals do not require possession or illness to demonstrate the existence of the spiritual realm. Examples include:

1. Practitioners from diverse religious backgrounds and sects, blessed with conducive conditions for proper spiritual cultivation and the dissemination of their faith, often experience revelations and divine gifts from high spirits (such as saints, immortals, and bodhisattvas from Heaven) at a certain stage of their religious journey. These divine interventions empower them to perform miraculous feats. Despite their initial joy at this sudden empowerment, many practitioners also experience confusion and anxiety, as they were not adequately prepared for such manifestations.

Conversely, some individuals become overly elated by their remarkable abilities, erroneously believing they have reached the pinnacle of their spiritual practice and achieved high status within Heaven’s hierarchy. We have witnessed such cases in Vietnam, and in due course, we intend to document each of these instances.

Furthermore, there exist numerous esoteric teachings that have been passed down since time immemorial, including Old_Guru Secret Teaching and other sects collectively referred to as “The Dharma Gates” by Theosophy. Historically, these teachings were shrouded in secrecy, and the selection of disciples for their transmission was highly selective. However, Heaven has now permitted the dissemination of once-secret teachings to a broader audience, serving to unmistakably demonstrate their existence to individuals with faith in the religious path, as well as to those who may not yet believe in life after death but possess a good heart. This widespread propagation allows individuals to immediately experience spiritual phenomena, enabling them to prepare for the spiritual life and, ideally, to become morally upright individuals serving Heaven’s plan.

Upon analyzing the various mystical phenomena occurring in Vietnam, we instructed Lady Hai to sit cross-legged in front of the Buddha’s altar and invited her possessing spirit to manifest and elucidate the situation. As the invoked spirit took control of Ms. Hai’s body, her arms gestured in reverence to the Buddha, her face flushed with the spirit’s presence. We questioned the spirit about its association with Ms. Hai, to which it revealed that there were two spirits involved—one her great aunt and the other her own sister.

We inquired further if Ms. Hai’s possession and illness served to guide her towards the spiritual path, to which the spirit affirmed. We then requested that if Ms. Hai were to strictly adhere to Buddhist precepts, read scriptures, chant the Buddha’s name nightly, and perform good deeds, would the spirits allow her illness to heal completely. The spirits pledged their assurance.

Expressing gratitude for the revelation, we beseeched the spirits to return Ms. Hai to her normal state. Suddenly, the possessing spirits caused her to clap her hands loudly before departing. Ms. Hai regained consciousness, unaware of the events that transpired. Her family recounted the encounter to her, and she pledged to diligently follow our instructions for her recovery.

A month later, Dr. Quoc Hung informed us that Ms. Hai had made a full recovery.

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